Friday, April 30, 2010
Hi. (: When is my last post? Oh, yesterday. Like I said, darling is coming over my grandma house to study. Actually, I didn't study much lah, darling is at there doing her art prep work. &me? Slacking, keep disiao her. HAHAHHAHAH. :3 After that we too boliao &took photos, all damn fugly. Awhile later, when darling is about to go home, my father came back. Siao one, he see me machiam want to kill me. Sent darling home &went back grandma house toh on bed already. Today morning woke up, prepare &went school. Had chinese paper 1 &2 today. Paper one like, don't know what to write, some more not enough time. Paper two I still got like, 15mins to rest. Prays hard that I can pass English &chinese. Heard from Pengsiong that sym kanna hack? Wa, if it's true, can't imagine how angry is xiaored. o.o .. After the paper went to buy drinks with darling &head off to library for Bio remedial. Only 3boys came, LOL. Ended, went out of school &darling saw her lover, Keefe. Stand a distance away from the bus stop to decide where to go. We keep, "Eheheh, we keep look there, skali the other guys thought we an lian him." LOL. After Keefe &friends board the bus, me &darling went to the bench to sit down &continue thinking. Darling on song, &she called her mother to inform her that she's going to Bugis. While she's on the phone, I was looking at what he sent me on the 18March'10, 4.11am. I keep repeat &repeat what he wrote, ya, my tears just flow out. Is darling ask me not to cry so I tried to hold back my tears. Head to take mrt down to Bugis. We went to walk walk, see my SHINee, &printed photos. Went FoodJunction to eat lunch plus dinner. Darling thought is KopiTIAM, then she forced herself to say it. &I kept repeating, "KopiTIAAAAAAAAAAAAM." LOL. So bad. :P Eat finish then we head back to Aljunied. Saw Ryan &ShiAn, &know what I did to darling? Turban, HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. :B I know you don't get what I mean, darling gets it jiu hao liao. Pei-ed her go buy her dog's food &saw baby, her sister &other people at 108. Actually don't wanna go there as I don't like, but something happen to baby so we went. Awhile later darling pei-ed me walk halfway &she went back home. Reached grandma house, bathed &saw Hsienyung kor. Borrowed his phone to continue watching "UP." Still cannot finish, later he come back then continue watch &go see still got what movie. Came back home myself first. My eye keep twit today, scare something back is going to happen. \: Tomorrow got tk, can't go out. Nevermind, monday no school, ask my darling go out er ren shi jie, don't jealous. :D! I'm missing you~ ): Stop trying get him back, he ain't coming. Ohboy, I thought you'll be mine again. You're like a tatoo on my heart. No matter where, when or what I do, I always see the number 21. Not just one time or ten times, is much more than ten times. ._. .. Argh, I need &want him badly.. Okay, I'm going to sleep liao, tireddie. Nightsssss, loves. , Love starts sweet, end sour. Thursday, April 29, 2010 Hi. Yesterday same thing happen, darling came to my grandma house &study. 10plus sent her home &went back grandma house sleep. Today morning keep drag myself up as I don't want to be late for exams. Prepare &went school. It's a totally chaos during assembly, all NA classes sit not in line one. H3-1, 3-2 &3-3 mixed together &do the paper at the same time. They say what train for O-Levels. First english paper 1, I spent 1hour 30mins on the composition. 15minutes left for me to write a formal letter. Write semo dong dong, I anyhow write &hand in already. ._. Then recess, sat at the bench with Liru, Lina, Emily, Cordelia, Dionis &Beibei. When it's time to go up, we headed back to art room to sit for paper 2. All kiasu one, so early jiu at the door outside wait already. LOL. Had paper 2, I do until I almost dozed off when I'm reading the passage. It's kinda hrad &easy? I don't know. Handed in &went to have lunch with darling, baby &don't know who. &I skipped POA remedial. Don't understand what the teacher is saying maaaaaaaaanz. Fail liao, bao fail already. LOL. \: Eat finish &we went to the library. Darling's phone speaker like spoil spoil, then she asked me to pei her go tm later. Came to her house &don't know what happen, her speaker okay already. LOL. She took a nap while I use her com to audi. &it's some kind of like, boring? Yea, cause without him, it'll be boring. I then found out that Jason know Iva, OMGOOOOOOOOOOOOSH. I want vomit, -puke-. 5.30 went to wake her up &she went to prepare as later she's going over to my grandma house to study again. Father keep call call call, &I didn't answer of cause. Go home going kanna scolded liaaaaaaaaaaao. :D I keep saw the number 21 !!!! Ohmy~ I missssssssssssssssssssssss 211209. ): ! When can he come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!? Someone tell meeeeee please. ;sob.. Babyyyyyyyyyyyyy, come back.. Okay, shall end here. , Perpetually waiting. Wednesday, April 28, 2010 ![]() Heyoz. (: I'm currently at darling's house again to post. Yeps, yesterday we both also laugh like hell when studying. Tomorrow is first paper, which is English Nowadays keep midnight wake up to look at my phone. Always disappointed, ya, cause I saw no text. \: Today morning went school, Miss Haryati talked to me, ask if I'm feeling any better. I told her half half, but atually, is no. Awhile later is PE, &of cause, I failed last week for 2.4, today I ran again. Guess what? I passed. :D! 17.35, miracle. Me, Lina &Liru ran together, but last two rounds I just chiong. Then recess, blahblahblah. Geography teacher never come, free period. ;luv Talked to Joycelyn about him. &ya, everyone asked me to give up &move on. But still, I didn't take their advice, I'm still waiting.. Waited for darling &baby at class for a period. We went here &there, sat down just now to talk, I came her house to audi awhile. &I realised, it's kinda boring when I get to play, if not, I'll feel like playing. Later maybe darling's coming over to my grandma house to study again. English, nothing to study much actually. Sigh, I miss him maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanzxc. Why can't he just come back? Isn't everything's settle? I doubt so. Today I keep hear &see 21 21 21 21 21 21 21. Can go bang wall already. ._.! It's driving me crazy~! I suddenly remember someone once told me, "No matter how famous a person is, he/she will always feel lonely inside." Lonely, yea lonely. Without him, I feet so lonely, so lost. But he doesn't knows what my heart truely felt for him, past, now &perpetually. This is the don't know how many millions times I'm saying, I miss, I need, I want &iloveyou.. Ending here. , Never judge someone by it's cover &I'm waiting. Tuesday, April 27, 2010 ![]() Hi yo. (: Surprise that I'm posting? Not at home, not at lan, but at my darling's house. ;love. Sunday night quarrelled with him. Darling &baby know why I did that for yea. Monday went school, as usual, nothing much happen. After school went to paya lebar to have lunch with darling. Then we took mrt back Aljunied, &went library. Darling was doing her homwork, while I'm re-reading the paper I've wrote about him. Read until I cry. NEHNEH LAH, the tear just drop onto the paper &the word smudged. ._. .. After that went to but drinks &went to my grandma house to study with darling. Wa, there's someone sibeh guailan sial. We studied bio &maths together. We keep laugh, stop, laugh, stop, fundieeee. I'm thinking of having a christian name, I asked darling to help me think. Andrea, Vera, Fienne. Nice right, ya lah, my darling think one leh. ;hoho It's 11pm, &yea, I sent her home then I go back my grandma house. While walking, I keep, mssssssssssssssssk, there's one guy from far turn back leh. Very loud meh, siao one, like he never msk before. Reached darling's house downstairs, hugged &I went back. I don't know, I felt so tired, but I just can't get myself to sleep. Today morning blurr blurr go school. Didn't went for recess, stayed at Joycelyn classroom &talked to her about him. Then Geography, stupid Leah keep strech my leg until got mark. Chemistry, get back test paper. 8 half upon 25, zai bo. :D Lie on table awhile then went for POA remedial. After that meet darling &baby. Baby went off first as she got something on. Me &darling went bbt shop mammam. Now at her house, going off to my grandma house to study again. Her brother want use the broadband already. &of cause, I do miss him a lot a lot a lot a lot now.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRGH, cannot think. ._.! Okay, shall end here. , Sunday, April 25, 2010 ![]() ROMANTIC Yeah, my girl I'm an idiot Your unforgettable love, The final tears Are ripping away at my whole heart It's ripping away, (I'm Sorry) I'm so sorry I thoughtlessly walk Wherever my heart takes me It seems I am looking for Those that look similar to you I'm still standing at the same place It almost seems like you just tapped my sagging shoulders And hid from my sight Why are you not there? can I not see you? Are my eyes looking too far? I trusted that I could love again Still you stay, branded in my heart unmoving. What do I do? It can't not be you. I am so miserable That I realized this now The pictures Make it look like I am still your love The heat of your body and your face I can still feel it Deep inside my heart Still I have romantic in my heart I want to go back. So many days I had Everything of you. But why is it (baby why) That now (tell me why) That I can't find you? I'm so frightened that In the places where our memories are deeply embedded That I may (I know) see you there with the perfect man. I trusted that I would meet a love like you again The pain of you branded in my heart is death What do I do? It can't not be you I am so miserable That I realized this now The pictures Make it look like I am still your love The heat of your body and your face I can still feel it Deep inside my heart Still I have romantic in my heart I want to go back. I guess I'm exhausted. Left alone I wander, Looking for the love left in the empty space where you were. I'm begging you to look at me. Look at the one so similar to you This ordeal is too much for me It so much worse than simply waiting I became so similar to you that I copied even your habits There is more of you inside me than myself I wanna be, wanna be your man Let's go back to the way things were I want be reborn as a man that loves you I won't hurt you ever again Can I go? I wanna be... I won't let you, Be your man It can't not be you I am so miserable That I realized this now. The pictures Make it look like I am still your love. The heat of your body and your face I can still feel it Deep inside my heart. Still I have romantic in my heart I want to go back. It can't not be you I am so miserable That I realized this now. (Your unforgettable love, The final tears Are ripping away at my chest Leaving only scars that will never heal Leaving me as my miserable self I'm so distressed, what do I do?) The heat of your body and your face I can still feel it Deep inside my heart. Still I have romantic in my heart I want to go back. What do I do now? Hi. (: Yesterday went mrt to meet my mother &go back my grandma house. Don't know why my eye hurts. 11plus went home with parents. Hsienyung kor watch show, SNSD Yoona take de. I watch 'Planet 51' &the show while I'm downloading 'UP'. Nehneh lah, I accidently close it, then need re-download. ._. So ya, waited &waited. Finally done, I watched halfway Hsienyung kor want sleep already. So I closed &return him his Iphone. &ya, was messaging with him. Don't know why I cut myself, LOL, stupid. -.- Who cares anyways. Didn't cared &I just went to sleep. 4plus sleep, 6plus woke up, wow. Woke up to watch show until now, feeling a bit tired. Don't know why I went to hear this song, 'ROMANTIC', &I feel, down? Looking over &over &over again at what I've wrote &what he sent. What to do.. Why others get to have a second chance with him, yet only I can't? Life is so unfair. You'll cherish something, when you realised you've loss it. Yea, I regretted. Imissyou boy.. |: , going nap awhile, later going grandma house. &ya, same thing, will be staying there till friday night then come back. Ohmy, I realised I very long never audi already. Maybe it's better this way, I won't see them tmm or something. There're some things that is better for us not knowing what happen. Cause it only makes you more miserable. I cannot tahan already, I'll end here. Edited. Things are going in the wrong way. Since he thinks that I don't believe what he says then, sigh.. I'm just feeling scare. Scare that he might just change his mind at the next second. No one can predict what will happen at the very next second isn't it. You know that feeling? You understand that feeling? You know how deep it is? No. Ya, you will say I kept on thinking about myself, not sparing a thought for you. &ask me to put myself into your shoe &think again. Why not you do the same? I may look strong on the outside, but inside, who understands? Bet none. I know you've your own reasons why you can't get back to me. But hey, can you guarantee that you WILL come back if things are settle? What's the point on holding on while you two kept on drifting? I don't want keep quarrel with you, all I want is go back like how we used to be. Remembering what you sent me on our first month. 'Baby, although I can't tell you how much iloveyou, but let time prove it. I'll love you eternity &cherish every moment with you. Happy one month, <3.' &a BIG, L.O.V.E. Isn't it sweet? Yea, indeed. Thinking about it makes me wanna cry &smile, but the smile is faked. Maybe I'm wrong, ya, everything lies on me. I know you have a lot of problems. That's why I want to be your special &important person, whom you can share your burdens with. Not just friends, not best friend, but someone beyond best friend. I can't get you out of my mind. I can't get you out of my heart. I can't get out of the past. I can't get your words out from my mind &heart. I can't get you out of anywhere. Someone told me, "If you're willing to let go &move on, you can. It's all your decision whether to give up, or continue to wait &suffer. No one can control you." Ya, I agreed. No matter how hard I try to shoo him off, he is always still in my heart, un-moving. He say he's not giving me false hopes whatever shit. Okay, I believed him. Prove to me, prove to me that what you say are true. Prove to me that you're different from other guys. Prove to me that you still cares for me. Prove to me that you say "I don't love you anymore." is not true. Prove to me that I'm still in your heart, unchanged. Prove to me that you'll come back &never leave again. Prove to me that what others say are not true. Prove to me, you'll be mine.. Prove everything to me. Prove me wrong. I know you can, all you need is time is it? Okay, I give you. How long do you need? 1day? 1week? 1month? 1year? 10years? 100years? I don't know how long can I wait, but I'll try my best. But let me inform you, my patience have limit. You won't disappoint me, would you? I'm exhuasted on crying, I want to stop. But only you, you can help me to stop those tears. Only you can let me sleep well at night. Only you, can make me take off the fake smile. Only you can let me feel that I'm loved. I've loved you, always boy, always.. I really hope &wish, you'll say, "Baby, iloveyou. I'll never leave you." again to me. Everyone will thinks that I'm dreaming, but boy, I believed, I believe one day, you'll say that to me again. Always waiting.. Fyi, I'm writing all this cause I feel like writing it on my blog. If you don't like it, then please don't come at the very first place. This is my blog, I own it, I write whatever I feel like. You've no rights to judge it or me. Don't like me please kindly fcuk off from my blog, tyvm. , Why does things turn out this way? Saturday, April 24, 2010 ![]() Hi. :D Just feeling a bit bored &came to post. Yesterday I've did what he said, typed out everything for him. &ya, I cried, as you know, \: After that I lent from my brother's iphone to watch show. Watched 'Alvin &chipmunks 2' & 'Final Destination 4'. It's really disgusting maaaaaaaaaaaan, I almost vomited. The stone just fly straight into the eye. ._.! Wa, I'm damn scare can, think of the scene, don't dare sleep. But thanks to him, he pei-ed me, &I dozed off. :P Today morning 7 woke up, wa. No school I so early wake up zuomo, all cause of my brother's alarm. Tsk. Lie on bed turn here &there until 10, use com until 12, went back sleep. Sleep until 2plus then wake up, pro me. Hsienyung kor ask me go out watch show, I no money, some more no mood go out. So I stayed at home the whole day, I'm so guai. :3 Watching show &just now went to see some SHINee stupid scene. Ohmy~, Jonghyun is daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn cute lah. Just being random here. (: Lalalalalalaaaaaaa~, don't know want go ahmah house anot. Hopes mama work until 7. Exmas is just 5days away &i'm still slacking. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I'm crazy about him, I WANT HIM LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. ): I'm off, tatas. , There's nothing call 'FOREVER'. Friday, April 23, 2010 Hey yo. :D! Wenesday went for an interview, I CAN JOIN THAT YOU KNOW! Just that, father don't allow. -.- , ): Thursday went school, blahblahblah, after school still got POA remedial. After that went mac with my laogong aka Lina, Emily &Liru. We four really is crazzzzzzzzzzzy man. Liru keep laugh laugh, me, laogong &Emily keep talk craps. Lina say "Koko-crunch" become "Kuku-crunch". LOL. After that walked with them to bus stop &I walked back grandma house. I spend my studying time writing something, &yea, it's about him. Write halfway, too late already, stopped &went to bed. Those stupid mosquito, midnight keep bite me, distract me from sleeping. ;eeks. Today morning went school, had bio test &I actually forgotten. ._. Is darling at assembly ask me if I got study bio anot then I remember. HENG AH, teacher got revise with us abit, if not bao fail one. Now we all sit single file, darling so far from me, can't high. ;cry. Liru also sit so far, can't talk about SHINee, BigBang, FT.Island, SS501 already. But laogong is beside me, ;hoho. Ohya, I continued to write about him during chinese lesson. The teacher keep talk about how well or bad we did for our compo for one period. &I've finished writing, it's like, 3pages long, waaaaa. ._. &the HIM, asked me to typed out everything for him, can bang wall already. Somemore, I KEEP SAW THE NUMBER 21! \: After school stayed in class to wait for darling to do her Chemistry test. Ours is on Monday. End already, pei-ed baby go bus stop &saw laogong, Adam. Hugged baby &me &darling sat at the bentch, I let her read what I wrote as she that time let me see what she wrote for Desmond, fair fair. She read already ask me don't sad, I hope to. \: We sat there for like don't know how long, just to think what to eat. Lol. We decided to go Pizza Hut at plaza sing. So we went to my grandma house to put down books &her sketch book first then we head down to plaza sing. When we reached there, we went to HongKong Cafe eat. LOL. Eat finish, went to the comic shop, &I bought SHINee file &JongHyun name tag. ;luv. Ohmy, he's so shuai maaaaaaaaaan. After that took mrt back Aljunied. From there, me &darling keep laugh until Aljunied. Know what happen? She was on the phone with don't know who when we tap in. Went down, the train from the side we're taking, is going to close. I heard it bi-bi-bi already, so I tell darling don't go in &I went to sit down. She stand there &say, "Eh, want to go in anot?" She look around, ehhh? Where the hack is me? She then saw me sitting down there &came laughing to me. She told me got a auntie beside her looking at her. LOL. In train also keep laugh. Pei-ed her go buy her dog's food &she came my grandma house awhile. Wa, we both keep laugh. She even laugh &roll on the floor. Darling eh, white &purple colour. ;hoho. LOL. Until 7plus I sent her back home &I walked home myself. Came home, post, fb &I'm going to sleep soon, damn tired. ._. Tomorrow should I go out? Ahhhhhhh, think not, today money all fly fly fly. &ya, I've just found out something. I find myself really stupid, asssssssssssss. JIAYUN, WAKE UP WOMAN, HE'S JUST USING YOU! Every guys are the same. Thought I still stand a chance? No, not even a single bit, not even 0.01%. Stop thinking about him, let it go. I can't control my emotions now. No wonder just now my eyes just twited.. Please don't take me as her replacement. If you need a replacement, please find other girls, don't come to find me. I don't need all your fake concern. Writing all that is such a waste of my time. BUT I STILL MISS & LOVE YOU A LOT, YOU UNDERSTAND!? YOU KNOW!? NO, NOT A BIT. Crap, zz. Okay, I shall end here. -.- , Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Hi. (: First of all, I'll like to say, ty for that comment "hi". I know you're jealous right, that's why you'll comment that on me. &oh? I heard a dog barking at my blog. LOL. How sad, the dog has no life &sense. ;duh. Anyways, back to post. I'm soooooooooo happy during sunday you knooooooooooow. Cause the _______ finally text me. :D! But he keep guailan me. -.- But it's okay, as long as, you know, he texted me. Skali he is no one to text then text me one, oh well. \: Monday after school had pastamania with darling. We went paya lebar, at first we laugh abit only, not so mad. But then after we eat, we laugh like heeeeeeeeell. What air-con connect to my house, if hot the use that air-con &blow until your hair stands, what air blow until stuck on the wall &ou-ou-ou-ou. LOL, I bet darling knows what I'm talking about. ;hoho. After that we went back Aljunied, &went to mac to had ice cream. Eat finish, sent darling home, she walk with me halfway &saw baby &her sister. Talk awhile, &I went home walking in the rain. ;luv. Reached ahmah house, sit awhile &went to bathe, blahblahblah. Tuesday after school had NAFAR test, 5stations. &I've passed all, ya. (: Today, had 2.4 retest. Stupid lah, I've failed by 31seconds, grrrrrrrrrrs. I chiong like no tomorrow okay, &I vomited. -.- After that had lessons, last lesson Geo teacher never come, early dismiss. :P Went to took my IC, then come back home post. Know why? Ya, cause today is 21April. Okay, I feel like crying again. ._. Thinking about what he told me yesterday, really, zz. Oh well, he won't come back anyways, what for crying right. But I just can't control my tears! ): Sigh, okay, I'm late for something, ohmy, it's raining, going bathe, byes. (: .. , Baby, be mine again.. Sunday, April 18, 2010 Hi (: Just came back from temple not long. Yesterday night don't know why so tired until I just lie on bed &went lalaland. Morning 7plus woke up, prepare, 8plus uncle came to fetch. Reached there, no people de. ._. Hweeling say there got people, but reached only saw Yiwen &Ahpeng kor. Awhile later father ask us to go do things. Me, Hweeling &mama went to do, Yiwen they all went to eat. Ya, do do do, ping pong piang, finish went in air-con room rest &talk to Hweeling about _____. I REALLY MISS HIM LIKE, WAAAAAAAAA, can bang wall already. \: Today so relax, 2pm then end le. Took uncle's van back home, Hsienyung kor just nice, same time come back. He went out already, he going Tampines buy PS3 game &go airport send his friend. It's so boring at homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I anyhow click here click there &I'm able to transfer picture in the com &post. AHAHHAHAHAHAH, pro me. ^^v But don't know why the photobucket sotsot one, cannot upload photo. _l_ Will try to fix it, if I can, hehs. Tomorrow got school again, sian half. Exams is around the corner~ Time fly, really fast maaaaaaaanzxc. If we didn't broke that time it's already like, _months already.. Ah shoosh, don't say don't think. x.x I'm exhausted, going for a nap awhile. Going stay overnight at my grandma house until this coming Friday night. (: ! Do miss me, cause I'll miss youssssssssssss. Especially my darling, ;mua. &of cause me baby, although she won't be able to see this. :P Lalala, byes. :D! , I'm sick &tired of all your nonsence, just STFU. Saturday, April 17, 2010 ![]() Hi. Just wanna say, HAPPY BELATED 10MONTHS DARLING. ;mua. 16June'09. Forgotten to post it yesterday. LOL. Ohya, yesterday I didn't went school, cause it's only Sports Day. Somemore I'm sick okay!, but didn't wanted to see doctor, hehs. I don't know why I suddenly went to hear songs, &i hear "Heartbeat." I feel like crying already.. Heartbeat. Can you feel my heartbeat? The heart you trampled on is still beating towards you. Doesn't matter how hard I try to forget. Even when I try to meet other girls, The moment I turn around I only think of you. I don't want to do this, I want to stop. However much I try to convince myself, It's all an hopeless cause my heart won't listen. Why did you throw it away? Why am I still acting foolish? I can understand it with my mind but my heart just doesn't get it. It's holding onto you, won't let go. It still feels like you're by my side. It must have forgotten, won't believe we're done. Whoever I meet, my heart won't fully open. It leaves a room for you always. There's no way you'll come back. But it believes you might. Why does my heart believe? Why doesn't it listen? Listen to my heartbeat, it's beating for you. Listen to my heartbeat, it's waiting for you. My heart doesn't know it's over. I can't understand why.. Listen to my heartbeat, it's beating for you. Listen to my heartbeat, it's waiting for you. It still pains me to think of you. Everytime my heart beats, I remember.. I must forget.., forget to live on. Erase the memories, if not, I'll die. Stop trying get her back, she ain't coming. She's gone, gotta be moving on. She's gone, she's not coming back. She doesn't think of you. She doesn't know I'm waiting. She lives happily without knowing. She's already forgotten, completely erased out memories. Why can't I do the same? Listen to my heartbeat, it's beating for you. Listen to my heartbeat, it's waiting for you. My heart doesn't know it's over. I can't understand why.. Listen to my heartbeat, it's beating for you. Listen to my heartbeat, it's waiting for you. It still pains me to think of you. Everytime my heart beats, I remember.. The lyrics totally describe how I feel for ________. I know he won't see this, although he used to see.. But ya, think he already forgotten me, living with someone he loves now. Am I suppose to wait? In fact, I'm still waiting, as my heart is beating &waiting for you. I hope, I wish, one day, when my phone ring, it's from you. I know I'm dreaming, he won't remember me. (: .. Kept on scanning through your text(s) everyday, I don't know why. I miss you.. Sigh, anyways, staying at home really makes me think a lot of things. Darling jio me out leh, ;shy. Don't know want go out a not, no money. ;cry. Edit if there's something to post, tatas. , Your love is my drug. Edited. Heeeeeeeeeys, backs. Today mother bluff me she got work, rawrs. In the end she came back, then I ask her give me money go out. :3 10dollar &that's it. -.- Went to prepare, blahblahblah. Awhile later Hsienyung kor came back home from work. Done already &walk down to darling's house. The first impression I saw her is, "._.? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH." She look, ..don't know how to describe. LOL! I help her straighten her hair, which makes her look more nicer, must thank me hor! After that went to Cheers buy drink. Head to mrt &saw Hengky. Took mrt down to "Ten-penis." LOL. On the way in train, we keep laugh laugh laugh, cause we took photo &got one of the picture I look so retarded. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Reached "Ten-penis", went to walk walk awhile. Then we decided to watch movie. I called my mother, ask her what time she going back home. I don't know I suddenly say, "Wo da wan dian ying." LOL. &guess you know what show we watch already bah, yea, "How to train a dragon.(3D)". THE DRAGON IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE LAH. OMGOOOOSH. Got one look like Pomrakter, got one look like Geoffrey/Desmond. THEY LOOOK SO CUTE. :3 Then got one part a character say "What the" without sound. But the movement of his lip look like, "Walao". ME &DARLING KEEP LAUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. Then darling tell me the guy's nose look like orange, I say nono, look like bao. THE SHE KEEP LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH, I LAUGH UNTIL MY TEARS COME OUT, I don't know why. After that we went to Centre Square. Darling went to buy a "bracelet" but it's wear on leg one. I change back my old phone, all contacts it's on other phone. When darling was looking at the don't know what thing, someone text me. The number like so similar. It's start from 8, then I thought it's the someone, then the one who text me say "baby..". I was so shock, I thought is ______, I quickly go check, in the end is my that so called "baby", Jasmine. ._. Hai wo bai gao xing yi chang. Me &baby's date is 14April'10, darling is 16June'09. WOWZ. ;luv. Then we went home, darling took mrt &I took bus. On the way to interchange, got this lady, she suddenly tap me &gave me a name card. She say, "We're looking for different kinds of model. You can go to our website &visit." I was like, orhorhorh, took name card &I walk away. LOL. On bus keep think of ________, almost cry in bus.. Reached home, wait for mother, &went to grandma house. 2nd uncle &his whole family is there. Asked 2nd Aunt if she knows POA, yea, she gave me some revision. Then awhile later I came back home which I am now. Tommorrow got the don't know what thing, 8plus need go already, waaaaa, so early. ._. &to JACD, don't take me as a part time girl. I'm also a human please. Need me then talk to me, don't need me just throw me aside like nobody's business. Pathetic, -clapclap-. I'm going sleep sooon, today is a madness days again, hohos. Nightsy, <3 , Don't take me as a toy. -.- Friday, April 16, 2010 Hi peeeeeeeeeeeps. I'm back from my grandma house. :3 This few days is totally a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadness with darling &baby. Fyi, darling/nuer aka Lynn, baby/grand-daughter aka Jasmine. Monday at bio class, LOL, me &darling keep laugh. Cause the lap got one skeleton, then don't know why link until it, then I say hi to the skeleton. I don't know why I suddenly turn to darling &say, "skali the skeleton say hi back to me, then the hand move, ''clack-clack" sound." Darling keep laugh laugh laugh, then anyhow link until say what later people walk pass say we crazy, tie us &send us to mental hospital. LOL. Tuesday after school went to had lunch together with darling, baby &Leah. We went to had mac, we keep laugh laugh laugh, especially Leah, laugh like siao. After that we went library is it? Kind of forgot. Wednesday, 2.4km test. Knn, I fail. ._. Can pass one leh, but, zz. I feel so dizzy after the run, like going faint in anytime. Sometimes I really feel like fainting, no one cares anyways. :D! Then after school also same thing, went to eat lunch together, but this time Leah did not follow. Before that darling &baby went to make their IC. I don't need, after 20April then I can take already. Maybe going work? Not sure yet. After eating we went to playground. I don't know why suddenly I miss _______ &I started to feel sad &cried of cause. I at there cry, darling &baby at there zi lian. ;wild. Lol, but they got an wei me lah, thanks darling &baby, ;mua. After that baby went home, darling sent me halfway &she went home. Reach grandma house, bathe, blahblahblah, study, sleep. Thursday went school, had a don't know what kind of mass pe. Then me &darling keep, "eheheh, baby, mskmskmsk." Don't get it nevermind, darling know what I mean can already. LOL. ;shy. By the way, we're not les, so ya, don't think too far. (: During don't know what period, someone text me. Spoiled my mood, ._. After school went to eat at the bbt shop there. Didn't talk much, feel like crying. Me &baby went to buy drinks, I come back, darling tell me. "Eh, Leah just now ask me ____ how to spell. ._." I heard already I feel like banging the wall, darling say she also feel like crying. After we all eat finish, I add a lot of things together, until very erxin, they all want vomit. LOL. After that we went to playground again. Baby was on phone awhile then she went home, she going back school later. So only left me &darling. I cried first, then she also cry. Cause CM aka cookie monster ask me, "why daddy don't want us..?" Then we both started to cry &say we want ________. ): Cry finish, we started to high, not that kind of high, buy hyper. We keep laugh laugh laugh, then I make a funny face she keep HAHAHAHHAH. LOL. Then I went to her house audi awhile, went to mac buy mcflurry. I eat halfway don't want already, then play, darling keep say very erxin, don't play. ;lala. Got scolded cause too late go back, but I don't give a damn. (: Slept at 11plus, 1plus Jason called me, talk until 4plus then kup. 5plus then sleep, 10plus woke up, watch tv until 1plus ask darling out to eat lunch. So ya, we went to eat lunch, &buy things, after that we go home. Watch tv, then nap awhile, bathe, do something, &came back home myself. Bought dinner for my brother on the way back. Anyways, I recommand a song for you all, Lady Gaga - Telephone. You may heard this song before, but ya, it's a nice song. :D! But the mv abit .., LOL. Okay, shall end here. My brother ask me pei him watch a show, Rec. SCARRRRRRRRRRRRRY, how I wish ______ can be there to pei me like how he used to.. Sighh, tataaaaaaaaaaaaas. , Listen to my heartbeat. Saturday, April 10, 2010 Hellooooos peeps. :D This week really is a half sad half happy week. Don't know where to start my post. Just, you know, some things happen &ya, I'm happy. (: ! Anyways, today morning woke up at 6am, WOWS. Today got what carnival thing, I never go, hehs. :3 Heard that people sing the Justin - Baby &dance Super Junior - Sorry sorry. Didn't went to watch, not interested anyways. 9+ went Jason's house, play audi. LOL. He play maple, I audi, awhile later he went to sleep as he whole night never sleep already. Audi-ed with pigu, she very gan jiong sial, keep ask me quickly go out. So I listen to her, went out at around 12plus. Jason sleeping, don't want disturb him so I told his mother that I go off first, when he wake up then imform him. Walk to take mrt down, reached there around 1.35. Pigu still at bus, still say meet 2pm. Wa, can bang wall already, sat at the stairs &keep see "Love Like This" &"Ring Ding Dong" MV. Jonghyun (SHINee), daaaaaaaaaaaamn shuai lah. :3 I love his bithday date man, 08April. ;shy. Pigu reached, went in cube see see. Saw, ting, xiaored, pomrakter, emiko, resplendent, rachel, &i forgot already. But this person, I really pissed off by him. Sibeh guailan &step one dua pai one, orhjiao yi ge. -.- After thet we went to eat ljs. Talk about somethings, then she sent me the "Annoying orange" video. LOL! I keep, "hey, hey, hey apple, hey, hey apple.", "You're a TOE-MAY-TOE." Then went back cube audi 1hour. After that we walk here &there, sit here &there. Pigu keep ask me where Junwei, I ask her call him, so she did. Then she pass me the phone, she say Junwei ask her pass, &I answered. He siaopeh one, use bangala voice say what I call wrong number. Lol. Kup already, then me &pigu keep ask each other where's mosaaaaaaa. Wa, I hatediehim maaaaaaaaaaanzxc. He dua me 2times alreadys, I'll never ask him to go cube. ._. So in the end we sit at the stairs &wait for darling to come. She reached, &we went in cube the side there sofa sit. There never on light, dark dark one, got air-con, me &darling sleep at the sofa. Pigu so ke lian, sit on chair. LOL. I almost dozed off. ._. Then we use leg keep disiao each other, Lol, so childish. ;lala Then sent pigu go mrt as she's going KR to meet her cousin then meet her stead. Went back cube, then me &darling on 1hour of com. She sot already, suddenly so pekchek, keep bang table. Got one time she bang, opposite got a xdd, he scare dao, he jump yi xia. LOL. After playing, I'm so shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag can. Went to arcade see see, then take mrt back home. She pei-ed me until the overhead-bridge. On the way was talking about our past, about Desmond &Junwei. Lol. Okay, don't mention them already, later I wanna cry. Anyways, talk halfway saw my laogong aka Lina, ;luv. She live quite near me only, so we walked together. Then she say something which I heard wrong. She say, "her daughter", I heard "her turtle." LOL. I was like, Huh? What the teacher's turtle? What got curly curly one? We both keep laugh. Reached home, nothing do, post post yi xia. Then got this weird person, he called me, &I don't know who the fcuk is him. ._.? He keep call call call, like machiam we know each other like that. Craazy. Today go out phone flaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, no phone use. Miss him.. ): Okays then, I'm gonna end here, I'm damn shag now, I wanna sleep alreadys. Byes, nightsy. , Why waste time falling in love? Sunday, April 4, 2010 Boos, :D! Same thing, just came back from outside. Yesterday night watch the "The maid." with Hsienyung kor until I almost fall asleep. LOL. Today morning woke up use com awhile, then Hsienyung kor ask me to pei him go buy things for his work tomorrow. So ya, went to prepare &off to take bus to Aljunied &took mrt down to Orchard. Went to ION, walk here &there, can't find the shop. In the end went to check where AX &G2000 is, &we went there. The AX belt don't have black colour already, the person say need wait 3months or half a year. LOL, so he didn't buy. Went to see bottom, he bought one. Then see belt, last is shoe. When we first went to see the shoe, is like 60++, but all LKK one. LOL! He don't want &we went on to see. Got one shop, having discount, we saw those shoes &we both choose one. He sees his, 200++, actual money is 400+? He took the one I choosen &see, 400, actual money is 990. LOL! It's so "cheap" daoooooooooooooo ~ Then went to buy don't know what brand de shoe, 100++. After that went down to hospital to see grandma. Stayed there until 7+, he say he want buy bag. So he asked me to ask papa to help him pay 50, so okay lor, asked &got it. Went back to Orchard to buy the bag. After that took bus back home. We two keep laugh laugh laugh, cause we keep dance the SNSD dance steps. "Run devil Run", it's a nice song, should go &watch the video. (: ! Reached home now, I just came back to post, going my grandma house now. Sian 1/2, tomorrow got school again. ._. Anyways, I've to end here, can't go anymore further. No one will miss me I know, but I'll miss you guys, :D! &I miss him too.. , False hopes. Saturday, April 3, 2010 Hi peeps. Just reached home not long. Today morning went POSB at Aljunied there with mama &Hsienyung kor. After that went to take mrt down to bedok as Hsienyung kor want go DBS don't know do what. Me &mama went back home first. Reached home, watch show awhile then Hsienyung kor come back alreadys. Went to bathe, blahblahblah. Meet darling at mrt as it's raining, I sat at the bus stop & 4-5 buses went off then I take. Reached already still need wait darling to slowly walk to mrt. Waited &waited, she finally came &we went down to cube. Went in see see, then saw Charlene. Went to talk to her awhile, she ask me if I got anyone I like, of cause I have. :D! In the end she ask me who, I say, someone? Don't know. LOL. Then me &darling went to KOPITIAM mammam, saw SH. HAHHAHAHAH. LOL. Actually Hsienyung kor ask me pei him go down to city hall to don't know buy what, but darling don't want, so yea. Went back to cube, on com, play 1hour. Stupid Junwei, keep didisiaosiao. ;eeks. After awhile, guess who came? Darling is crazy when she saw him, which is Desmond aka TIAMMMIEEE. When end, went to find ahting &LFORLIING. Sat at the table, see Trex play. He damn, really, @$^*&^@&*()%^#&*()%^&*%. LOL. Darling went outside talk on phone, LFORLIING &ahting beside trex &SH. Helped trex top 1 more hour, then ask him to let me check something. &it's easy to know what I went to check, actually is went to SEE someone's blog. He updated something, ahting ask me don't see, but I'm just curious to see. Saw, return trex to play, went back to sit at the table. Ahting came in front of me, ask me don't sad. In the end? I cried. LOL. -.- I hugged ahting, LFORLIING, &darling, I keep cry cry cry, darling also cried cause Desmond. I went through the text(s) he sent me, it's like, sigh.. But still, thanks for letting me to cry on you guys, (: After that went toilet wash face, went back cube &on 1 more hour. Play halfway, trex behind me, song end he told me he going fishing, then he ask me lend him play 1 round, so I let. Song ended, he say he going, but I asked him to stay, so he went to on com. He play a lot of comments one leh, what "Ni mama lah", blahblahblah. Crazy. Actually me &darling wanna go first, but trex say I ask him stay then I go like ps him. So bobian lor, I stayed &waited him to play finish. He say he going Pasir Ris fishing, LOL. Took mrt together, then darling ask me, "If he wants to be your boyf you want anot?" I reply, "why not, he's cute what." LOL. But that's impossible. :D! He got girlf &she's -EHSIAO. (: Take mrt with him really very xiasuey sial, like, argh. ;wild. Then me &darling alight at Aljunied, &I took bus back home. Later father come back sure start to kp me again. Sian, I can use internet but can't audi, WTF. ._. Si mosa, ask him go today, in the end I called him &he say he can't come out, he's mother never give him money, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaozxc. I want the LOLIPOP phone, ): ! Nothing to post already, I feel like crying again &just sleep without thinking about problems. Byes. (: &as I said before &a lot of times, I miss _____, _____.. ): , Be mine once again.. Friday, April 2, 2010 Just a random post today, I feel like buying the Lolipop phone, &I want my com back. ): Stayed home whole day, maybe not going out tomorrow? See darling how first. Sorry not kinda in mood to post much, crying.. Just saw someone's blog.. Saw his older post &what he post nowadays, why am I crying?.. I now then know, he didn't post anything about me being his girlf before. I think he never once took me as his girlf, everything is just a lie. Why is my hand that itchy? If I never went &press your blog, I won't see what you post, &I won't be crying.. I miss days with you, seriously.. You said you won't leave me.. uoytuohtiweramthginayllaers'ti. niagaecnoenimebesaelp. uoyrofgnivarcm'i. tit'nsiemevolllitsuoywonki. rehtegotkcabebotecnahcasuevigt'nodyhw. syawla, niagaybabemllacotuoytanwi. emtaertuoywohekiluoytaertll'i, niagareveuoyotdidev'itahwodt'nowi. tolauoyssimyllaeri, esaelp? FML. 越爱越难过 说 说你为什么 为什么要走 说你为何要分手别拖 求你别软弱求你说出口 分手的理由但你却拖 拖 拖 拖到什么时候 如果要走却又为何停留 请你别拖 拖 拖 大声的说出口 请你要痛就痛给我个快活 如果说你要走 我不会留 我不去管以后 然后我们说清楚 一句话就够 如果说你要走 我不会留 我不去管以后 多么痛 多么的难 过别越爱越难过 Do Do Re Re Mi Mi Re Do Ti DoDo Do Re Mi Do 然后连话都不说继续沉默 连朋友都没得作 为了什么 然后跟别人说你其实还是爱我 就算了吧 坏人我来做. 安靜了 只剩下钢琴陪我站在这里 梦想中属于我们的婚礼 却成了 单人結婚進行曲 在这场爱情角力的拔河裡 爱我还是爱你 你选择了自己 撒嬌的 可爱的 黏人的 爱哭的 照片里 曾经的都是你喜欢的 如今我还在原地 你却走回你的记忆 你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹沒 你害怕幸福短暫一秒就崩落 分开是一种解脱 让你好好的想过 我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够給我 你说我給你太多 却不能給我什么 分不清激情 承诺 永恆或迷惑 爱情是一道伤口 我们各自苦痛 沉默是我最后溫柔 是因为我太爱你 只剩下钢琴陪我站在这里 梦想中属于我们的婚礼安靜了 在我枕邊的梦裡 我知道相爱原本就不容易 爱不是一加一 努力就有結局 撒嬌的 可爱的 黏人的 爱哭的 照片里 曾经的都是你喜欢的 臉頰的淚还溫熱 却沒有人握我的手 你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹沒 你害怕幸福短暫一秒就崩落 分开是一种解脫 让你好好的想过 我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够給我 你说我給你太多 却不能給我什么 分不清激情 承诺 永恆或迷惑 爱情是一道伤口 我们各自苦痛 沉默是我最后溫柔 是因为我太爱你 Thursday, April 1, 2010 Hey peeps. I'm back from my grandma house. :D Had good news week this days, as tomorrow is Good Friday. Monday, tuesday, nothing much happen. Wednesday, had PE lesson, need run 2.4 as I've failed the training last few weeks. &guess what, I've passed, FINALLY. 16mins, -clapclap- Then went for recess, the uncle there treat me eat ice cream. LOL! I shared it with Leah, Liru, Yingshi, yea. Went to change, then during chinese lesson teacher scold until she cried. o.o! Lol. At night, on phone with blurr king, then he say he got things to do, so kup. Sleep halfway, stupid mosquito, bite me then I woke up. LOL. Saw Jason text me, replied few text &I dozed off. Sorly. x: Today go school, nothing much happen also. Had grammar &math test. Very the hard can, fail liao lor, ._. After school went back to grandma house as usual, had a nap, woke up, bathe. Watch tv awhile, mama called, so I met her at mrt, went down to hospital. Reached already, Hsienyung kor &Uncle is leaving, me&mama stayed there. Mama called papa, he say he's not coming so we went back to Aljunied. Went to buy dinner for papa, then I walked back home myself, mama went to grandma house. Reached home &I'm fcuking angry I tell you. MY COM SPOIL. _l_! I want audi laaaaaaaaah, so long never play already. You will be thinking, my com spoil, how I post right. I borrow my kor's com use awhile, he's not home, so I borrow his laptop. Saturday maybe going cube? Not sure. &ya, darling is sick, take cares, rest &get well soon. Okay lah, nothing to say already. Shall end here, byes :D Last but not least, I miss _______________________. ): ! , Fake a smile. |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |