Saturday, July 30, 2011
Hi earthlings. I'mma back once again. I've nothing to do now, so I came to post. Hmms, last post I say until going meet Kendrick to do homework. So I went down to do homework. Talk talk with his friends. He keep insult Mingxuan fat sial, not only him, but others, including me. ): And I wanna say, sorry Kendrick. Cause I hit his poor leg until damn red and hot. LOL. Mingxuan only keep at there laugh niah. We then went to find the cat. Sit down talk talk awhile, like bored only, nothing to do. Until 10, Mingxuan went home. Stayed with Kendrick until 10.30 and I went home. In the middle of the night, I woke up. Why? Cause I feel like vomiting. I bth, got up from bed and went to vomit. 2 weeks ago, same day, almost same timing, I also vomited. Vomited one time, and went back to bed trying to go back to sleep. But I think I failed. I got up again, sit at living room. Awhile later I bth I went to vomit again. Mother woke up and saw me vomiting. But the second time I vomit like nothing come out, think cause of not eating for 2 days bah. Drank water and went back to bed. Morning actually don't wanna go school, but I still went. Hmms, nothing much happen. Recess time saw Mr Gage. I say hi, he hi back. He then ask how are you, I say I actually is fine, but see until you I'm not fine liao. x: And I've to face him for two periods later on. Lol. He ask if I've started practicing at home, I said no. And he stare at me big big. After recess geo, hmms, nothing also. After that ss, we had test. I don't know how to do, don't know what to write, anyhow boom in. Whatever rubbish just throw in only. After recess, was walking up the stairs back to class. As you know, my class is at the 5th floor. My friends were busy talking, and I was busy thinking of things. I think until very deep sial. And guess what happened? I went to the 4th floor instead of 5th. My friends were like, "OI WHERE YOU GOING!?" HAHA. We all were like laughing lah. Remind me there's one time, Emily wanted to go back class take things when we already walked to the staircase. Then she went to H4-3 instead of H4-2. Then she, "EH? Lock liao ah?" Me and Liru was like, looking at her, then look at each other and we burst into laughter. Sometimes, even now, I will disiao her whenever we walk pass H4-3. I always say, "Eh eh eh Emily, lock liao ah?" She will like "AISH!" HAHA. Hmms, after school actually have remedial. But I didn't went for it, I went home to rest instead. Rest awhile, prepare and went down to meet Kendrick and his friends. They kick the soccer ball until spoil. LOL. Sat there awhile and went back home to change as I suddenly feel like running. So I went to run, one round, 7 bus stops, alone. My stamina drop a lot sial, need train more. Run, went to do sit up and push up, until my leg cramp, till now. Kendrick say Mingxuan wanted to find me but he don't know where I went. In the end we went to run. Mingxuan ran halfway and he cannot make it already. Kendrick keep insult him, keep say he this kind cannot run one. Bad sial him. I sweat like hell. Went back home change again and went down to talk with them. Ke lian Kendrick, his leg kanna hit by my again. x: Mingxuan say wrong thing he will kanna smack. Lol. Mingxuan keep lie on his lap, jealous. ): Later passerby thinks that they are gay! HAHA Awhile later Mingxuan went home and stayed with Kendrick till 10plus. Home bath and went to sleep. Friday, nothing much also. After school went to eat with friends. Rest awhile, practice oral awhile, 1.45 we went up to wesley hall. 2pm, we went to hall and had our N'level chinese oral. I am the last one! Everyone's gone only left me and the two examiners. And I can tell you that, I totally screwed my oral. My passage, I keep pause pause pause, read wrong words, unknown words. For conversation, I totally don't know what to say. I can't think of anything, my brain couldn't work at all, jitao blank. After oral, took my bag and went home. Home and went to bath, met Kendrick. He say Mingxuan coming down, in the end he also never. Tsk. Until 10plus went home, father home. He ask me where I go, I say I go play basketball. Lol. Today morning woke up. Bath, prepare. Went down to bedok to help my dear mother pay things. Paid, went down to bugis to meet Yufei and Jessie. We went to bugis street to walk. Yufei see until stitch things and she won't hesitate, she just buy it. I was looking around for eeyore, but none. ): We went to buy koi. Bought and went to esplanade to eat Just Acia. I suddenly miss my work. Oh well, we ate and we went to take mrt. They alighted at paya lebar and I went back home to pass my mother her things. Something happen and make me very dulan. Don't wish to mention it here. Stayed at home awhile and went down to Somerset to meet my brother. We went to cineleisure to collect the tickets first. He then bring me go eat my favourite fish, salmon! (L) Ate and we went to arcade to see people play as it's still early. I saw a lot people take a USA wallet. I was looking for it and I couldn't find it! Man, I want that wallet!! ): Time for movie, and we went in. My brother say prepare your IC, that person confirm want see your IC. Oh, need see IC cause it's a NC 16 show called 'Twisted'. It's a funny show, middle part a bit boring. After the show, I cannot stop saying this. Cause it's a Li Guo Huang show, and got a part he say, "LAI LAH, ZUA WO NEH NEH LAH!" Wtf, I cannot stop laughing at this sentence. HAHA. My brother went to his friend's grandfather's funeral. And I went home myself. Met Kendrick, until 11.30 and I came back home. Home and went to bath. Bath and came to post. Okay, shall continue next time, my brother wants his comp back. Nights earthlings. (L) Before that I want to say, I love you boy. Wednesday, July 27, 2011 ![]() Hi earthlings. I've nothing to do now so I came to post. Last post I mentioned that I'll be going school the next day, saturday. So morning woke up, prepare and went to school. I late 5 minutes, and saw Leah and Brenda sitting outside DNT room. So I joined them, so we waited and waited. Soon later Jonell came. It's 8.30 and no one came. In the end we called Mr Faizal, he say is not he come, is another person, what Amir is it. Aiya, I don't know his name. He then say he call the person, in the mean time, he asked us to go staircase there take the don't know what. I know what's that but I don't know how to type it out. Anyway, we went to check every side, all shut. We waited until 9plus Chi Leng came. We still wait, in the end we called Mr Faizal again. And that person finally arrived. He open all staircase and we carried 20 of the thing, I think. We carried it to the softball room. The rest, over 20 of it, up to the hall backstage. First floor bring up to second floor leh, can faint. Ohya, fyi, we are doing CIP. We are given 4 hours to finish it, but we did it in 2 hours. So after we are done, we went home. Home and rest awhile, brother then went to study. So I stayed home, he bought dinner back for me leh, miracle. Love my brother. (L) We ate and watched show, and I forgot what we did. Sunday, mother went to work. So only me, my brother and father go the usual place to eat. Ate and we went to Orchard window shopping as my brother is meeting his friend at 5. And that time was like 3plus. Until 4plus going 5, me and father went to take mrt back. But I didn't went home. I went Aljunied to meet Kendrick, and friends. Around 15 minutes later then they reach, tsk. Jessie was with them at first, but she called me and say she's going to have steamboat so she went off first. Met them and we went to a playground to sit down, slack slack awhile. One of them smokes, damn, he makes me wanna smoke too. But I've to endure, no smoking! -sad- Then they started to play, I don't know what's that, what black and white. My generation only ice and water, catching, pepsi-cola. See them play reminds me of my childhood, kinda miss it. Soon later three of them went off, while me, Kendrick and Hui Kai went to lan. Thanks Kendrick for your treat. (: We played 2 hours. I played audi at first, and they played blackshot. They very joker sial seriously. We then decided to play l4d, but load very long so we didnt play. We played dota, first round play half way dc. -.- So we replayed. They both say I keep ks them sial, especially the Hui Kai. After we play and we went home. Met mother and brother at hawker centre and we ate dinner together. Home, bath and sleep. Monday, went school, hmms, nothing much actually. Ftus we sec 4s had sexuality talk. Separated of cause, boys with boys, girls with girls. Talk until 2.30 and went home. Home and I forgot what I did. Oh, I was using my brother's comp to watch show. And I dozed off, wake up and it's already 7. Mother called and she's coming back home. I went to bath, I bath out my mother came home. Actually want her go buy dinner de. Tsk. In the end mother gave me money and I went down to buy for us and my brother who was coming home soon. I 7.45 go down, I call him to ask what he want, I 8.05 go back he still haven't reach home. He still tell me 7.45 reach home. Bought, ate and mother went to grandma house. Me and brother went into our room and he start to do his project. While I used his ipad. He say me, "Wa, you very enjoy life hor. I not at home you use my comp, I come back use comp, no comp use my ipad." Of cause, in air con room, lying on bed, and uses his ipad. HAHA Until around 10plus I went to sleep. Tuesday, chapel, Annie sings leh! But we couldn't hear a single voice from her, all Faith's voice. Don't like her. ._. After one song Annie pass the mic to Yuhung(?). Hmms, nothing happen also. After school went to bugis with Emily and Liru. This time we went there without husband. It's been a week plus ever since she last came to school. Last week she whole week didn't came to school, until today she also haven't come. She still tells me that she will come this week. -.- Even though she's aiming for ITE, though she's working, though she's heartbroken, she still needs to come school isn't it. She tells Liru tomorrow she will go, but end up morning Liru text her, she say she cannot wake up. Excuse, if you wanted to go school of cause you will wake up. If you don't want, no matter how hard you drags yourself up also no use. Sigh, just hope she's alright and come to school asap. Back to story, we went to ANBC shop as they wanted to buy pen re-filler. Bought and we went to buy koi. I think that person calculate wrongly, but we let it off. They went to take green line and I went to bras basah and take mrt home. Home, awhile later mother came home. She then went down to hawker centre to buy lunch plus dinner for me. We ate, and she went to bath. Bath already, dried her hair and she asked me to help her straighten her hair. So I did. Done with her and I went to bath. Prepare and went downstairs to meet Kendrick and friends. They were playing soccer, well, not really playing soccer, more like anyhow kicking the ball? LOL. They play, I was sitting there doing my pathetic POA homework. Done and watched them anyhow play. And I saw two guys fighting, quarreling. Got one guy shout until he cries, I think. And I heard what he say 1 minute sparring. I don't really care, almost everyone where going there and see them fight. Still say what free show, popcorn, screen. LOL. Tsk, kids nowadays, cannot make it. Even a primary school kid, around primary 2 or 3 already know how to scold vulgar. I keep say is Kendrick teach them one. And he was like keep staring at me and deny say it wasn't him. Pity him, always kanna bully by me, HAHA. His friends went home, and we sat down and have a talk. He told me something that makes me damn freaking angry, sad, guilty. A lot of emotions mixed together. That moment, I feel like punching someone/something. If it's you, I think you will feel the same way too. Talking behind people's back, get a life please. Ain't perfect, then stfu. No life people, karma will get you. (: I felt guilty. Sorry Kendrick, for what I've done to you. And thanks for everything, I appreciate it, really. (: 10plus went home. Home, bath and sleep. Today morning went school. It's pe, and we played hockey. Before playing he expect us to run, so we run. After I ran, I feel like the world is spinning. My leg almost couldn't stand, almost fainted. Didn't care and we started to play. Emily then went to vomit. Followed by Liru and by me. We are so worn out and we all vomited. I bth sial. Recess didn't ate. Bio Mrs Tang was so fierce, well, her temper don't seem to be good these few days. During Mr Chin lesson, my gastric started to pain. When POA lesson Mr Sim asked if I wanted to go down I said no. I hold until 2.45 end school, and I came back home. Well, it still hurts a little right now. /: Home and rest awhile, watched Bleach. Since Naruto I watch finish, now I watch Bleach. This coming friday is chinese oral, N'level. Next week is prelim, tomorrow got ss test, I still have homework undone. Stress stress stress! And last post I also mentioned that I don't know whether I should activate my facebook anot. In the I activate it. Actually is thinking to activate for a day and I deactivate it. But in the end I put relationship with Yufei, then can't deactivate, if not she can't put. Oh well. Shall go bath now and prepare. Maybe meeting Kendrick they all do homework. Ciao earthlings. (: Friday, July 22, 2011 Hi earthlings. I'm back to post again. Well, as you can see, I've changed my blogskin. This blogskin I think I used before. I change cause previous one like sot sot liao. I thought that no one is reading my blog, so whatever blogskin I change also the same. In fact, no one is reading it anyway. Although I wish he reads my blog .. Alrights, back to story. Sunday went to eat with parents as usual. Father went home after that. Me and mother went paya lebar's popular to buy some stuffs. Bought and took mrt back home. Home, use computer awhile, and helped mother to straighten her hair. Like nice only! She's happy, I'm happy too. (: Parents went out to attend a dinner, while I stayed at home. I forgot what time brother came back from malacca. Monday go school, blahblahblah. At school, during GEM time, Yanchuan, Miss Hayati and others surprised us with Michael Jackson dance. HAHA. It was fun though, we all laughed like hell. Especially when Yanchuan talks, HAHAHA. Okay hold on .. Damn, my memory is getting bad, I couldn't remember what I did. ._. I think I stay home, is it? Hmms. Have been watching Naruto Shippuden. It's nice and interesting okay! But sad is I've watched finish, waiting for the next episode to come out. :D Tuesday school, nothing much also. Wednesday pe. As I mentioned, this week is last week of volleyball. We all formed groups and we played. And one thing I'm so angry and sad is, when I was so into volleyball, alarm rang. Guess what? It's fire drill. Me and Liru was like wtf, we play until so shuang sial. Bo bian lor, took our bags and we still slowly walk to the field. Me and Liru sat in front. Well, to be exact, is in the middle. Cause the front has sunlight, all don't want sit, sit behind the sunlight. But the sun keep rise, so we moved back a bit. Awhile later the sun shines on us again. Me, Liru, Brenda and Cordelia jitao give up, sit under the sun sua. While the whole level of students got up and went to the back where there's no sun shining. You can see a big difference, only 4 of us sitting in front. Teachers came to ask why are we sitting there, whether we wanted to move. We all said, no. LOL. Although the sun is so hot, but at least there's wind. (: We sat there for like a period plus, which is like over 35 mins. We sat there so long just to wait for a missing student. Damn that student, make the whole school wait for him/her. When we're dismissed, we went back to class to put our bags. We then took our wallet and went for recess, HAHA. A english lesson gone just like that. Hmms, after that nothing much happen. Brother is having sore eye. He didn't went work on wednesday. But he went to study at night. Thursday late day. And it's racial harmony day is it? Blahblahblah, also nothing much. Brother didn't went to work that day too. He had mc for 4days. Afternoon went back home, and we went to Aljunied market eat. Ate and we went home watch show. 'Death Bell'. It's a korean movie, it's not really horror movie, more like murder kind. Watched finish and he went to play ps3, I sat there and watch him play. Until 7 I went to bath. Bathed and continue watch him play until 8plus, we went to hawker centre to eat. I cannot always go out with him, I'll grow fatter damn fast. ._. We ate vegetarian. HAHA. But it's nice, (: . Ate, home and we watched 'Death Bell 2'. Story line like the same, nothing much interesting. Watched finish and went to sleep. Today, went school. Chemistry test, I screw everything. I brought file home, and I didn't study. (Y) Hopefully I get a pass(?). Recess chiong POA homework. Well, it's just copying theory out three times. Do finish and we went to see H4-1 people play volleyball. Me, Emily and Leah went to extra join in. Me and Leah took one ball and we started to play ourselves. LOL. Play 1-2 mins only and we went up to class. While waiting for the bell to ring and teacher to come, we stand at the corridor and watched them play. They clap we at 5th floor also clap. HAHA. Damn funny, just love being with them. They always makes me laugh, putting my worries, my hurts, him, everything aside for a moment. Bell rang and teacher came, and we went back to class to get ready for lesson. It's POA. We're learning Amalgamation. Hmms, it's a bit easy but when it comes to exam, my mind will be blank. Mr Sim treats me and Liru good, he always will come to me and see if I need help. And I've homework on that too. Shall try to do it tomorrow(?). Maths, english. 12.25 ended school, went to canteen to eat with Liru. We sat there till 1.25 and we went to library to find Mr Chin for remedial as it starts at 1.30. He asked us to look for a book that we're suitable for it and we can finish reading in two weeks. I like books like murderer, investigation. So me and Liru found a book, CSI. We both borrowed the same, CSI, but different story line. Sat in library read a few pages, borrowed and went to class. He gave us comprehension to do. I chiong do the summary. He say 2plus end, in the end 3plus then end. ._. Ended, Liru went to Guides, while I went to Bugis to find my brother. We went to collect his things and went to have lunch. Ate and we took mrt back home. Home we both nap awhile and he got up to go school. He went out and I came to use his computer awhile. I went to bath, and I suddenly thought of blogging. I see my previous blogskin like very irritating, so I decided to change. Tomorrow still need go back school for CIP. Mr Faizal nah, tsk. Brother just called and asked me to go eat dinner with him. And the time now is like 10plus already. ._. Hmms, I don't know whether should I activate back my account. /: I feel like activating it, but another side I don't want to. I've so much questions in my mind, heart. So much worries. So much pains. So much sadness. So much words. But I don't know who can I turn to. Sigh, even now I don't know what I wanted to type. Oh well, shall continue next time. (: Loves. Saturday, July 16, 2011 Hi earthlings. Here I am to post again, it's been a week isn't it. Well, I'm glad that there's someone who still reads my blog. but I bet it'll be for a time being, (: . Anyway, shall continue, last saturday I said my brother wants to go ntuc. So we went, we bought fries and mushroom soup. Home and he continue to play his ps3 while I cook, bad hor him. We watched show, "Heart Strings" , while eating. Hey, it's a nice show. There are two members of CN blue, of cause, like I mention, Minhyuk is inside. He is so damn cute~ :3 Love the way he plays drum, shuai bodohzxc. Hmms, sunday. Went to eat with parents as usual. Ate and went to cut hair. Above photos is after I've cut my hair. No difference hur, still the old ugly me, haha. (: After that went home. brother downloaded 'Left 4 Dead 2'. He ask me to play, so I played one round. There's a witch sitting in the middle of the stage. I need to go behind the stage. I tried to walk to the side as much as possible. but the witch keep stare at me, so I stared back. And I don't know which idiot went to startled the witch and it went wild. And I ran away. My brother then tell me, "The witch stare you you cannot stare back one." I replied, "She stare at me first leh, so I stare back lor!" He stare at me and we both laughed. He uninstall it cause I don't wanna play. My parents then quarrel. My father then shout at me, ask me to go my grandma house, which I don't want to. In the end my brother say he accompany me go. So we went to eat first, and went to my grandma house. We reached and we watched Harry Potter at channel 5. Watched finish, after awhile we went home ourselves first. We walked home instead of bus. He act cute, he say he lazy take bus. LOL. Well, it's monday. Went to school as usual. After school went home and evening me and brother went to run, sit up, push up. It's been quite long ever since I last did sit up. That was like, when I've my Nafa? I guess. Do until my tummy cramp. Tuesday, nothing much happen in school. After school went home is it? I think. Night went to dhoby find my brother. We went to watch 'Transformer'. Well, I'm not keen in that show, he wanted to watched, so I accompany him. Also not I pay anyway, x: . I've a brother that treats me damn good. I'm happy to have a brother like him, hehe. (L) It's a 2hours plus show, hmms, can say it's not bad lah, for me. Wednesday, it's pe day. This week and next week is volleyball. Friday is sports day, our class doesn't have a team to participate. Pe teacher then start to pick people, 4 girls, 4 boys. And he actually picked me. ._. I already planned that I don't wanna attend it. In the end he ask if we willing to go anot, I shook my head, and he ask me go back play volleyball. He then say H4-2 (my class) and H4-3 to combine. He asked us to form groups and play volleyball, 4 boys, 2 girls. Alvin asked me to join his group, Mammit also asked me to join. both of them also asked Liru to join. We both like don't know who to follow. Shi An then asked me join his group. 4 groups, only one group have 4 boys 2 girls. Other three, include mine, only have 1 girl, which means 5 boys and I'm the only girl. ._. Shi An, Alvin, Praveen, Shawn, Kianpoh they like joker only, especially Shi An. LOL. bell rings and we went back to class. Hmms, then same as usual, nothing much. That night, around midnight 1plus, I woke up feeling damn unwell. I lied on my bed until 2plus 3, I get off my bed and went to kitchen. I saw mother sitting there reading newspaper. I sat beside her, and she asked me why I wake up. I told her my tummy feels weird. She gave me eat bao ji wan, and apply medical oil on my tummy. Awhile later I went to the toilet and I vomited. After that my mother accompanied me to my bed and she accompany me till I sleep. It's late day, so I'm supposed to wake at 7pm. Mother woke me up around 6plus going 7, and ask if I'm okay. She say she woke up late, not going work, and she's going to polyclinic. She asked me weather I want go school anot. I told let me think first. Well, one side I feel like going, another side I don't feel like. So I asked Emily and Liru, and they ask me to see doctor. I woke up, wash up and went to polyclinic with my mother. And I had mc for 2 days, which my mother ask the doctor for it. After that we went to bedok cause she wants me to help her do things. We then went to ntuc, buy ingredients to cook dinner. And she bought 2 more pairs of contact lens for me. Love my mother much! (L) We took bus home and she cooks the soup and asked me to look over the fire. And she went out. I forgot what happen then. At night around 6 I start to cook. I cook finish, brother came home. And we started to eat. Above is a sample of it, it doesn't look nice but it taste nice. (: Friday is sports day. And I didn't went for it. Stayed home whole day, at night brother came home and we went Aljunied to eat. Ate and we went home. Continue to watch my naruto. Until don't know what time I went to sleep. brother morning went to Malacca. Whole day only I stayed home. Around 6plus mother came home and bought dinner for me. She still buys popiah, 6 of it. ._.! And she expects me to eat it all! No way man, she's kidding anyway~ She's nagging me now, shall go and eat first. And I'm happy, rather sad because of something. Hehe, that's all. Loves. Saturday, July 9, 2011 Hi earthlings. Hmms, it's been almost a week ever since I last posted isn't it. Shall continue with it. Sunday went to have lunch with parents as usual. After that we went to bugis. Went to walk about, wanted to buy bag but mother say when she have money first. So I went to search for angry bird. And ta-da~ , I found and got one small angry bird pouch. bought and went to buy food for my brother. Wanted to buy koi, but in the end the queue was so long. Father at there tsk already, so didn't manage to buy it. Walked to bras basah mrt and took mrt home. Home-ed and watch ghost must be crazy again. Cause my mother wanted to watch it. Watched finish and I use my brother's ipad. Parents went grandma house awhile later. Went to cook dopoki. The sauce is nice, but the dopoki like a bit weird weird. My brother say throw away, so I threw. He ordered mac instead. Ate and went to bed. Couldn't sleep, but still forced myself to. Monday is 'Youth Day', school holiday. Home and use my brother's computer awhile. bathed and prepare, met Jerrold at paya lebar mrt. We went to downtown. Cause I needed to collect my salary. 239, o.o . Took 220 to pay my phone bill, I still have 240 haven't pay. ): After collecting we went to tm walk around, then fly to bugis just to get koi. LOL. Thanks Jerrold for your koi. (: We then fly down back to tm as I'm meeting my brother there. He siao one, he accompanied me all the way back there and he went home after that. I stood at starhub shop outside and watch Tom&Jerry. HAHA. brother reached and went to gv as he's buying movie ticket for wednesday's. He and other 5 of his working friends are watching 'Transformers' on wednesday. After then we went to a shop as one of his working friend is buying a necklance&earrings. She choose and asked me for opinion. It wasn't match though, and she asked me choose. So I chose another earring, and she said it's nice and she bought it. She then went to find her husband while me and brother went to eat, popeye. Ate and we went to see if there's any ps3 game, after that we went home. And I forgot what happened. Tuesday went school, as usual, nothing much happen. After school, me, husband, Emily and Liru, of cause, four of us again, we went marina. Why? To have our lunch at 'Just Acia'! :D It's my treat though, since it's my first salary. Ate and we went home as husband is working later on. Home, and I forgot what I did. Memory is getting bad nowadays. Those I need to remember, I can't remember them. Those I don't need and don't want to remember, it's always in my head. Damn. Wednesday pe volleyball, like sian only. Nothing much happen in school. Just that I kept see him almost everytime in school. I'm dying to see him, but at the same time, I don't wish to see him too. The more I get to see, the more I'll miss him, just like how I am right now. It hurts to miss him, yet knowing he's not missing me. Geez. After school me, Liru and Emily went to library to find Mr Chin. Cause he wanted to do oral practice with us, he say especially me. Tsk. He keep shoot me sial, then say Liru and Emily good. Rawr. When it comes to conversation, Liru say until she cry. I say "See, you make her cry already lah, who ask you choose this topic." Guess what he say? -looks at me- , "she have to learn." Well, what he say is true but see Liru cry I also want to cry. /: After oral and we went home. Home and watched naruto. I've been watching it these days, last time watch halfway. Thursday late day. First lesson chinese, and teacher didn't come. We are suppose to do compo, but me and Michelle end up talking. I forgot what we were talking, and slowly we linked to primary school. Well, she's a friend that we've been in the same class for 8years. Since primary 1 to sec 2, from then we went to a different class. She's much clever than me. (: And we start to say about 4 colours, each represent a person. I'll not say about it, want to know? Ask me personally. (: We talked for 2 periods and I went back to my class. Until 1pm Emily went off for lunch as 2pm she have her oral. Mine was on the next day, which is Friday. After school we had bio remedial. I like being in the bio group, I don't know why but yea. After remedial went to sing spot near mac to help my brother collect his things. And, pay my phone bill. Thanks Liru for accompanying me. (: We then walked all the way to paya lebar mrt. She took green line, I took yellow line. Home and I continue to watch naruto. Friday went school, blahblahblah. After school had lunch in school, until 2pm, me, Liru and husband went for our oral. It's N'level oral fyi. Haziq, Ryan, Mammit, Weileong, they all joker only. Weileong ask Haziq to bribe them with $2, each $1 as there's two examiners. LOL. Liru was the first one, bet she's nervous. I'm the 8th, the passage was rather easy though. As for picture and conversation, I don't know what to speak. /: I tried to calm myself. As Mr Chin told me, "There's nothing to be nervous or afraid." Just hope I can pass, that's what I'm aiming. Husband is the 9th, waited for her and we went to ntuc. She deposit money, and I went to ntuc to get mushroom soup. Make dinner for brother and myself. We watched show while eating. The show is a korean drama, Cn blue's Yonghwa & my favourite Minhyuk. Gosh, he's cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (L) After eating, clean up and went to bath, continue watch naruto. Went to sleep at around 10plus, I'm super tired. I kept wake up in the middle of the night, I don't know why. I will jump up and check my phone. but everytime I did this, I feel disappointed. Cause I used to do this to check for his message, and there's always his name appear. but for now, his name will never appear again ... Sometimes I just get so riled of waiting for his text and wanted to text him. but I know, he wouldn't care, neither will he reply my text. And that time, I held back everything. As for today, I stayed home the whole day. Used my brother's computer again to watch naruto. Shall watch it later on. I suddenly feel like posting, so I came to post. but I bet no one is reading all these, only myself hur. Lol .. I'll be always waiting, waiting for that day, that day I got to receive his text again .. Anyway, brother say he wanted to go ntuc, shall post again! And, I deactivate my facebook, and I'm using twitter now. If you have, follow me, @'Veramissyou'. Loves. Saturday, July 2, 2011 ![]() Hi earthlings. Okay, I'm kinda bored at home so I decided to post. Firstly, I got my angry bird iphone cover already! (L)Brother bought blue and black instead of red and blue. He ask me change with him. Means I take black, he take blue. Actually I don't want, but I think that he's phone already black. If he take black cover, like very plain. So I change with him, he took the blue one while I took the black one. It's nice, picture will be posted next time. (: Wednesday, pe. We played volley ball, hand all red. x.x Then, got bio, blahblahblah, 2.45 then ended school. Went home, husband came my house I think. She wanted to use my computer. And, for those who still reads my blog, which I don't think anyone will be reading. I've deactivated my facebook. So don't be surprise if you couldn't get to my profile, and I not I remove you. I don't remove people without any reason, like someone. (: Leena husband wanted to deactivate her account too, but facebook don't know why keep never deactivate. We tried a lot of times, but still failed. So she gave up. Awhile later she went home, cause she's working later on. So, I went to use my brother's comp to watch show. Until at night brother came home, blahblahblah, I forgot. Thursday late day. I went out of house, it's drizzling. I reached aljunied, raining cats and dogs. ._. My shoe was like, drenched. Thursdays is combine humans day. After recess, two periods geo, two periods ss. Can go bang wall, don't like ss! After school went home, bath etc. Went to bugis to meet brother. He went to hello singtel to ask some things. And he say go somerset. So we took mrt down to somerset. He wanted to buy ipad. He bluff me say he wanted to buy galaxy tab. Tsk. From somerset, we went to orchard, ion, epicentre. He wanted to buy ipad white, 32gb. But all sold out, only left 16gb. He asked me where still have epicentre, I told him suntec. So we took mrt to somerset, he went up to epicentre to ask while I wait him at mrt. Awhile later he came down and we went to suntec. Went epicentre and still, no more 32gb. Only left 16gb, and it's the last one. So he bought it, he don't want wait and find already. He bought, and screen protector. One of my ex works there last time, heng he quit already. (: We then walked back to bugis to apply for multi don't know what, I forgot. Applied and we went to foodcourt eat. Actually wanted to eat sakae sushi, but after we fly to so many places, it's aready 9pm. He say saturday then treat me eat as I accompany him buy ipad. My brother it's good right, of cause. Love him many! (L) He still bought a small angry bird for me, and I hang it on my phone. Woots (L)! Remember I last post said there's a American guy live in my house? Yea, he gave me one angry bird. He said he made it himself, with his own hands. Hmms, shall hang it on my angry bird pouch when it comes. (: Angry bird lover now :B . After that we went back home. Home and used his ipad for awhile, and went to sleep. Friday, first period chemistry. Say until chemistry, I haven't done my homework. Even my other homeworks. x.x Then recess, 8.55 recess leh! It's like super damn early sial, first time. Then poa. Stupid Mr Sim, ask me and Liru change to his class. I don't want lah sial! Make me and Liru's mood bad. ._. Leena also joined, only Emily and Brenda still at Mr Lim's class. Sian half only. /: And he just throw 6 homeworks to the three of us while others only 1 or 2. Wtf is this, bloody hell. English learn oral, 8July is my N'level oral. Bloody hell, it's like next friday, nervous! After school Liru went home. Me and Emily accompanied Leena to tpy. She wanted to get her lens and bank money. So we took bus down. This whole week almost everyday also saw him. Everyday waiting and waiting, waiting for a day when he could message or even call me. At least I got to see him in school, for that few seconds.. /: Reached tpy and we went to get her lens, and went to eat mac. They seriously never fail to make me laugh. LOL. After we ate and we went to get koi, (L). Emily took 26 home, me and husband took 155. Home and went to use my brother's comp awhile. Recently I keep watch "Ghost must be crazy." Front part is always the most funniest part. "If you cook in the jungle, the enermy air craft fly above, sees the fire, they will bombard the whole place. You die, I die, everbody die." Watch halfway and I went to read my previous post. I don't know, my tears just flows down. No one at home, so I cried out loud, none hears me, especially him. /: Wanted to text him, but I know he wouldn't care nor reply, so I held back. I tried to sleep, but I failed. So I woke up, bath, etc. Whole day alone at home, until 10plus went to bed. Today morning woke up and saw brother playing ps3. Borrowed his ipad to use. Well, to me it's nothing special about it. Just a bigger version of iphone. But it's cool if you take it out to use it. He then asked me what time I want go eat sakae sushi. Cause he promised me that he will bring me go eat. So I went to bath, prepare everything already and we went to esplanade. We went to sushi express to try out. That shop sells sushi only, those love to eat sushi, that place will suit you. (: Well, to me, I don't really like. So we went to shop around and we went to sakae sushi to eat, again. LOL. I'm gonna grow fatter. (Y) Ate finish and we went to a korea shop. Why? Cause I wanted to buy dopoki~ Fyi, dopoki is called rice cake. When it's new year, Korean people will eat rice cake. I've seen Liru cooked before, so I am trying myself, monday then I cook. ^^ Bought and we went home. Home and brother play ps3, and I used his ipad to take photo. HAHA. Well, I am using my brother's comp to post now, I'll upload photos when I use my own comp. Which, I don't feel like using, I don't know why. He went out just now. Only left me alone at home! But my elder brother is back awhile later. o.o He's playing ps3 now. And for those who likes to listen to korea songs like me, here are some songs. T-ara - Roly Poly. 2pm - Hands up. F(x) - Hot summer. / Pinocchio. Secret - Starlight moonlight. It's all in my music list anyway. LOL. Yea, like I said, I'm still waiting. Waiting for his text/call. If so, I'll be damn happy, but in fact, I know he won't .. I know I must let go and move on, but I don't want to .. I wish you were here .. Shall post until here bah, will post again. Loves. Okay, blogger don't allow me to let all words stick together again. -.- |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |