Saturday, October 30, 2010
Hi. :D Suddenly feel like posting so I came to post. Shall continue. Thursday, morning went to darling's house. We at her bed talk talk awhile, then she go prepare &go school take results. When she go prepare I went to sleep, tired. When she going out she woke me &I jump up. Lol. Continue to sleep until she came back. Thanks her mother for buying lunch for me (: ! Eat finish baby called darling, then she call me, crazy. In the end me &darling accompany her go mammam, then we went to buy nail polish. Head back her home, baby helped me to polish, thanks! (L) boyf suddenly called me, darling helped me to hold, &he sounded angry. Went to check my messages, &he really is angry. &we quarrelled, awhile later stop, then quarrel again. So I quickly rush home &prepare, thanks darling for sending me home. (L). He called me to ask whether I want him go down anot, so I anything. Met him, &we quarrelled, passerby were looking, so paiseh &xiasuey. /: but they never see couple quarrel before meh, need look at us. Slowly, we're back to normal. Felt so scare when see boyf shout at me, like another person, but I'm sorry boyf. ): We anyhow walked &boyf bought me bbt~ Cause I keep please him &he cannot take it, muhahahaha. :P Headed home after that. Rest &slept early. Yesterday, morning went to school for POA remedial. Like not much people went, quite a few only. Went for a break, then back for lesson, then Mr Sim let us off early abit. Headed home, rest. boyf asked if I wanted to go down find him after his work anot. So I did, went to bedok to wait him. Met him &I don't know whether I got tap into the mrt anot, scare I didn't. boyf helped me go &asked & I actually did tap. Heee, sorry &thanks boyf~ Went Tampines, we wanted to eat Pasta Mania, but a lot people I don't like. He went to ToyRus to buy Spongebob for me! &it's so expensive, $23 estimate. ._. Hug it around, :D. We head to paya lebar &had Pasta Mania. & what were we talking? Hmms, I forgotten, hahas. He then send me home. Home, change clothes, went to run with brother. 13 bus stops, can die. ._. Home &bathed, com abit sot liao, may not be able to use soon. /: Watched Naruto awhile then I went to sleep already, boyf still sleep earlier than me. Ohya, before sleeping, gave father see my results, don't wish to mention on. Makes me so pissed off. -.- Mother's friend at our house sleep one night, don't know what reason, ohwell. Hugged Spongbob to sleep! It feels like hugging boyf to sleep, aww. Morning woke up, use com, all go out, only left me at home. Since brother is out, then I also go out. Went to prepare, &meet boyf at Tampines. He went there to pierce his ear, accompany him go. After that he wanted to eat, actually eating Ajisan whatever it's spelled, but I don't want. I suggested to eat MOF, he everything also anything one, even if he don't like he also will go eat with me. Tsk, stupid hor. We took mrt to city hall &to MOF to had our breakfast, lunch plus dinner. So pathetic us. :D &it cost 60 dollar. ._. !! Feel so bad &guilty. Sigh. I'm like so full after that. Walked around &I feel like vomitting. /: My leg, well I mean our leg, is super tired I tell you. He bought co-co-late for me! Kinder Suprise. :D It's like, after so long long long long long long time ever since I last had Kinder Surprise. I know it's very lame lah, but it is what me &my brother always have when we were young. Head to starbucks as he wanted to drink coffee. Sat there &wait for brother's call. He wanted me to accompany him go Plaza Sing to buy ear piece. He called, &we head down to plaza sing. boyf accompany me there &he went home. Met brother &we went to see &test the ear piece. &yeps, he bought one, cause his old one is spoiled &he only used it for not long. After buying we went home, that's where I am now. Had to rest early, tomorrow need wake up early, sian 1/2. Suddenly my phone rang &I jumped up, a number that's familiar yet I don't know who. So I answered, &I asked who is him/her. He say he's Donald, which is Jason. He ask those weird weird question that I don't know de. I say, "You call wrong is it?" Then he, eh? Sorry sorry. Call wrong, paiseh. &I keep attitude him, (Y) ^^v. Okay, shall watch Naruto awhile &talked to boyf. Last but not least, iloveyou &thanks alot boyf! (L)!!!!!! &of cause darling, iloveyou too. (L)! (If I don't write this she'll scold me. So I'm forced to. x: ) Okay~ Nights. Wednesday, October 27, 2010 ![]() ![]() Shall continue. Hmms, last friday was staying home whole day? Not sure, brother like go out, boyf working, darling leh, with minming. So lonely~ I'm so lonely~ I've nobody~ Okay, don't sing liao, later darling say ear baoza~ , I lao kui. Saturday leh, actually I forgotten. Sunday, mother working, so we stayed home whole day. Went to buy lunch for everyone, &it's raining, so ke lian de me. ): boyf told me he never go work, he go take mc, Lol. Three days only, last day liao then don't want go, lazybum. x: Didn't wished to stay at home, brother going his friend's don't know who de funeral. Yiwen few days ago asked me whether want go her house anot. &I actually forgotten about it, LOL. Is Terence reminded me, so he asked me got go down anot, no one accompany, &he say he accompany me go down, so anything lor. Met him at Serangoon(I know darling's gonna kill me after seeing the Se... x: ), then went down to Sembawang. Walked to her house, sit sit, talk talk, look look, laugh laugh awhile, then I go already. Terence gonna book in army, he accompany me back to mrt. Thanks! :D Met boyf there as he come down just to fetch me home. So sweet hor, but actually is he at home nothing do that's why. He where will so free to like do this HORR!? We sat until Amk mrt &took bus back home. Slacked awhile &he sent me back, like always, had lots of laughter &fun with him. ^^ Darling, I also had lots of laughter with you okay, don't say I not good hor. Monday went school, it's totally boring. ._. Whole day is just sit in class do nothing you know, free period. Go school for what? For the attendance. After school went grandma house, afternoon home, night accompany my brother go eat &went back home rest awhile. After resting we went to run. I ran 7 bus stops, can you imagaine, that's one round only. ._. My brother ran 14 bus stops, which is two rounds. Head home, bath &sleep. Tuesday went school, it's outing time, learning journey. We went to URA, Supreme Court, &where? Others I can't remember as I'm not interested. ^^ The night before got two people got trick by me. Yiwen &of cause, my boyf. Lol. Our conversation, just summarising. boyf: Tomorrow you going court? You did something bad? Me: Ya. ): boyf: Why you so stupid go do stupid things. ): Me: I don't know, got one letter say I must go court..... boyf: Then you going with who? Me: Myself. /: boyf: Never give your mummy see? What is it about? Me: My parents angry until don't know how scold me... boyf: Regarding what? Me: I did something illegal..... boyf: Really?....... ): Me: Ya, I'm sorry hubby..... &he actually believed me. He thought I going jail or something then he say that I break promise, & he'll wait for me to come back &be with him together again, don't wanna lose me, blahblahblah. Damn sweet. ): He kept on call me but I told him I don't want him to hear me crying. Lol. So bad sial me. x: He said he almost cry! Not because he ahgua alrights, cause I know he really love me a lot. (: Okay, back to topic, the trip was, so-so? Not so fun actually. Head back to school, went to buy lunch &went darling house eat. Darling then went down to buy for hannie, &I actually dozed off when she came back &while I'm watching looney tunes. I'm like damn tired because of that stupid medicine which my boyf forced me to eat. 6 went back grandma house, father already home. Grandma cook steamboat, I cannot don't go back neither I can't eat. So I forced myslef to eat a little although I'm very full. Father went out, mother awhile later came back, &I went to find darling again. I know we two keep meet, well, she's my darling no choice, we too loving liao. LOL. boyf see this don't angry hor, me &her already 1year 4month plus liao. :D She then came over to my house. She use com, we really very wuliao. So near to each other &we actually talked in facebook. Hahas. 10 she going home, sent her home, on the way back was on phone with boyf. He very good to bully sial, I always win him, x: , but only applys to me, other bully him he don't know angry until where already HOR hubby. Reached home, hang call, sms with him. He say cannot dozed off but he actually dozed off himself. Hahs, silly. He's tired, no choice~ Today went school, rewards given out, then principle keep talk talk talk, all like going sleep already, when she say she'll end here, all clap very loud. Not because of her speech, is because she finally ended the talk. Lol, sarcastic hor. After that got orchestra, okay lah so-so, but not much people listening. Then recess time, Mr.Koh scolded us, cause of the behaviour of the trip. After recess went class, they play game, I sit there watch, don't feel like playing. Then form teacher came in &we clean up the classroom. Dismiss early, went to buy hair dye, went darling house &we dye hair together. Mine not so obvious like June holiday that time, so sad~ Went to meet my brother after that, we went to eat dinner together. Head home, rest awhile, boyf called &he asked me to accompany him go eat, so I anything lor. Met him, he eat already, then he send me home, he went home, I went to run with my brother. We ran 7 bus stop, then ran to ntuc to buy ben&jerry. I slowly walk back, he went to run another 7 bus stop. Home, bath, &we ate a little of the ice cream &I came to blog awhile. Going to watch naruto awhile, or should I sleep? Hmms. KimJonghyun, my husband/idol got girlf liao! So sad! Hahs, but I'm happy for him as he found his love. ^^ Ohwell, shall talk to boyf like asap, he spamming me msn already. Tatas. :D Thursday, October 21, 2010 ![]() An-nyung. :D Shall continue. Sunday went to eat with parents as usual, then to paya lebar to buy things. Went home rest awhile, brother very random ask me to go swimming with him. So I anything lor, head down to swimming complex &we went to swim. Very long long long long long never swim already, felt so good inside. It's calm, quiet &peaceful when you're inside the water. Envy those fishes that is deep down in the sea. Swim until 7plus &we go change. When we got up from the water, felt a pressure that is pushing me down hard. My both elbows very pain. /: We then went to eat dinner, head home after that. Stayed home whole night, use com awhile &sleep. Monday went school, saw some of my results. English compo 20/30, letter writing 22/30, compre 50/80. Not bad hur. Chinese I forgotten. My paper 2 I got 39.half/60. I think. Poa failed, chemistry failed, bio 28/50. After school went home to prepare, then go down find work with darling. Sad to say, can't find any. ): Argh, I want work, I need money badly man. 8plus went home, rest &sleep. Tuesday went school for chaper &one chinese lesson jiu went back home. Stayed at grandma house whole day. Evening went to buy milk with my cousin, Hweeling. Talked to her, she didn't really say anything. Head back grandma house, rest. Wenesday, didn't went school. Morning went to see doctor, asked boyf if he could accompany me go, he said okay. Sad is, he didn't manage to turn up. Felt kinda disappointed.. /: When I reached grandma house, he texted me to ask whether I still seeing anot. In the end we still met. Well, we need to really talk out everything yea, so we did. Told him the truth, don't wish to lie to him. &he totally out of control. He'll never scold, shout, yell at me, never will use that kind of way to talk to me, never will use that eyes to look at me, but that day he did.. Totally another person from who I've known, but I know he's really very angry.. He even returned the sketch book, letters &our couple necklance(is he bought one), back to me.. Was totally shocked, he even walked away &left me there alone.. He never will ever leave me alone outside until I'm safe somewhere. Yet that day he did.. Felt so sad that I sat there all alone &cried.. Sigh.. I'm sorry boyf, really sorry. I know I've said but I still wanna say again. Sorry to really caused you so much trouble, iloveyou alrights. Went back grandma house, wanted to take a nap yet I can't even though I ate medicine. Evening went to meet Hweeling &Yvonne at mrt. Head down to Tampines &we went to tm first to buy a birthday cake for my brother. Yesterday was his birthday, Happy belated birthday brother Recca Ng Hsien Yung. :D Although I know he won't read my blog but I still wanna wish him. Actually wanna give him surprise, but plan failed. ): While walking to interchange, he asked me if I saturday free anot. I thought he wanted to go out walk or something, but in the end he told me to accompany go see concert. I was like, DAMN HAPPY lah, I get to see my husband KimJongHyun leh! :D but I not very sure got go see anot. Went to tk &we sing birthday song for my brother, as usual, cut cake blahblahblah. Shared cake with Yvonne &we went back to rest awhile &back to work. Totally moodless, cause you know. /: After work boyf called, we had another small fight again. Reached grandma house, went to bath &rest. Awhile later boyf kept on call me, I couldn't really answer. He said he had something to tell me &asked me to answer phone. So I went to kitchen &I answered. I heard him crying, aww, felt so hurt to hear him cry.. Heard what he've to say, can say that I felt happy, my heart is too soft. He thought I thrown away the stuffs he returned, but I didn't. I don't want our memories just disappear like that. On phone with him until 1plus, I know he's kinda tired, so I asked him to sleep. I say I'll sleep too, but I couldn't. I keep cough cough cough, I didn't slept for the night, morning raining cats &dogs. So I called mummy &tell her I not going school. Went back to sleep, 11plus woke by boyf text. Tsk. Wake up, wash face everything, went to watch tv. Until 3, came back home myself. Msn with boyf, he last time will know if I'm joking or serious, but today he don't. I was joking that I don't want talk to him, but he took it serious. He then called me, cry in the phone.. I thought everything to back to how we are, guess I'm wrong. /: He kept on say sorry to me &he send me a text. I'm really touched boyf. He then bought seaweed, milk, &from his house send until my house outside you know. He very good hor, yea indeed. My mother saw him, hahas. Prepare &went downstairs to meet my boyf. He say he felt bad that my mother scolded me. Silly, told him many times that my mother not scolding me liao. Head to darling house to ask her help me with some stuffs. Thanks darling, Luvz. Me &boyf went to library to see books &had a talk on what happen last few days. He went to buy bbt for me. :D Went to sit down &continue our talk. He then send me to my darling house &he went home. Me &darling to paya lebar awhile &took bus home. Told her everything that happened. Home &listen to boyf, go eat medicine, I did. ^^ , I very guai hor!? :D Suddenly feel like watching naruto, so I re-watch. Tomorrow no school~ , brother also no work~ , darling going out with minming~ , boyf evening got work~ , so sad~ , can't talk to him much for 3days~ ): Okay lah, shall go watch &talk to boyf~ , byes. :D Saturday, October 16, 2010 Hi :D , came back to post. Say until friday no school. Morning went to baibai my grandpa, like so sian only. Get scolded &scolded, kao, also like, totally my fault. -.- Went to grandma house mammam &watch tv awhile, went home. Reached home, I think I took a nap, then woke up go prepare. Met brother at paya lebar mrt. He don't want run, swim already, we went to suntec. He very funny, say go Orchard become go suntec. I know darling see this will sad, don't sad okay. We walk around, look look. I say eat pepper lunch, in the end we went to eat MOF. Fyi, MOF = Ministry Of Food. We then went to ps to walk walk awhile as he say he don't want go home so early. Well, I know he's depressed, but at least I manage to make him laugh abit. Went home after that. I still remember he say, "cotton-on no people one." Instead of "Pepperlunch no people one". LOL. Home &watch continue to watch my Kekkaishi. Until don't know what time then I sleep already. Today morning woke up, use com awhile, then go prepare. Took clothes to grandma house &go mrt meet my brother. This time we go suntec is really eat pepper lunch liao. Lol. He still write feedback say what the staff is eager to clear the plates blahblahblah. I wrote say the lemon tea too sweet. LOL! I'm so lame, ^^v , but it's true that it's too sweet. &we didn't have the ice cream &we just went off, hahas. Head back home after that. Went to take a nap, I really bth, eye very pain. Woke up use com awhile &went market mammam with brother. &I saw him crying.. Sigh, I really wish I could comfort him but I don't know how. /: .. Don't wish to see him cry again.. Head home, continue my kekkaishi~ Watch halfway, was talking to Constance. Hmms, planning to go look for job, seek Constance for advice. I'm so confused now, like seriously. ._. I loved you, really, please know that I really loved you.. I don't want you to get hurt.. Well, I came to post cause it's 16oct today. Happy 16th months darling! LynnieC.WanLing's, 1606'09 (L)! Okay bah, shall end here. Thursday, October 14, 2010 ![]() ![]() ![]() An-hyung~ :D Suddenly feel like updating so I came to post. Well, I don't think people will visit my blog &see what I post le bah, so dead. Anyways, last post say until waiting for my brother to come back. I blog until 1plus &he's back, after he's back I went to sleep liao. Lol. Saturday, was at home whole morning &afternoon, doing what? Use com. Suddenly Terence, Hweeling &Constance ask me got go chalet anot. Since home nothing do &they asked me then I go down lor. Asked brother got go anot, he at first say no, then I keep ask him, "you really don't want go ah?" Lol, he laugh &say see first. In the end, he still went down with me, hahas. I think not because of me then he go down, I think is cause of some other reason horrrr~ Someone should know what I talking about if that person read my blog. ^^ Prepared &took mrt down to Pasir Ris &walked to the chalet. At first reach there, don't feel comfortable, awhile later jiu won't liao. Mingfu kor say I slim abit liao, o.o. Have meh, still so fat, hahas~ . The dog is damn cute lah, still tie "hair". &it licked me! At my face &lips, mygod, make me thought of my darling's dog, Hannie. Lol. Went upstairs &rest, very warm. Constance came, then we talk about our relationship. Talk halfway, Terence came in, then we have to stop, cannot say already. Head to Ehub with Constance to buy the same handphone cover as her. Now abit rust liao, ._. . Some went home when it's getting late, parents came around 12plus 1plus. Mother went upstairs &sleep. We youths were sitting downstairs playing few rounds of game. Lose one must drink, vodka + coke. Lol. Then before playing, we each drink a bottle of don't know what drink. Orange plua a little percentage of alcohol. Stupid Terence force me to drink, but thanks to Damian, he helped me drink almost 3/4 of it. Terence saw he "OI!". Lol, so funny. Somemore I cough &flu he still ask me drink so much, he no heart one. Peng kor say my brother lousy, can't drink unlike me. My brother abit drunk liao. He went to vomit &heard Terence that he cried. I wish I could comfort him but I don't know how to approach to him. Sigh. See him like this I also worry for him, ohwell, at least Terence is there with him. Went to bath(thanks Terence for the shirt^^) &have a walk with Constance. Yea, she told me a lot. I don't know how to tell her, I understand her feelings cause I'm in the same condition as her. Advice her yet I can't apply it to myself, hahas. I wanted to share my problems with her, but I don't seem to have time. Don't wish to trouble her anyway. 7 of us stayed behind overnight. 2 bed, 2mattress, brother &Terence one bed, me &Constance one bed, the rest mattress. :P Terence sleep beside me, &keep disturb me, he really no heart one. Didn't manage to sleep that night. Was downstairs with Terence &Damian. Something happen, don't wish to post it up.. Went upstairs to sleep, but people keep make me can't sleep. Terence came up &disturb me &I'm not able to sleep again! -faint- Then I forgot what happen, buffet came, Daiyong's relative also came. Constance, Terence &my brother went to buy things. Yvonne, Mingfu &Damian went to have a walk. Left me there sitting down like an idiot. Ohwell, I don't give a damn. Had a light lunch &went to Escape Theme Park. Me, Hweeling, my brother, Damian, Constance &Terence. Nothing to play one, a lot closed down already. Played go kart first, had a lot laughter with my brother. Hahas. We play the mini kind de roller coaster, one time 2rounds. Wth, I sat a total of 4times, 8rounds. I felt dizzy &almost fainted. Thanks to my brother, he keep say "one more time". He actually wanted to go haunted house, but I don't want. I die also don't want go in already, knn so scary. ._. Head back after that, awhile later go home. Reached home, packed things, bath &go down the chalet again cause Mingfu kor called. So me &brother took cab down, I don't like ¬ xi guan the smell &taking taxi. I'll feel dizzy &wanna vomit. Reached, Damian teached me Chemistry awhile &all going home liao. Went to White Sands with brother cause he want go popular buy the file I bought. Then we went to had burger king for dinner. The lemon is damn freaking sweet, like all is syrup, no water. ._. I secretly changed the drink with my brother while he's using his Iphone. x: Then when he drink I keep laugh, Lol. In the end we shared drink. Head home taking mrt, reached home, use com awhile jiu go sleep already. I bth you know, one plus night never sleep leh, some more I drink, wa, I can be god liao. Morning go school, had geo exam first. I do halfway I cmi I lie on table &dozed off, I suddenly jump up &continue to do. After Geo, revising for my chemistry. Well, what Damian taught me not really helped but it did helped me abit somehow. ^^ Thanks, luvz. Then I think I met boyf is it? I forgot liao. Had bio first on tuesday, wa, a lot give away marks sial. I think that one can pass. After that had POA paper 2, wa that one is totally cui. Lol. Went home after that, bath &went library to find baby, darling &Yanchuan. I reached awhile baby had to go home liao, said bye to her &she went home herself. Darling &Yanchuan is doing their prep work for art. Yanchuan drew until very nice lor, darling one also very nice. Went to buy things &go darling's house cook. Ate finish, I went to watch Looney Tunes &darling continue her prep work. Watch until 10 &head back to grandma house &sleep. Stupid mosquito, keep bite me. ._. Today morning went to school for oral. No need assmebly one lor, so stupid, me &Liru still go assembly, kao. Had chinese oral first, hmms, can say it's not good can say it's okay. I slip my words, I said one "then". Wth. After that slacked with Chileng, Liru &Yingshi awhile, until 10 we went back for our English oral. At first I'm not the last one de lor, in the end I become the last one to be the timer cause last 4 people went to other side as it's already 11. My topic is about babies, heng mine is Mrs.Cheng, not Mr.Gage. x: Teacher say I very observant, hehes. :3 I keep laugh with her, so funny. Leena my husband waited for me &we went home together. Had a h2h talk with her while waiting for our oral just now. I felt like crying, at the same time, I had the feel that I can't explain. Is it you? I think so. Home, use com &dozed off. Went to bath, actually going out with darling but in the end never. Stayed home whole day, father called &kp me. Say what I no need go back grandma housem blahblahblah. Whatever. I is bored dao I went to watch "Kekkaishi" as I last time watch halfway jiu never watch liao. After that brother came back &ask me, "tomorrow we go run want? Or we go swim." Lol, so random him. No mood to go anywhere~ I want to tell someone how I feel, but I.. , sigh. Tomorrow no school~ , exams over (Y)! When get back results see how I die. :D Okay bah, shall post until here, got anything to update I'll see if I want to or not. Hehes. Continue watching my show~ , an-hyung. Friday, October 8, 2010 ![]() ![]() Finally, shall continue my blogging after so long. Okay I totally forgot what've happen already. Thursday english paper, so-so. Friday chinese paper, so-so. I remember rushing a 3rd annivesary present for my boyf. Yeps, it was on, Friday night I think. I draw a number of things in a sketch book for him. I draw until in the late night around 4plus then sleep. I still haven't finish you know. Saturday morning 9 mummy woke me up just to ask me to help her see the washing machine. She bought a new washing machine &found out that it's not the washing machine problem, is the drain stuck, water is unable to flow out. Went to paya lebar with mummy to see clothes as that night De Li's, whatever it's spelled, is his wedding. Walk around awhile, then back to mrt to meet my brother. We decided to go bugis to see, so we did. I bought a dress, well, it cost $110. Lol. My brother say Korean people wear this kind one. Then I say really? Oh~ My brother bought a don't know what, look like sweater kind but not sweater. After that headed home. I rush like hell, cause needa meet boyf &he's on the way. Reached home, quickly go bath, dry hair, etc, whatever I need to do. Done &went out of house, went down &I forgotten to take my rubberband, went up again. Then brother saw me, &ask why I come back again. I say I forgot take things &he laugh. Went in &took my things, step out of house, &I remember I never take his sketch book, went in to take again. Lol. &he waited me downstairs for like, 45mins? Omg, felt so bad &guilty. Kept on say sorry to him, &he said nevermind, but I still feel bad. ): Where we went? Ohyes, library. We always go there, so no need to be surprised. At there awhile, then went to the temple. I very thirsty, boyf brought me go back mrt &bought Mr.bean for me. Say I pay he don't want, so sweet of him. (L). Head back, &boyf went off after sending me there, so sad to see him leave. /: Reached the wedding place, nothing really much happen. Just, normal lor. Finish &head home, wash away makeup, then do what? I forgot. Sleep I think. Sunday, yes, it's the day. It's me &my boyf 's 3rd month~~~~~ Happy belated 3month boyf. Luvz. Can't meet him that day cause he've to study for his monday's exam. So I went out with parents, went to mammam as usual. Went to bata to buy a new pair of school shoes. My foot is so small, number 2 of that shoe it's too big for me but there's no number 1. Lol. Went to paya lebar buy socks &an insole. Then to popular to buy a file. &I saw LimJingQiang, wtf. -.- , what a day. Head home, bath everything, met darling go study. After that I jiu forget what happen liao. Thursday had exam, SS &Math paper 2. Cui, seriously cui until very jialat. I only can pray that my math paper can get 40 &above, if not I'll fail. Remember I met my boyf on thursday. We went to library, but no space, so we head to mac to study. Well, we didn't really study, just sit there &watch soccer. Very lame hor. No choice, my boyf likes to watch soccer. &he changed his phone to blackberry, so cool. Feel like having the same phone as him. ): He goes home after he sent me to my darling house downstairs. Went up to darling's house &he went home. Went to study at mac with darling. We study until 9plus, went to buy ice cream &we go play ground sit &talk. Just now so much time nothing to talk. When I need to go home, jiu a lot to say. Home &sleep. Morning we no A math de 10plus then go for a listening compre. People keep wake me &ask me I today got school anot. Interrup me sleeping only. Woke up, prepare &went to school. Paper say 11.15 end but 11 jiu end liao, Lol. Went home &bath, use com awhile &met boyf. We went to library as usual, awhile later went to buy bbt, after that he went to find his friend liao, he's tonning at his friend's house today. He win liao, leave me alone here. Ke lian hor me. ): He send me home, then he go off. Home &watch show until sian, come re-make my playlist, &sun bian post yi xia. If you notice, it's all SHINee's song. Hehs, Jonghyun my "husband" cannot blame, like him alot~ &I've made it gray(my favourite colour), &green cause it's my boyf 's favourite colour. :D Feel quite sleepy, but brother ask me wait him as he's not home yet. Don't know want wait anot, miss boyf. /: .. Shall see how I can tahan. Tomorrow don't know want go for that bbq anot, need pay $20 leh. Sian. Exams period now. Really prays that everything will pass except combine humans as that one I confirm won't pass. I don't know why I suddenly love my boyf more. Love the way he hugged me, held my hands, feed me, sayang me, pinch me, tickle me, everything. Especially the way he loved me. Although I'm his first girlf, he's really very sweet. He bought me seaweed &milk for me when I feel like having them/when he made me angry he'll use that to bribe me hor hubby, bleh~ Don't wish to lose him. Really wished he'll stay with me always. I know he will. Iloveyou boyfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. (L). &don't mistaken okay. The guy in the picture is not my boyf tyvm. Lol. ^^ Ohwell, shall end here. Luvz. This song it's for my boyf. I like this song, cause it's SHINee. :P , just trans it to english. Well, just simply click my playlist for that song, I have it but it's korean of cause. One. The morning sunlight is like you. It might be a little childish, but I like it. If I'm by your side when you wake me up, I have nothing more to wish for. I want to see you. Don't think we can't love because we're young. before it's too late, before I grow older, can you hold onto me? I love you only, as much as the sky. You truly are the reason I live. I really, really, I want to hug you like crazy. We're still going too fast, right? Whenever our eyes meet, I wonder if the smile that grows on my face, might reach a corner of your heart. I whisper into the beautiful ears, inside of your uncertain heart, my feelings of love for you. I'll be taking you boy(girl), I know without you. Without you, I miss you, I'll long for you forever. My feelings of desire and hope, my love that grows deep again, I can no longer hide them. You are me boy(girl). My heart will catch you and not let you go. Can you feel it as well? before, oh, it's too late, before I grow older, can you hold onto me? I know that your heart, cannot come by my side yet. Can I just call you my one? Let's all together one, two, three, let's begin. You are my one, my everything. I really, really, I want to love you like crazy. I can do that now, right? I really, really, I want to love you like crazy. I can do that now, right? I can do that now, right? (Notice the red parts. ^^) |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |