Monday, February 28, 2011
![]() Hi earthlings. Since like I almost a week didn't post isn't it. I don't have the mood to do so, sorry about that. but, I don't feel any good now either. Anyway, last wednesday pe we had netball. The game starts on the 8 and 9 March which lies on a tuesday and wednesday. 4-6.30 leh, walao, I want faint. Two teams, sad for me and Liru, we have to play in two teams! ._. Ke lian much only. Thursday, I forgotten liao. Friday? Hmms, where did I went. Oh, after school I went back home with husband. Home, rest, stone. Skipped my CCA, was totally damn moodless. Went to amk meet Hilda, her boyf and boyf. We went to buy koi, couldn't drink due to some reason. After that we went to shop around, artbox, game shop, etc. My ke lian de ____ cramp like hell only, so went to grandma house. Rest awhile and went to bath and went to tk. After tk went home. Saturday, morning woke up use com awhile and went to prepare. Done and took bus down to meet baby and darling. Accompany them eat and went to buy ice cream. After that we went to NTUC walk about, then went to shop and save. We keep stuck at the ice cream corner and look at ice cream. We a bit weird I know, but we've nothing to do! Finish watching and we went to playground to sit sit talk talk listen song. There was a dog, which is so cute and it likes people to sayang him? Or her I don't know. It's up there! :D Sorry guys, I wasn't in the mood so you will think that I'm not myself. Around 4 we all went back home. Home, use com awhile, watch 127 Hours with brother awhile, went to take mrt down to ps. Went there to meet Hilda, her boyf and boyf. Waited at cathay as boyf ask me to do so. He came and brought me to the lan shop they were playing. They play dota, I was standing aside watching other people play CS. Stand there for almost an hour. After that we awlk to mrt cause of some reason. Sorry I can't mention it out here, don't bother asking me too. We quarrelled. Wanted to take mrt back home, but Hilda ask me to go, ohwell. blahblahblah, after the 'some reason', me and boyf took cab home as we were running late. Home and everything seems to be fine. Sunday morning woke up, use com, watch tv and went to prepare. As usual, me and family went to the place we always eat. After eating we took mrt and bus down to balestia (whatever it's spelled), to have a hair cut. I from last year de don't know when, before November holiday never cut until then leh. Went to cut and it looks a bit weird, or maybe, no difference. Done cutting, went to take cab down to ps. Again, to meet Hilda, her boyf, Audrey and Roy. Fyi, Roy is Hilda's boyf's friend. Yea it's complicated I know. Met them at arcade near cube. boyf awhile later came. Audrey went home first. The rest of us went to the same lan and play L4D 2. At first is fun, but play long liao a bit boring. We then went to play dota awhile, until I very pekchek and I left the game. Lol. Switch off com and went downstair's mac eat, excluding me. blahblahblah, went back home after that. It was fun but, sigh. Home bath and wanted to go sleep, but I keep flip here and there, I just couldn't do so. Until 12plus and I dozed off. Today morning I 5plus wake up, just to draw the design for out class tee. Suppose to do it on weekends but I didn't manage to do it. Went school, rush everything, didn't really listen in class much. And I haven't even finish the actual design for class tee yet. Shall do it tomorrow, since.. Forget it. After school actually wanted to go out eat dinner with Hilda, but she's sick. Hope she gets well soon! ^^ In other words, I'm going out with other people instead. Lol. Emily suddenly ask whether me and husband want go bugis anot. We anything so me, husband, Emily and Liru went down taking the mrt. Reached there and we went to eat mac. LOL. I still remember when we four first went out together. Had lots of laughter with them! We were like crazy, crapping and crapping. After eating we went to junction as Emily and Liru wanted to buy pen. buy finish, we went to take new print as we walk pass. Fun fun! First time we four took new print together. ^^ After taking we went to iluma, do what? Yes, koi koi koi. :D Me, Liru and husband all drink milk tea, only Emily's one got add ice cream. bought for boyf too. I forgotten about my brother, oops. x: Done buying and we went to comics collection/connection, I forgotten. I saw a SHINee ring! NICE NICE NICE! Husband owe me one present, and she bought for me!!!! Mygod, happy die lah sial!! Thanks husband, lovedieyou!! :D Hers is coming real soon, it's on the 2 March. Hmms, shall ask her what she wants. (: SHINee leh!! My husband~ KimJongHyun. (L)! We then went to take bus home. Sad Emily wasn't taking bus at the same bus stop as us. but she reached home first leh, tsk. Liru alighted first, me and husband went home together. Home, bath and prepare. Went down to meet boyf. Walk halfway to mrt and I forgotten about his koi, it's in my fridge. Went back home to take it and down to khatib. Accompany him to eat while I was trying to do the design. Didn't do much sial. ._. He accompany me home after that. Well, as I mention just now, yea, I'm not feeling so good. I don't know what am I feeling right now, but I just hate that feeling. There's so much I want to say, yet I don't know how to express it out. I really want to throw all the words, the feelings from my heart, yet I don't know who can I turn to.. Sad. Angry. Riled. Disappointed. All different kinds of feeling just mixed together. Holding back my tears, thinking why, why, and why. Shall not go on any further. Nights guys.. Tuesday, February 22, 2011 ![]() Well, yesterday went school. Nothing much anyway. After school went back home with husband. Home rest awhile and went to bath and prepare. Took bus down to Aljunied mrt to buy liang cha for boyf and his mother. Then took mrt down to khatib. Reached and walk to boyf's house. Went up and study awhile. His body is very hot, 38.2/4 degree leh. ._. Worry for him. Until around 6.30 and I went back home. Home and watch tv. The show is damn funny can. Laughdieme. 'Never' become 'neighbour'. LOL. After the show, I went to use com and msn with boyf awhile. Switched off and went to sleep. Today morning I'm super tired but no choice, have to drag myself up from bed. So yea, I did. Went to school and I'm so so so tired. First period english. Do letter writing. Liru they all write very fast sial. 50mins, they use less than that time to complete. The bell rang I still writing leh, but heng I wrote finish on time and pass up. After that chinese, recess. After recess is SS. The teacher damn semo sial. He never inform us and he ask us to do sbq test. Wth. ._. Write write write, don't know what I writing. The bell rang I still writing, couldn't write finish. After SS is geography, and we have test. Write write write again. As usual, I don't know what I writing, anyhow boom. After that is math. Toa Cah Soh, I already forgotten all that liao leh. x.x After school they all have test/re-test. I don't want do re-test, but have to wait for husband. Mrs Goh ask me do as worksheet. LOL. I don't know how to do, anyhow write answer. Done and went back home with husband. Reached home, change clothes and went down to met boyf and Hilda. Well, there's things between us. It's something that we can't say, so don't bother asking us. After we talk, Hilda went to Somerset for her meeting. I pei boyf awhile and pei him go home. Went back home alone and here I am. My purpose of blogging is not I feel like. I just want to type out something for my boyf. Here goes. Dear boyf. Things that happen is really unexpected. Sorry for causing you. I'm sorry for ruining your life. Despite that, I know you're very scare and lost right now. As I said to you millions of times. I won't leave you. I won't let you walk alone. I won't throw you aside. I will hold your hand and walk with you. I will always stand by your side. I will face all disaster with you. Even though I know one day, we will forget things, even forgetting you and me. Always know that, I'm happy to be your girlf, and I love you. Seeing you suffer like this really makes me worry. Just like how you are today. You seriously scare the hell out of me. I don't want anything happen to you. Get well. Stay strong. Get out of the darkness. I will be the source of light to you. I will always shine to you. No matter how deep you fall, I'll always be here to pull you up. I know you will overcome all fear soon. Just simply know I will be on your side. I always lend you a shoulder to cry on and listening ear. Never do silly things alright!! NO WAY! We can live happily without anything. (You know what I mean.) Future things, we will talk about it later. As for now, cherish all time we have together. For me, I will. Even though things are going a little much too wrong. I don't know how to help you, nor myself. but I only know that I'll face everything with you. Don't cry nor sad anymore alrights. be yourself again. That is what I really want to see most now. This sad sad Sean is not whom I used to know. I know you need time. Yeps, I'll wait and walk with you. Don't worry. Just wish that, the real happy SeanLeeTeckHao, my dear boyf would be back to normal. Fighting! And, saranghae oppa. ^^ (L). Hmms, kinda short hur. Well, I've a lot to say in my heart. Which, I don't know how to express it out in action nor words. Don't know what else can I do now. /: Shall end here. Loves. Sunday, February 20, 2011 Hello earthlings. (: It's like almost a week since I last post. Wanted to post but a bit lazy. Tuesday after school jiu meet boyf I think. After that at night go tk. Totally no people go de sial. Yvonne one girl at there only. LOL. After tk jiu go home bath, then sleep. Wednesday, pe 2.4. Miracle sial, I ran 14.00min! First time!! After 2.4 jiu play netball. Teacher assign two "manager", one group 3boys 4girls, 1 reserve. For? For tournament. My class have 10 girls, which means almost all girls have to play, including me. ._. Don't really like playing netball, I prefer captain ball lor. Oh well no choice, who ask Liru is the "manager". Me and boyf quarrel I think. Forgot already. Thursday went school, hmms, also nothing. After school got bio remedial. Had test instead. I remember and I went to write wrong answer. Rawr. Hope can pass jiu hao. Skip chemistry. Went where? I went home. And what did I do? Ah, forgotten again, I think is meet boyf. I keep forget things sial, stm. x.x Friday went school. Finally my dear husband came. She 3 days never go school liao lor. If friday she didn't go then I must do flag day myself. ): Last lesson is english. 1 and half period teacher don't know fly where. And Shi An act like he's the teacher. LOL. Super funny. After school me and husband went mac, then walk about. Wanted to desposit money but the machine spoil. Went back to school. Sit around and husband went to play netball with Jac and bryan. They just throw the ball in the net only. Me? Sit at the flag pole stage and see them play. It's time and we went to general office to gather. Stupid Mr.Faizal don't know go where and ask me to take attendance. Took and he came back and we all gather and he brought us to mrt. Went to register and took the cans and stickers. Me and husband went down to lavender and "collect" money. I don't know how to ask, like shy only. Got two aunties giving flyers very kind, they saw us they donate to us already. Walk around and around, up and down. We only "collect" for an hour, 3.05 like that reach lavender, 4 leave to go tm return cans. After returning we went back aljunied to "tap" out. Cause we do flag day take mrt is foc. Went to top up and buy bartley for boyf as he's sick. Took mrt down to macpherson. boyf forgotten that I got flag day and he went to macpherson. Met boyf and he came my house lie down awhile. While I went to bath and prepare. Done and we went to walk. He then took taxi home, I went home. He's mother called to ask me if he went home already a not. Grr, don't like. ._. Home and went to use com, watch tv, etc etc. Until 10plus I very tired and I went to sleep. Saturday don't know what time then I wake up. Keep dozed off. brother keep wake me up. He keep ask me go out yet we don't know where to go. Until 5plus like that I went to bath. And he dozed off instead. Done and woke him up. It's already like 6. So we went to take mrt down to amk. Go there eat sushi! Cause I keep tell him I want eat sushi when we were at home. x: Eat finish and we went to buy koi. Say until koi, I feel like drinking now lah. ): After buying and we took mrt back home. Home and rest awhile. Until 11 plus I jiu went to sleep already. This few days keep want sleep. ._. Wonder if one day I sleep jiu won't wake up already, hmms. Today 11plus wake up. I nothing to do and went to play viwawa. Play until sian and came to post. Whole day at home, super bored!! My boyf? He's sick. No mood to do anything also. Oh well, shall end here. Loves. Edit. Hi earthlings. I came back to post again. LOL. brother say he want buy koi out of a sudden. Went to bath and tied hair. Went out and took mrt down to bugis. Reach there, went iluma and buy koi. We very bo liao I know, just go bugis buy koi niah. but I'm happy, cause got koi drink! :D :D :D :D Went to take mrt back home. On the way saw a lot of NS people going book in. brother very bad, keep say, "Aiyo, they going book in ah? I ORD liao." Home and we watch tv awhile. Mr bean holidays, hmms, still remember who I went to watch with. Oh well. Let bygones be bygones, shall not look back. (: I've nothing to do now! Like so bored only. Tomorrow got school, like double bored only. Ulcer and my leg is killing me. ._. Now? My shoulder is pain. Couldn't twist my head to the right so much, don't know what happen. Argh. x.x Moodless moodless moodless moodless moodless! What is wrong with me man. Hate it. Hate myself. Grr. End here, loves. Monday, February 14, 2011 Hi earthlings. (:
I'm back to post again~ First of all, happy valentine's day to all! Especially to my dear boyf! <3 Saturday whole morning was at home. Morning was doing some things, boyf at cc studying. Afternoon went bath, came out, dry hair. Was looking at watches which boyf was considering to buy it. but I look through and I actually dozed off. LOL. Suddenly jumped up, went to straighten hair. boyf came down to find me. Went where? I kinda forgot liao leh. I think we walked to mrt to buy liang cha. After that I think we walked back to machperson. Saw Angie, she ahhem ahhem ahhem when she walk pass us. LOL. Home and boyf went home. Went to browse through watches and see which one is nice. See here and there and we bought two odm digital watch. Why two? Obviously is one his one mine. I long time want that watch liao, but if buy real one is like $100++ leh. ._. Well, bought and currently waiting it to arrive. And guess what, I 4am then sleep. ._. No choice, need do some things. Slept until around 8plus and I woke up. Didn't want to let boyf know so I didn't went back to sleep. Stay awake until around 12plus and I dozed off until 1plus 2 brother woke me up. Just to ask me whether the food is his anot. Kao. but another reason is cause very hot, I bth. x.x brother suggest to go out. Went to search if there's any movie to watch. Hmms, I wanted to watch "Homecoming", "Mr&Mrs Incredible" and "The rite". but he say he want to watch "Just go with it". I don't really watch this kind of movie but since he want then watch lor. book ticket and went to prepare. Done and head down to Nex. Went in and watch, well, it's not too bad actually, it's nice. (: After watching we went to walk around awhile and went home. Home and rest awhile, msn with boyf. Until awhile later I off my com and I dozed off. Lol. Today went school. It's valentine's. Liru and Cordelia gave me present. Thanks friend, love! Feel rather happy cause I didn't expect they will give me anything. >< Liru made dark chocolate herself, hey, it's nice, (: . Kinda boring lesson today. After school went back home, prepare. Done and went to meet boyf. At downstairs seated and wait for him to "prepare"(?). He ask me walk to that direction and he "pop" out and gave me a necklace with two hearts shapes. And candles on the floor that wrote "I ♥ U". He didn't manage to light it all cause it's too windy. We both light it up together and ta-da~ The picture is up there, nice right! Mygod, like sweet only lah :D! Thanks boyf for your another "stitch" and the necklace. I love it! <3> We left the candles there, like bad only but since it's valentines, people should know why there's candles there bah(?). Went to pei boyf eat. And he got gastric. ._. Too late eat, so we went to guardian to buy wei yao. See him in pain I also pain lur. He pain like hell I worry like hell. ): Hope he's alright now. After buying he pei me walk home, but I pei him go mrt. I took the box out just now and he bu xiaoxin touch dao and ask me what's it. I say it's book, x: . but when he's going home, I took out the box and gave him. Surprise hor boyf!? I even told him I didn't buy anything, HAHHA. Like that then fun mah~ He went off and went back home. Watch tv awhile, forgot I wanted to post. So now I came, hehs. So happy today! Love you much much much nah boyf! <3 And boyf actually found my two "secrets" so fast. ): Cheater him! Muacks lah~ Shall go sleep now, tomorrow got tk. Sian half. ._. Nights all! Friday, February 11, 2011 ![]() I'mma back to post~ Cause today is a big day! First of all, happy first month anniversary boyf!!! Although it's not long, but time really flies. After he came out from his super long bathing, he pei me go home. Don't like his mother! ._. Sorry lah but then, argh don't know how to say. Home and went to sleep. Today morning went school. Hmms, nothing much. Have english test, looks easy but it's hard. Dismiss already and went home with husband. Home, bath and prepare. Went down to dhoby to meet Hilda. Meet already, saw Audrey. She didn't tell me Audrey got tag along, tsk.
Went to eat, and then decided to go bugis. Cause Hilda want buy present for her boyf. but we end up playing at arcade. LOL. boyf wanted me to go home so I took mrt back home. In between something happen. Home and on tv to watch. He 1 hour plus later he came up my house, I opened the door and he put things on the floor and he walked off.
He bought a big stitch for me. And shirts that he bought on Gmarket. He bought one of the same shirt as me, like so nice!!! Thanks a lot lah boyf! I LOVE DIE YOU MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! We got a so called "couple tee". <3~ He wrote a letter to me, well, kinda sad.
Quarrelled and he came back my house. Was like crying halfway. /: He hugged me, and everything is back to normal. Sorry boyf, ruin everything. ): Walked around aljunied. And boyf said something that scare the hell lot outta me. but it's okay bah, boyf you will protect me de right!! ): He said he wanted to buy couple ring. Hmms, kinda awkward if go down with him and see the ring. I'll feel very weird sial! Rawr. He pei me home and he went home as he said he's not suppose to come out today. Home and watch tv. brother bought new PS3 games, he's playing now, but he tomorrow got work. I also want sleep liao, but then, ohwell. Shall end here. My purpose of posting is cause it's our anniversary. :P I miss my dear boyf like much only. Sad. ):
Re-watch hello baby - SHINee ! Fyi, the above picture is he at home bo liao go do one. So sweet and touching right. Yea, that's why I love my boyf so much! He's mine okay, the rest shoo shoo. >< ! Hiak, nights all, loves. Loves boyf much!! <3 Thursday, February 10, 2011 ![]() Hi earthlings :D I'm currently at my dear boyf's house. He went to eat, I nothing to do so I borrowed his com to post awhile. Hmms, sunday. Woke up and use com. Parents not home. Mother go play mahjong, father go work. Hilda asked me to go her house bai nian on facebook but she didn't reply. o.o Since parents not home then I go bath and went to meet boyf at bishan mrt. We sat there don't know where to go. I suddenly remember that Hilda asked me to go her house. So I asked boyf to call Hilda and ask where is she. Asked, and we head down to Khatib to take bus. In bus listen to music, blahblahblah. Reached and boyf called Hilda. Met up with her, her boyf, Audrey(I know how spell liao), Ace(I don't know who), and a girl(which I don't know who is she also o.o). Went up her house, say happy new year and we were crapping around. Her house quite big sial, her family members very friendly. (: Her sister(I think), and her friends were like playing poker cards. And Hilda "chase" them away(?). We then sat down in a circle, and we started playing blackjack. o.o First round only, me and boyf's card same leh! One Ace and one five, I think. Like super coincidence lah! LOL. Fyi, if you want see, go his blog, I think he's gonna post the picture up. Rounds and rounds. Hilda's don't know who cook shanghai nian gao is it? And others. Hmms, it's quite nice. (: Thanks her grandma and mother. :D After eating we went back to play poker cards. Like sian only right. LOL. Hilda's don't know who came, and got baby leh. So cute sial! Boyf keep ask me when want give him his cute kids. Play halfway mother called. She say father want me go home, cause going ahpeh house. But I don't feel like going, /: . Didn't answered his, my mother's, neither my brother's. They called 100 times leh, I didn't know cause I on silent. o.o Around 9plus me and boyf head off first. It's kinda late already, boyf suggest to take cab home. Waited and waited like no cab come de lor. But in the end have and we head home. He pei me alight, back up and he went home. Home, and I forgot what I do. Father came home and he scolded me. He, aiya, don't wish to mention it. Went back to sleep. Monday went school, nothing much lor, normal. And it's my beloved darling's birthday~ I actually forgotten about her birthday and have no time go buy present for her. So I asked boyf to help me go mini toons or more than words see. He say his mother alighted him at Tampines mrt. He went to T1 de more than words to see. And there's two kinds of tweety bird. He took picture and post it on facebook in order to let me see. Although the smaller one look cuter abit but I think darling won't like so I chose the bigger one. He buy finish and he came to my house. Mother came home, and he came up. Blahblahblah. Went bath and prepare. Elder brother came home, si yi(my mother's sister), and her son and granddaughter came also. Suddenly boyf and my elder brother started to talk. o.o Head down to darling's house. Told her I very sad but actually is lying to her. x: When she came down I hugged her. Boyf from behind pass me the tweety bird and card. And I passed it to darling. She happy like siao only. LOL. She happy jiu hao lah. (: After that me and boyf went to library. Wanted to study in the end can't, his mother force him to go home. Accompany him home instead, cause it's only like 8.30. And he always pei me home, so this time I pei him. (: Reached and he went home, I also took the train back home. Reached and went to sleep. Tuesday, go school, blahblahblah. After school went to bugis with darling. Went there to buy things. And we went to eat pasta mania. It's been like so long ever since me and darling like this already. Remember last year June I think, we keep like that one. Aww, miss those days~ Done everything and went back home bath. Met boyf then. We quarrel(?), didn't speak much. His mother want him go home, he want me say what happen. I kept asked him to go home. In the end he walked away. Kinda sad, disappointed. Wanted to chase after him but he walked too fast, so I went home. Texted him about some things and went to sleep. Next morning went school, pe, netball, sian. Next week pe run 2.4 and netball, kao, tired sial. After school went to cheers with husband. Then went to grandma house to take things. Done and went to post office to help brother take his things and deposit my money. Went home after that. Bath, rest awhile and went to darling house to take things from her. We then went to NTUC, bought the jelly powder. Pei her go buy lock and went home. Home and saw mother at home also. Started doing things and watch show with mother at the same time. Brother suddenly called and ask me whether want pei him go eat anot. He say want go tm eat, so I head down to tm. Wanted to sleep early one lor, like tired only. ._. Reached and still need wait him for like 20mins. Super pekchek you know. Wanted to buy koi but kinda too many people and it's like closing. Went to foodcourt and eat. Done and we went to buy liang cha. Buy liao and went to take mrt back home. In mrt keep laugh cause talk about the past school life. LOL. Reached home, went to bath and sleep. Today late day, heng ah, if not I sure toh liao. After school went home. Actually got remedial, but I skipped. ._. Home re-watched hello baby. Still very funny lor! LOL. Went to bath and prepare after that. Boyf came down after his SP lesson. KOI!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Boyf! Buy more for me tyvm. x: Lovediehim lah~ Met him and went to his house which I am now. (: I've been posting for like an hour liao. Cause boyf keep distract me! Tsk. And I found out that, he actually bathed very, I mean SUPER long. LOL. x: He's gonna tickle me if he sees this. HIAK! I miss him lah. ): ! Hehs, shall end here. Going home! Nights all~ Saturday, February 5, 2011 Hi earthlings :D I'm here to post again~ Hmms, where did I stop. Yesterday, friday. Morning woke up, use com. Mother cooked steamboat, early in the morning leh. Special and weird right. Ate, went to prepare. Done and took bus down to my mother side de grandma house. Say happy new year and sat down watch tv. Like boring only lor. And it's the second day of not meeting boyf, like weird only. After that we went to sengkang, to visit my father's friend. Ang bao. (L) x: I like that uncle, he very nice to us. Sat awhile and head off to Simei de, his my father's friend too. More ang bao. x: Sit awhile, watch tv and we went off to Marina. As I mentioned on the last post, my whole family is going to watch movie together. And yeps, we watched "Da shi jie". Well, overall the movie is quite okay lah. If you're interested in history then it's a nice show for you to watch. but if you're those not so interested in history, then I don't agree you to watch it. After watching and we went back to grandma house. Rest awhile, watch tv, and went back home. Home, bath etc etc. I forgot what I was doing and I dozed off. Next morning, which is today, woke up and use com. Parents went NTUC buy ingredients and came back cook steamboat again. Kao, seriously will grow fat, later boyf don't want me. Sad. ): Went to bath, then eat. brother's friend came, say hi hi hi and went to prepare. Done and went down to khatib to meet boyf and his mother. Went to boyf's uncle house. boyf's mother drove us there. I don't want go there take ang bao, I just want to pei boyf niah. And I gotten three. -.- boyf keep force me to take photo with him. Take take take. And cause of some things and he raised his voice at me. Kinda angry, yet kinda sad. At his uncle house zuobo, watch tv, "how to train your dragon". I still remember I went to watch that with darling. We both laugh like hell. LOL. Around 6plus 7 we went off. boyf's mother drove us to novena mrt. Actually wanted to watch movie but it's kinda late if watch. So we went to dhoby walk around instead. Stood at the very top floor and stone. When things are okay le, went to arcade as my dear boyf wanted to play jubeat, again. Watched him play, like fast only. After playing jiu went to take mrt back to macpherson. Took photo again. LOL. Reached, sat down and talked. Lying on him, while the wind blows, and having him hugging me, it just feel so, great. Happiness, peace, love, sweet, secure. Just want to lie on him, and having him to protect me. Around 10.30 jiu need go home le. He send me back up and he went back home. Love you much much much boyf! :D Home and went to do my things. And boyf is super cute and blur. He told me he went to buy apple pie, and he forgotten he no money. He asked the cashier to wait he go withdraw money. He went to withdraw and guess what? He went home. And the apple pie? He forgotten about it. LOL. Funny lah him! He always bully me one lor, like rawr!! Tsk. Tomorrow like nothing liao leh. Monday need go back school, like sian only. Alrights, shall post until here. Nights all~ Thursday, February 3, 2011 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() An-hyung earthlings. :D Well, I came back to post, again. I forgot when I post and it actually gone missing. I spend 45 minutes on typing leh, then gone. I'm here now to re-type everything, if I remember(?). Shall start from last saturday. Morning was at home, then went to prepare. Meet Ahjess at mrt as I need to pass her money. She my "boyf", I this "girlf" need give her money, ke lian hor. ): LOL. No lah, pass her money cause buying contact lens from her. From 2.30 meet, say 2.50 meet, in the end we 3.15 then meet. Pathetic. Met, pass her money and I went down to tampines to meet boyf. He went there don't know buy semo thing. Ask him to tell me he say cannot! So secretive one lor him! Waited him and he came. Was standing at T1 outside deciding where to go. Aiai asked me to accompany her go see Suju's as she got two tickets and she can't find people go with her. brother called me to ask me go chinatown with him to buy belt. And I'm actually meeting boyf. I feel bad either way, since I'm with boyf liao then I'll stick to him. We decided to go Far East as he wanted to see clothes I think. Took mrt down. Reached and it was like, raining? So we didn't go. Asked Hilda, (fyi, Hilda is my boyf's gan mama.), where is she. She say she at tampines. Me and boyf sian half can. Went to take mrt back to tampines. On the way we quarrel(?). Met Hilda, her boyf, Audrea(I don't know how spell her name), and two other guys. Hilda keep ask me why I like quiet quiet sad sad like that. In the end she know that boyf "bully" me. She "punish" him. LOL. We walk around tm, don't know what to do. Stand outside arcade and boyf wanted to say sorry to me. Hilda ask him to kneel down, AND HE ACTUALLY REALLY SERIOUSLY DID IT. Kao, in public leh, and he actually kneel down and say sorry to me. Super shy. Hilda say if boyf bully me must tell her. but it seems like he everyday also bully me leh hor boyf!? Yes. Harnor you see. Sad. ): Hilda and her boyf like sweet only sial, jealous. ): We went to shop around centre square. We 5 were so crazy man, SUPER FUNNY LAH SIAL. Especially at comic connection/collection I forgot, LAUGHDIEME. LOL. We slack around awhile and decided to go eat. In the end we went to foodcourt to eat. Pepper lunch!! :D Thanks boyf for the meal and sorry I couldn't eat finish. ): The two guys I've mentioned just now came back to find us. We all ate together. boyf suddenly tell me that there's one of the two guys look at me for six times. He went to count leh o.o . Aiya bo bian, boyf too love me liao, MUHAHAHAHAH. :3 but I don't like the guy's attitude, like sucks only. boyf went to buy pepper lunch for me and he knows that I wanted salmon. -shy- And he copycat! I eat what he also eat what. Tsk. After eating me and boyf went off first. Wanted to buy koi but it's closed. Sad ): . Went to take bus back home. boyf keep force me take picture with him! Rawr. In bus we were listening song. It feels so good, lying on him while he hold me, my hand, warmth, peace, happiness just like that. Reached and it rains heavily. but still, accompany boyf go mrt and then back home. I was drenched from head to toe. Went to bath and forgot what happen. I think my brother ask me dota with him, so I did played with him one round and sleep. Sunday didn't went anywhere. Home sleep, parents were packing I think. Around 3plus they went to set up. Went to orchard with brother and he bought me one pair of shoe. Thanks brother. :D Went to shop around and went back to macpherson mrt to meet boyf. brother went back home first. Sit at mrt until 9plus and went to sit at my house downstairs until 10plus and he went home. Home and sleep. Monday, went school. Hmms, nothing much also. After that went back grandma house. Watch tv awhile, went bath and prepare. Head down to bishan mrt and meet boyf. He accompany me to amk to wait for Constance as I'm meeting her go tk. Thanks boyf for pei-ing me, and sorry can't pei you. ): Took bus down to tk. It's Damian's grandpa, saw his eye red red. Pat pat him, hope he's fine and his mother too, she was crying until very jialat. After that went home bath and that is when I post and it gone missing. Tuesday, morning woke up. Woke mother up and she not going work. I didn't went school also, a bit sick, went to polyclinic but in the end I didn't see doctor. Waited mother to come and went to buy things. She want go Kembangan buy bahgua but it's closed. Head back home. Home and went to nail polish my nails. Mother went to sleep awhile. Done and went to wake her up. And started to pack things. Clear my table, then bed sheets, then sofa de. I'm meeting boyf and I haven't even bath. And mother asked me to help her push the long table out and move boxes. boyf already reached and I asked mother if he can come up. Mother say can then boyf came up. He bought koi for me, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. :D Ask him come up sit sit first in the end he came in the room to help pack. Pack pack pack and I went to bath and prepare. Drank finish my koi and went out. boyf need go home eat so I accompany him go back eat. He say he want talk to my mother more often to gain my information! And my mother keep ask me don't keep change. LOL. Also not I want de what! Nevermind, this time don't think will change so easily hor boyf!? Mother called on the way, need go back grandma house as it's her birthday. boyf accompany me go back. Reached and I kanna scolded by both of them. Still kanna slapped. -.- Ohwell, I don't give a damn anyway. Went to NTUC after that. Got this guy keep stare at I don't know for what. buy things and then went back home. I forgot what I did already, sleep I think. The next day didn't went school also, as it's only go for celebration. Went to bai my ahgong instead. After that jiu walk back my grandma house. Rest awhile and went to tampines with brother. He went there to buy earring, I bought one also, heart shape one, like nice only. Went to shop around. Wanted to buy koi but too many people. boyf buy for me leh!!!! ): Took mrt back home and dozed off. boyf then called me and say he at macpherson. I chua tio I quickly wake up and went to meet him. Walk around aljunied and he went to buy water. And we quarrel(?) again. Mother called and I've to rush home. He walked off and hit the pole as he's angry, saw and ran to him and hugged him. After that jiu ran back home. Heng father never scold. Wipe windows and then went to prepare. Done and went to grandma house to eat, steamboat (Y). Helped cousin to re-nail polish her nails. Went to eat and then called boyf to chat chat yi xia. We both were like so tired. I can't sleep as I later need go home but he can sleep and he don't want. Hen dumb hor ta dui bu dui. Tsk. I need go home le and we sms. He actually dozed off, bo bian he too tired liao. Home watch tv awhile and went to sleep. before I post about today, first of all, Happy New Year everyone! :D Don't really like new year cause sure will grow fat! but heng is one year once, if it's everyday the world no slim people liao. Today woke up and use com awhile. Then went to bath, prepare, and went to bai ahgong. Done and we went to grandma house. Sit sit, took photos with cousin, talk talk. People came and slowly leave one by one. Until 4 like that we, my family, went to Esplanade there to walk and see. My leg is so pain lah, x.x . After looking around and we went back home. brother's friend came to sit sit. I was using com, bath and then went to grandma house. At there eat, watch tv, watch show on youtube, etc etc. And boyf went to edit his photo on his own. Like nice only. :D 11 like that we came back home. Now I'm home, and I came to post. Okay, it's like super long okay. Today didn't manage to meet boyf. I is super de miss him lah, like can cry only. ): Tomorrow going my mother side de grandma house. Then at nigjt we family going to watch movie together. We watching the "Da shi jie". So fast going back to school soon le, argh. Think me and boyf will meet lesser liao, cause he got exams. ): but after that he got two months of holiday! Tsk. Hmms, it's kinda shorter leh my post. That time I post one more longer, wa sad. Ah, I can't stop thinking of boyf!! Only can hug his jacket now. Sad sad sad sad sad much only. ): Kinda late le, going sleep! Tomorrow shall "hunt" more ang bao. x: 1 more week jiu shi our first month le. Super fast. O: , but happy~ Hehs. Nightsy all! |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |