Friday, January 28, 2011
Hi earthlings. I'm back, and it's like almost a week long after I've post. Hmms, shall continue. Sunday same thing, went to eat with parents. Then we went ION to walk around awhile. Home and met boyf at library to do my homework. And I can't complete it in time. He send me home and I went to sleep I think. Monday go school, nothing much happen also. POA teacher ask me and husband to stay back cause we didn't do our homework. In class we rush through it and put it in his pigeon hole instead of staying back. Me and husband then walk home. Home and look at movie slots. Darling wanted to watch the "Ghost must be crazy." So I accompany her go watch lor. And I've watched it for like, three times? I just remembered that I haven't pay her the money, shall return her on monday. boyf was at dhoby also as he went to find his gan mother. After watching me and darling went to shop around while waiting boyf to go eat. Darling say she want see how he look as she forgotten. Met him and we took mrt back home. Darling alighted first. Sorry darling can't send you home. ): Me and boyf don't know what to do so we one round around macpherson area. We were talking and suddenly I just feel super scare and afraid of something unusual. Yea, studies. I very scare what if I failed my N's, O's. Things will be so much different isn't it. I just want to study well now, at least a N level. but I don't know how to cope with it, don't know where to start. Cause we left like half a year, which is quite short already. Somehow if I go ITE, what will others think? boyf is at poly, which I'm envy of him, I don't want drag him with me. Like, if he could find a poly or a girl with better future, isn't it great? but, at the same time, I don't want to lose him. Argh. /: Me and boyf sat down. I tear few drops, boyf keep ask me what happen. I wanted to cry, yet I kept hold back, hold and hold, but boyf keep ask and ask. Until I totally bth and I broke into tears. Thanks boyf for comforting me, advicing and your warm hugs. I wanted to cry out everything but I need to go home. Feeling so, scare and sad. Home bath and sleep. Tuesday go school was totally moodless. After school I went back home I think. And went to library to study and do homework. boyf came to accompany me. Done and he send me home. Home sleep, wednesday go school, blahblahblah. I guess things are going to replay. Sigh, oh well. After school went back home, met boyf I think. Then went to bath and prepare. Accompany him go back his house as his mother ask him to hang clothes. Sun bian at his house study. I am totally lost in my math, and boyf teach me and revise with me. Thanks boyf! :D He then send me back home. Home and sleep as usual. Thursday, late day, (Y). Hmms, nothing much happen also. After school got bio remedial. I like bio remedial, like, so much fun and laughter. At the same time we also got do work lah, not so slack. After that went back home and prepare. Mother came home and cook ham~ (Y)(Y)(Y)! Ate and went down to library to meet boyf. Study together become he teach me math, again. LOL. And he very blur sial, I say amount is 118%, he tell me 318%. In the end he see see look look think think, it's actually 118%. I still ben ben go believe him that it's 318% leh. Wth. Like damn funny only. Finish and he send me home. Home sleep, it's friday~ which is today. Went school, nothing much also. After school went back home rest awhile. Until 2plus went down to meet darling and baby to go CCA. My leg is pain sial, but I didn't care, just play badminton only. We play until 4.50 like this then go home. Home, bath blahblahblah and head down to dhoby to meet brother. He ask me pei him go there don't know change what movie ticket. Change already and he brought me to Aston's to eat. Salmon (L)! Eat finish and we went to a shop, forgot what shop is that. He bought one trousers and we went back home. He wanted to meet his friend but his friend didn't answer. Home and I went down to meet boyf awhile. Sit sit, talk awhile then there's few drops of rain and we went into shelter in case it rains heavily. While sitting, suddenly something happen. Which, really scares me. I know I very scary cat lah, but, it really scares me. And boyf got angry. Sorry boyf, make you so angry and worry of me. Relax okay! Loves. Home and came to post. Think father is gonna scold me later, sigh. Stress stress stress, studies, and he keep like adding more stress to me. Teachers also adding stress to me, feel like banging the wall man. x.x I don't know what happen to me sial seriously. First time, first time I'm so concern about my studies. I don't know what to do, no one leading, walking by my ownself. I'm falling, darkness, loneliness, I've been through once, so afraid that it ... And, while typing, father came back and actually didn't scold me, miracle(?). I don't give a damn anyway, totally out of mood. Pms? Stress? Or both? Argh, writing rubbish on my precious blog. Who truely understands me, myself? I doubt so. And also, I don't know why I love my boyf a lot. He's too good for me seriously, /: . Wish there's something I can do for him as he did too much for me. Sigh. Shall end here. Loves all, and boyf. Saturday, January 22, 2011 ![]() Hi earthlings. I'm back to post once again. Thursday late day, go school, then got don't know what house meeting. Same words as always.
After that jiu go back class wait for the door to be open in order for us to take books. Took and head to other class for lesson. After that jiu semo period? I forgot. After recess went down to sick bay. bth, flu flu flu. x.x Aunt came down to fetch me, and I went to see doctor myself. boyf wanted to accompany me see de, but he reached I already see finish. Waited him and he accompany me home. I went to cook macaroni for him, he's sick also, since I can cook so I cooked for him. He was resting on bed. I ask him to sleep he keep use his phone! Tsk. Done he asked him to eat. Ate finish and awhile later mother called and ask me pei her go buy things later. So I went to bath, prepare while boyf was doing a bif of his case study. Done and I accompany him back to kathib and go things.
buy finish and he send me back to mrt and he went home. I went to Aljunied to meet mother and went to buy things. I went home and mother go my grandma house after buying. Home and use com and watch the show boyf asked me to watch, semo maid de. boyf was like chiong-ing for his case study. Ate medicine and went to sleep.
The next morning I was like still in my lalaland. The drowsiness haven't over yet, at school keep want sleep. After school went home, I really bth my flu. Didn't went for CCA, like sad only. Home ate medicine and slept. My mother called me and I woke up! ._. Once I woke up I can't sleep le.
Went to bath and prepare and meet boyf. Went to his house to rest awhile. Yea, as usual, his mother really very fierce and she like don't like me like that. SAD. Oh well, wanted to sleep but his mother keep talk quite loud and I couldn't. He then send me home. Home and I ate medicine and sleep for my dear sweetie-heart boyf's sake. He say wait for me to sleep first but in the end he slept first! Tsk. And today morning 10 plus 11 then wake up. Use com awhile, and I actually dozed off. x.x boyf then called me and I jitao jump up. Keep think where to go. In the end we decided to go out watch movie. We watch "Ghost must be crazy." Although I've watched it with my brother before but boyf want watch so I watch again lor. Today special leh, buy one ticket get one free ticket. o.o Meet him at plaza sing arcade, as usual, he was playing jubeat. He very shuai lah sial, x: . but sigh, I don't suit him lor, he shuai then I so.. ): .
Waited for the time to reach and we went in. Watch the show and it's still funny. "If you happen to see a ghost, as the ghost to report to me, I'll throw the ghost into the guard room". Wtf, funny die.
After watching pei him go eat and head back to macpherson. Darling called and say qt want come down take jacket. Went home to take jacket and went down to darling house. Mid way me and boyf quarrel(?). He went to buy things and he very angry.
Told darling to go down pass him alone. Thanks and sorry darling for troubling you. Walk back macpherson mrt with boyf. Didn't speak one word all the way.
And I throw away the necklace he gave me. Think whatever you want, I just want my boyf to be happy again. The ring, I'll also throw away, sorry. And hor, I don't give a damn anyway. :D Send him to mrt and hugged him and went off. Went to buy dinner for brother and back home. bath and use com awhile. Came to post, as I'm happy going out with boyf. Thanks for the movie and day sweetie-heart, I love you. <3 And sorry about just now. Don't angry le okay, MUACKS LAH. :D Some xdd is typing some childish words. Aww how sad, sad for him~ Karma will get him, (Y). bo ji niah, LAUGHDIEME! Just ate medicine, a bit sleepy, nights all! Loves.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 ![]() Hi earthlings. I'm here to post again, like kinda boring. Hmms, monday went school, nothing much happen. Normal lor. After school went back grandma house. Went to bath, eat, watch tv awhile. Meeting boyf. He reached Aljunied and I'm still preparing, I was so rush and urgent that I actually send to wrong person. x.x Done and it was raining. Almost every time I meet boyf is raining day. Rushed down to mrt and met him. Where we went? Hmms, library. Need do compo, he need do his project. We quarrel(?), but after awhile jiu nothing liao. Went to mac as he wanted to have his dinner. He got angry, cause he always saw me messaging with him. After he eaten and walked back home. We sat at the bench below my block. We kept quiet for some time. My eye and head already very pain, some more he like that. So I walked up and try to comfort him. In the end, we're back to normal again. Well, someone may think I'm a bitch and very cruel, very whatever. but sorry to say, I've no choice but to do this. back to story. After that I accompany him go mrt and I went back home. Sleep sleep sleep. He always sleep earlier than me de lor. Yesterday morning went school. Hmms, nothing much happen also. After school went home, bath and prepare. Mother came home and bought dessert for me. She came home as she wanted to pack the house cause new year is coming. After I'm done I went downstairs to meet boyf. We from my house here walk until paya lebar. Mid way we quarrel(?), I think. We wanted to take mrt down to dhoby as my brother want buy fish. but my brother suddenly say he don't want go le. So I alighted, and he didn't. He alighted at the next stop. In the end he want go dhoby so I took mrt down. Reached dhoby and went plaza sing. Saw there got sell fish so I called my brother and he say he go down see. While waiting, boyf wanted to go arcade and play Jubeat. So went upstairs and he played. Watching other people play. He play quite well you know, if you good at jubeat find him challenge. :D I was watching 3 guys playing mario kart. Like funny only lah. He play hao le, my brother gang hao call me. So went all the way down to basement and meet brother. Went to see fish, he keep think here and there, ask here and there. I very scare boyf wait too long and I keep rush him. In the end he bought one da jia yu (fighting fish). I went all the way up to first floor or something and boyf say he at basement one. So I went down and met him again. He told me he was standing there watching me and my brother. Accompany him go eat, and my eye hurts like hell. It's red and a bit swollen leh. He send me home, after awhile jiu okay liao. From afternoon 5plus to around 7plus, we were like normal friends. When on train to macpherson, he suddenly hugged me and said sorry. Well, I'm not that bad, I hugged and and said nevermind. (: After that we jiu okay liao. Home and he went home. I is really bth and I just close my eye and I slept. My head keep spin. x.x Today morning woke up blahblahblah and went school. Today got pe, train 5 station, sian sial, but awhile only leh, 2 periods jiu over liao. Then bio class with darling. Crap us usual, talk about things that happen, blahblahblah. Then got POA test, which I didn't study. Confirm cui, but hope can pass jiu hao. -prays- After school went back to grandma house awhile, jiu went home. before that I went to NTUC to buy things as boyf is kinda sick and I cooked macaroni for him. On the way I saw darling and baby, talk awhile and I went off. When I came out of NTUC I then found out I forgot to buy barley. Went all the way to my house downstairs to check if there is any. Cause boyf sick! Heng have, if not I want long bia liao. Home and I was so tired! And brother ask me to see his passport thingy. Went bath, do things awhile, jiu go cook. boyf came to eat first. He eat, I straighten hair. He keep say thank you to me! -don't like- Done and went down to his house. As usual, his mother very scary. ._. Study study, he do his project. but he do halfway jiu distrated by me, keep come disiao me only. but I know his weak points liao, muhahah. :3 Show him something and he accompany me home. Home and I came to use com awhile. And decided to come and post. Hmms, I like almost everyday also meet boyf sial. Tomorrow he half day, and expect me to go his house to accompany him again! Wa, faint. Flu flu flu, boyf also flu, bth~ Awhile okay, awhile come back, I want bang wall already. Tomorrow late day, yay(?). Lol. but got SS test! x.x Shall go sleep le, if not I seriously will fall sick. I miss my piggy boyf. ): Nights all! Loves. Sunday, January 16, 2011 Ha-lo-ha~ Da jia hao, wo you hui lai le. Today I came to post shi wei le na ge wang le wo men de da ri zi de darling. First, happy 19th month anniversary wo qing ai de darling, Lynnie.CWL. 1606'09. ♥ Sad sial, she forgot our date. -emo- Oh well, wo ji de jiu hao. Yesterday night went down to pei brother go eat. Done and we came back home. boyf actually dozed off, sigh~ Since he slept so I also went to sleep. Woke up around 11plus this morning. I dream of Jerrold, Damian and boyf. Weird dream, hmms. Went to prepare and out with parents and brother. As usual, we went to eat lunch at the same usual place. After that jiu went down to bugis. brother wanted to buy shoe, I also want buy just that I don't know what kind of shoe to buy. Walk around, saw one shoe almost like my current shoe, don't know want to buy anot. Maybe next time. Went other shop, a shop call Mitju, I think. Yea, bought one shoe, it's nice. I like it a lot. (: That shoe cost 30, my brother help me pay leh! Means that shoe is he buy for me one, thanks! ♥ Went to another shop, Miss Emily. bought one dress and a belt, which cost 55.90. o.o Mother pay 50, brother pay 5.90. LOL. No more worries about what to wear for new year liao. (Y) Happy happy. :D After that took mrt back home. Home and I came to post. Later don't know go where, don't feel like going grandma house. x.x Argh, tomorrow school again, like sian lah. but I want to study, /: . Hmms, was feeling kinda moodless today, well, whole day maybe. I don't know why, but I just don't like the feeling I'm having. Wish there's a hole to let me hide deep inside right now. Hiding in the dark, alone.. Just wanted him to accompany me more. Wanted him to reply faster. Wanted him to talk to me more. Wanted him to just don't always change topic. Wanted him to be more sweeter to me. Wanted him to make me feel secure. Wanted him to care me more. Wanted him to, argh, I don't know le lah! So afraid, so sad, so moody, so down, so insecured, sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Feel like crying out.. Ah bang wall lah!! Shall end here. Love all. Saturday, January 15, 2011 Hi earthlings. :D Hmms, last post say until where? Oh, I slept le, so father didn't manage to have the chance to scold me. Thursday went school, nothing much leh. After school came back home, rest awhile, prepare. Went down to Khatib to meet boyf. He always make me wait very long one lor! -don't like don't like- And he always reply very slow. -super don't like- Accompany him go buy things and went his house to study. Father called and scolded me, spoil my mood only. ._. Reached his home and study. He got pratical the next day and he didn't study. He keep come and disiao me, tickle me some more. Saw his handwriting, I don't know a lot of word he write sial. His mother has a fierce look, but she's kinda friendly after all. (: His father look rather friendly but heard boyf say he very fierce.
Scary~ , wonder why boyf is not like them. x: Study study, then he send me back home. Home and went to sleep. Friday went school, nothing much also. After school took bus back home with husband. Home, rest awhile, watch show, and went to bath. Prepare and went down to meet boyf awhile. Talk, blahblahblah and he got to go as he told his mother he go cut hair. So accompany him to mrt and I went back home. Home watch naruto. And boyf recommand me watch semo maid-sama de. Hmms, it's quite nice actually, the guy so sweet lah~ Told boyf and he sad. Lol~ Watch until 10plus, played dota with him. Heng never lose, if not xiasuey sial. >< So qiao we both wanted to use vs, but too bad I've taken. Hehs.
After playing, he told me he have blog de. Went to see, like so dead lah. LOL. Helped him re-create a new blog, You can go my link and click it. First link is his old one, second is his new one. It's not that nice lah, but most important is that he likes it. (: I spend time doing it until 3plus, and found out that the blogskin cannot put song. I was like damn tired, so I switched off and went to sleep. Woke up at around 11plus. Went to find other blogskin and I found that. Find it quite nice and it's better than the rest so I choose that. Went to resize photo, put music, link links, tired only. Done and went to prepare. Went down Khatib to meet him, he made me wait, AGAIN! Tsk. Accompany him buy things. And boyf told me about HIM. I jitao mao zan lah! Done buying and went his house, he and his mother packing. I went to use his com awhile and went to see what he've told me. Kaoeh, I see liao I want long bia sial, seriously damn er xin bodohzxc. Sorry lah, but like, grr. ._. Playing his ipad and he went to eat. I very tired, rest at his bed awhile. He keep disiao me, tickle me. but heng today don't know why he so scare of tickle. Muahah. :3 His phone keep got text one, jealous. ): I don't know why I suddenly feel scare, very scare.. He hugged me, sayang me and ask me what happen. He use type de, and he hugged me from the back. And I feel, warm, relax. Thanks boyf, love you. ♥ Said goodbye to his parents and he send me home. On the way he let me see some of his ex.All more good looking than me and he actually say I more good looking than all of his ex. Siaopeh one him. Talked and crap along the way. He keep suan and say me one lor, hen qi sial. Tsk. Reached home and found that his water is still with me. Yea, as usual, we both always forgot things together. Home, bath and came to use com. A bit nothing to do so I came to post. brother asked me to accompany him go downstairs eat. but I very tired sial, some more I want msn with boyf one. ): Oh well, shall post until here. And, boyf, after looking at my blog, don't get angry okay!! I just find it cute niah. x: ! You know I very love you one lah HORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!? Forgive me okay, muack lah ♥! And that photo is when he was young. The second photo is him and his mother. Totally another person right. Indeed~ Okay, ending here.
Nights all~ Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Hi earthlings. :D I'm back to post. Hmms, sunday where I went? I forgotten. Monday went school, lesson starts! Like sian only lah. Chemistry teacher change, Geography teacher change, wa sian. After school, went back grandma house awhile. Until don't know what time then went home. blahblahblah, home bath and took cab down to find SOMEONE. It's raining and heng no traffic jam, if not my wallet is going to have a big hole. And it makes me super per-cher I tell you! After awhile jiu okay liao. He sent me home and he went back to do his report I think. Home sleep and woke up, prepare and go school. My eyes is damn pain, couldn't open my eyes. ._. Was so tired the whole day. After school went back home with husband. Had a small talk with her. Home, rest, bath and met SOMEONE. Study, and he sent me home. Home, rest and sleep. Today morning same thing, go school. Hmms, today got PE, height and weight. I'm so damn short! 155cm niah! Tsk, and we play don't know what game. After that bio, teacher never come so we did some worksheets. POA teacher also change! I totally catch no ball what the teacher is talking! I want Mr.Sim back as our POA teacher lah! Sad! ): Math, clueless! ._. After that home with husband again, raining heavily~ Home and rest. And that SOMEONE bought and brought KOI for me. Thanks! Loves. Now, home alone. So quiet, studying bio~ So guai, not like me sial. Hmms, alrights, shall post until here. Later father come back confirm scold me, cause I never answer his phone, again. Lol. Nights all! :D Saturday, January 8, 2011 Hi earthlings. (: I'm back to post, but kinda forgot what happen. Hmms, and as you know, I've broken up with my boyf le. Tuesday went school, nothing much change. When I go school like never holiday dao like that. blahblahblah, after school me and darling went baby's house. We help her see her dress, etc. Done and went darling see hers. Mine? Hmms, don't know yet. Was then quarrelling with boyf, hmms, I should say ex/Jerrold now. After that went down paya lebar with darling to check out dresses. bought one, it's nice, thanks to darling's taste. (: She then accompany me home, and I try out everything let her see. The next day got camp, it's only at school listen to talk. My coach look like Jerry sial! Especially when he laugh, argh, he quite shuai. Hehs, but I'm not thinking any further yea. (: He's kinda funny too. And they say cannot wear dress for fine dining! Like sian only, need wear like office wear. Thursday after camp went down to bugis with darling and other girls to have a look. Helped baby buy hers too. And we all wear formal on for our fine dining. Friday morning 5 woke up, bathe, dry hair and went down to ntuc to buy hair spray. Went up to darling's house and she help me curl my hair. Although it's not very curl but it's nice, I like it, thanks darling. (: Done and we went down to school. Went up to wesley hall for assembly. Everyone look so pretty expect me. Sad! ): Some wear uniform. Had a talk in the morning until 12 plus and we went to a hotel, Holiday Inn. We went there to have our fine dining. Like so ma fan lah, so many steps to do. After that we went back to school, went up to take things and went down. Jerrold came to fetch me, and we went to had a talk. Done and I went home take things. Then accompany him went back to Serangoon, then meet my brother go esplanade. Walk and went home. I jitao bth, eye damn tired and pain, after bath and wash away my makeup, use com awhile jiu go sleep liao. Today morning woke up, use com awhile, take things down to grandma house and met brother at Lavender mrt. He wanted to dye hair, so we went down to the salon. Reach there, he cut instead cause the colour he wanted need to bleach but he don't want. So he cut. Cut liao we cab home. Rest awhile, went bath, prepare. Jerrold sai he wanted to come down awhile as he's sad. So I met him, had a talk with him. Hope he don't sad already, (: . Home, take things and went down Nex with brother. We went there to watch movie, Ghost must be crazy, the Jack neo show. Hmms, it's quite funny lah, but a bit no link. After watching we went to walk around awhile, he buy things to eat. And we took mrt back home. I is damn tired now, eye pain. ._. Sigh, very luan and fan these days, I don't know what to do. Either way also not right. Why must life be like this, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! /: ! Feeling total moodless today, WHOLE DAY. It's not like me, so not used to it. bang wall lah! ): Wish things can solve, like asap. I don't hurt anyone, but I've to hurt one. Argh, FAN LAH. Shall end here, loves. Monday, January 3, 2011 Hi earthlings. (: As I said, I'll upload the photo, yea, I did. It's nice isn't it. Indeed. Yesterday night after 12am I went to sleep. Today morning woke up and went out with mother to bedok. We went to fairprice walk walk, then go eat. Damn, I really cannot eat a full meal, I seriously feel like vomiting. Then went to don't know pay semo thing for mother. Then went dbs to change my posb card to debit card. I never bring IC out, then cannot do. Kao! Took mrt back home and mother pei me go home take IC, she wash clothes awhile, and cab down to bedok again. Finally I can change, it's nice okay! Done and we took cab back. I went to darling's house. We went down to market to buy food for her mother and herself. And bought a hair dye to dye back our hair to almost black. Cause tomorrow school is gonna reopen! Sian ttm. We shared the bottle, she eat, I dye first, then I help her dye. And we was waiting for it to be done as we were playing DS. Done and we went to wash away. We helped each other wash hair leh! Like fun only lah! LOL. After that went to dry hair. While drying hair we were talking about things, it's making me so complicated. Went to bath after that. And went to straighten hair. Done and I took mrt down to serangoon to meet boyf. Met and we went nex as he wanted to go popular to buy books. Went there and we went to buy. After that jiu go wonder around. And we took mrt down to Esplanade to go suntec to eat pepper lunch. I almost slept in the train as I'm damn tired. And boyf keep disiao me, make me so pekchek. Reached and we went to have pepper lunch. I feel like vomiting again. ._. Done eating and we took mrt back to macpherson. Home and saw something.. Argh. ): Went to pack my bag, and came to post. Anyway, today is me and my boyf's 6th month being together. Happy 6th month boyf. (: Shall sleep early tonight. Tomorrow start school, must jiayou! but things now are so complicated that I don't know how to cope it. Sigh! Once again. I want to thank my darling, LynnChuaWanLing for the hand-made birthday card. It's really nice, loveyou! ♥ Next I want to thank SeanLeeTeckHao for the lovely rose and surprise. I like it. (: ♥ Last but not least, my brother, ReccaNgHsienYung for the rubber necklance(?). It's nice and I like it too. best brother! ♥ Okay, shall end here. Nights! Sunday, January 2, 2011 Hi earthlings! :D Last friday morning went to paya lebar eat KFC. before that we went to sengsiong to buy don't know what. After eating we went to see things awhile and took bus back home. Home and I sleep? I think. Was home whole day until around 11pm I went to darling's house. I went there to countdown. boyf went with his friend. Thanks darling and her family for preparing food and laughter. Home and next day. It's new year! Happy belated new year to all! :D Afternoon went to eat with parents. After that we went to bugis to walk around. brother went there don't know buy what thing. After that we went home. Wait for darling and I went out again to aljunied mrt. And we down to kallang leisure. We went there kbox! It's $80. KAO. ._. but we had fun isn't it darling! :D Nice singing we have hor!? After singing we went back home. Thanks darling for sending me home and giving me surprise! It's a hand-made card from darling. It's damn nice okay! Shall upload one day. I'm so touched by her! She very sweet hor? Yea, my darling mah of cause. :D Home and when it strikes 12, and it's my birthday! I'm 16 years old le! Happy 16th birthday to myself! :D Happy happy. Finally I can watch NC 16 show. LOL. Thanks for those wishes, phone, call, facebook. (: Use com until 4 then went sleep awhile. Woke up on around 7plus. Use com, prepare awhile and went out with parents. Went to eat as usual. Yea, and went walk about awhile. And home. Went downstairs awhile as Sean wanted to pass me things. I went down, he surprise me with a small cake and one rose. He came all the way down just to pass me. Hahas, I'm so touched! Thanks! :D After that walk home. Home and my brother gave me a necklance but not necklance. It's rubber kind, I don't know how explain here. Shall upload it if I can take the photos. I had a great birthday today! Thanks to people who wish and celebrate with me. (: It's gonna end soon. 30 more minutes. Ohwell. I guess it's time to study, jiayous for N! I'm going to sleep soon. Tomorrow will be better! I've decided. Nights! |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |