Sunday, January 31, 2010
Hey peeps :D I forgot where did I stop my post alr. Nothing much happen lur. Every mornign go school, after that went home. Blahblahblah. Liru&Leah change place, LOL. Goodgood. x: Fri no geo lesson again. Lol. Me, Sophia, Lisha&Joycelyn talk talk. After school 2.15 got CCA, actually don't want go one, that Sophia ask me go. Tsk. Wait her 1 period at canteen. As she got A math, I don't have. LOL. After that pei-ed her walk home, she change first, then go my house, wait I change. Then walked to buy bbt, drink not even half, we throw away&board the bus. Reached school 2.30, sign in, free play, then me, Sophia, Lisha&Michelle sit down at one corner, see each other's phone, send song, blahblahblah. Awhile later Sophia say she's going home, later got tuition. Then Lisha suddenly say I haven't finish my story. Then she sit beside me, then I told her from the start to end. Michelle awhile later join in. LOL. I told her about my boyf's story. Loooooooong right. Tsk. Also talked about Junwei&Ian. LOL. History alr. Michelle&Lisha also talked about themselves. We from 3 sit there until 5+ then go down find Lidan. Then sit at the bench again&talk. Chiyean also join in, she keep say want play Michelle's handphone games, but a lot keep lag, then she play halfway say veh sian don't want play alr. LOL. &hor, it's like 6.15 alr, I want go home watch "Hai Pai Tian Xin" one, that Michelleeeeeeeeeeeeee hor, don't let me go home. She took my PSP&play, ;cry. 6.30-6.40 then go go home. ._. Reached ah mah house, quickly chiong go bath, dry hair, on tv&watched alr. Then ahmah keep at there kpkpkpkpkpkpkpkpkpkpkp, I jitao on the tv loud. LOL. Then awhile later papa come back, eat&go out again. So I told mama that I go home first, then reached home, on com, watched show again. LOL. Yesterday whole morning&afternoon watching show, evening went ecp, things happened, don't wish to say. (: Then blahblahblah, suddenly PIGU text me! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. PIGU, IMISSYOU LAH. ;mua ;shy. Lol. Must go out with her alr, too long never see her. Tsk. Aiai also hur. ;luv. Reached home at 11. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn tired, 12+ sleep, 2+ Donald kor suddenly text me ask if i'm asleep. -.- Today woke up, watched show again. LOLLLLLLLL. Whole day at home, siandieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Bo liao came to postpost yi xia. Hehs. &i'm still feeling sleepy. ._. Hsienyung kor went msia, house suddenly so quiet. Tsk. But he's back tmr. :D! Tue is coming~ Lalala. Okay, I want sleep alr, tatas :D , Yourluvfade; Mineluvgrew. Sunday, January 24, 2010 Boo :D! Just came back from msia 8hours plus ago? LOL. Yesterday midnight come back damn tired, went to bed early, lazy post. x: Now nothing to do, just come &post some craps. Yesterday morning, was watching show, cause I 2-3 episode didn't watch alr. So watch watch watch, then mama ask me take things for korkor, say his work need it now. &she's there, er, doing something. Really pissed off siak. Tsk. Nehmind, so I took it &walk all the way from my house to the bbt shop. -.- Saw Aunty Grace, ;luv. Then walk back home &continue my show. After awhile then go prepare. Mama's friend sent us to mama's working place. Then her friends come out, all WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. LOL. Sot one all. ._. Then took don't know what bus, go in msia. It's damn hot can. Tsk. Then went to mama's friend house, awhile later go make hair. I ask the aunty help me perm see see, quite nice leh. LOL. Next time I want go perm my hair alr. Hoho. x: After that jiu go wedding. 9pm then start. -.- Mama ask me stay there overnight. But I told my boyf I'm going back at night. I keep nononononononono, shake head shake head shake head, then she lanlan, okay lor, night go back. x: HAHAHAHH.Cannot blame, ppl too miss my boyf alr. ;shy. Reached home around 12+ 1. Took 170 to bugis there, then took 61 back home. I almost dozed off in bus, really sleeply&tired. Reached home, papa don't know why keep give me those jb face. Ah, didn't cared& just went in room, BOOM onto my bed&sleep alr. LOL. Later father want go cut hair. ._. Feel like going perm later, hmms. See how see how. Btw, I've revive my fb, for someone's sake. ;eeks. Tsk. It's been 3days alr. Rawr. Enough post, I lazy type alr. LOL. Loves. , Afraid you leaving. Friday, January 22, 2010 Hi peeps. :D Where did I stop last post, o.o OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, cut hair. Mama called papa, then papa say next sunday then go cut as he's not working. But I force mama to bring me go cut, HAHAHAHA. x: So, cab down &cut my hair, it's short. ._. Then went to This Fasion, bought one dess? LOL. Then blahblahblah. Monday went school, normal days, nothing much happen. Eh, got one lah, but don't want mention alr. (: Thurs Chemistry lesson went to the lap. I&Li Ru do the crystallisation. We collect quite a lot of "crystal". Then we both halfhalf. &this #*(%&*(%#%&*@$@&*# student counsellor. -.- He go catch my hair&he tell, "woof". See his face I feel like punching him. _l_ So "woof" ask me write record, blahblahblah. After school went ahmah house, mama suddenly came back. o.o Went behind to buy the dye hair thing. Guess what colour I brought? Not black. LOL. Then went back ahmah house again&dyed. Whole bottle can't finish, helped mama dyed hers also. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Tosay went school, they didn't check alr, waste my time go buy&dye only. Tsk. Had mass PE, then back to class for lesson. Early recess again today for Bio. LOL. I love MissNg ttm. :D After school, went to helped Uncle pay all his bills, &mine, x: with Jasmine&Michelle, her sist. Then went mac, talk alot craps. Espacially, Jason. LOL. Daaaamn funny. Then pei-ed Michelle go buy pencil? Then sent them home, &I went back ah mah house, sleeeeeeep. Blahblahblah. 4days can't meet. Rawrs. ): The "Hai Pai Tian Xin ; Hi, my sweetheart" show damn niceeeeeeeeeeeeee. The "Da Lang". ;luv. Okay, btw, I'm going to msia tomorrow. Afternoon in, night come back alr. Go in just to attend a wedding. LOL. I'll miss you. ): Enough of posting, tatas :D , Never leave. Sunday, January 17, 2010 Hey peeps. :D It's been 1week ever since I last posted. LOL. Life is kind of, sweet&fun? Hehs. I've forgotten what had happen alr. At school, like that lor. Nothing much. &, I'm kind of in love with POA. ;luv. Cause Mr.Sim teach until, wa. Lol. After school went back grandma house. Got one day, I forgot which day alr, I went back school helped Joycelyn with her CCA banner. Then outline is so, blurr? I can't even see. Don't care, I just paint. x: Fri so good lur. Morning go school, 4periods of studying, then early recess by 20mins, o.o! It's like, 55mins of recess, wow. Then after recess actually got 2periods of Geo before dismiss, but then the teacher never come, hoho. 2 free periods, sleep&listen song with Joycelyn, until 12.25, ding dong, dismissal. x: Lalalalalaaaaaa, then yesterday got tk. 4 ppl joined in? Got two I alr know, other two, okay lah. But got one xdd, damn dao. The other two first time ti ta neh. Got one stand beside me, thanks to Yiwen lah hor. Tsk. Sing until no voice alr. After that went home, bath, watch tv awhile, BOOM! Sleep sleep sleep. Tireddie can. Tsk. Today whole morning&afternoon stayed home. Myabe going cut hair later? Still waiting for papa's call. I want cut my hair maaaaaaan, damn long alr. Grr. Anyway anyway, changed blogkin, ;luv. &my music thing is back! Hoho, finally. Okay, I'm tired, tataaaaaaas. :D , From start to end, I'll treasure every moment with you. Saturday, January 9, 2010 That day waited for someone at bus stop for 2hours+. Lol. Then met alr, blahblahblah, kind of forgot alr. Then next morning went school, Joycelyn also didn't went for the camp. o.o Know what we did at school? Painting the wall, LOL! Then went to buy drinks, then back to painting again. Paint halfway, went to learning sorce room watch movie. The Nanny Mcphere. Nice can, ;luv. Then blahblahblah, sent Joycelyn home, then something happen. Wa, really damn dulan&sad bodoh. Thanks eeyore for pei-ing me when i'm crying. LOL. ;shy. Then went ahmah house. Then went tk. Saw the "monkey". Wa, sian 1/2. -.- Keep give that jb face. Grr. Didn't care much, then went home, watch tv awhile then sleep, morning wake up, went ahmah house awhile. Then went school, blahblahblah. Me&Joycelyn helped the counsellor clean her room. We so ke lian can, use cloth to wipe the floor. Tsk. After that she treat us eat? LOL. Okay then went to learning sorce room again. The teacher let us use com. Then she 12.30 let us go home. So i went ahmah house, sleep awhile, then met someone. Sometihng happen, I don't wanna say alr. Then today stayed home, do nothing. Okay, off. Tata :D , Everything's my fault. Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Mon went school. o.o Someone morning called me everyday. Hoho. Went school, blahblahblah, damn sian one can. Whole day do what? Briefing briefing briefing. -.- Can die. Then after school, 1pm went ahmah house. 5+ went to meet ppl. 7+ they went home, I met mama at at mrt, then hor, someone at the staircase, AHHEM so loud, scare me. Tsk. Then go back ahmah house. Tue same thing, blahblahblah. Know what time I end school? 4. -.- Wa, late like hell. Then 5+ same thing, blahblahblah. After that went home, sleep. Today late wake. ._. Cause that whoever late morning call me. Grr. So went school, didn't went for the camp. Stayed at school, morning clean art room, then break awhile, go learning source room, watch show. Then awhile ltr, they show hang. I mean, the whole com hang. LOL! Then she allow us use com awhile. Which, I am now, in school, using the com to post. LOL. x: Going home in 10mins time. I use phone in front also can, LOL. Okay, gtg alr. Ltr don't know what to do alr. Off off, tata :D &something make me damn dulan, which I don't know what to do, z. -.- , ily. Sunday, January 3, 2010 Hi peeps. :D It's 01012010. Hoho, HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR :D! Lalalala. 31st went out with Sist. We went count down at vivo, in the end we don't feel like staying alr, so we went cube. So we play 1hour? Lol. Then blahblahblah. Me&sist went to the smoking area. Then we sit there, blow wind, talk. Suddenly got 3guys walk pass&at there smoke. Then got one guy came to me, o.o. Know what he ask? For num. LOL! Okay, ._. Then 2 went home. Bird siak, want ton also cannot. Grr. So we cab home, mama pay. LOL. x: Then blahblahblah. 1st, went to met vinvin. O: Blahblahblah, at night, went to meet sist. As parents went for dinner? LOL. x: So we slack. &it's time for my bday! Hoho. x: Thanks to all those who wished me&gave me present. :D So today went out. Went amk wait for Constance. She came, &she lie to me say no present. I diao her. LOL. x: But actually her boyf behind, holding. Know what she gave me? EEYOREEEEEEEEEE! ;luv! So big can. The one Junwei gave me so small. x: So went for movie, Chaw. Okay, damn sian can. After met Jason, he treat me movie, o.o! Alvin&the chipmunks! OMG. DAMN NICE CAN. ;luv!!! Then mama called me say papa ask me go ahmah house. ._. Okay, so pei-ed Jason go eat, Pasta Mania, then we took mrt home. We meet at amk, we cab down Yishun. So, everything, he pay. -.- I say I pay he don't want. Grr. Then he keep ask me question, I ans until I veh dulaaan. Rawr. >< Then blahblahblah. Reached ahmah house, Hsienyung kor came back. o.o He gave me a present also, guess what? It's EEYORE again! LOL! So it's like, I got two same eeyore. x: But nehmind lah, one daddy, one mummy, one their child, HAPPY FAMILY, hoho. At ahmah house, eat steamboat as ahmah tosay got cook, o.o. So, reached home, nothing do. &my bday over alr, crys! So fast 24hours like that gone. Tsk. Sian. Nothing do alr. Okay, I'm gonna go rest awhile&sleep. I neh sleep for two days alr. ._. Damn tired now. Grr. Mon sch reopen! Fast siak. ): Nehmind, I'm off. Tatas :D , Aku love you. ;luv. |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |