Friday, October 30, 2009

Sunday, morning went baibai ahgong. Then went ahmah house, sleepsleep awhile, then went out to ps with hsienyung kor, mama&papa. Okay, damn boring, :\ After that I forgot what happen alr, LOL. Mon, went sch? Sit down there do nothing, sleep sua. ._.

I forgot what happen again, LOL. Tue, didn't went sch. Fcuk my fever, -'-. Wed, morning went to th don't know whose house, cause they wedding. I mean, night wedding, morning is drink tea de. Th baby damndamndamn cute can, rawr. Love hugging him, x:

Went to th wedding with mama. Th girl looks so chio bodoh, they've been together around 5years? Around thr bah. Xian mu them cancancan, z. :\ Wed is my horrible day ever, z. -.- Thurs, went sch, first lesson d&t. 3 periods, listen to teacher talk cock, ._."

After sch went ahmah house. Mama called me, then went to mrt to meet her. Blahblahblah, go back ahmah house, sleep, tireddie. Wake up alr damn blurr, -.- maybe is went th wedding&drank too much beer alr, yaosiew. Today, didn't went sch, i bth. -.- Anyw, tatas, tired..

Anyw, currently at my mama's side de ahmah house posting, x:
&hor, they damn funny can, LOL.

Damndamndamn, I w
anna cry bodoh! Keep inside fcuking xin ku, -.-
Tx toh lah hor, -.-

, 2days w/o you.
I found out that I'm damn stupid&silly to believe every word you say.
Your words, promises, are nothing but empty.
Why can't I just forget you?
37days is not long, I know.
But it gives me memories, memories that I wanna cherish it.
But you let go, I'm th one still holding on.
So much to say, so little time..

No matter what, I'll still be holding on.
Cause I just can't let go&forget you.
I know it's silly,
But as long as if we still had a chance to get back together,
I will be holding on&keep those miserable&sadness to myself.
As long as, you're happy..

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Okay, kind of forgot what happen alr. x.x Fri, morning whole day at home nothing do. Quarrel-ed with him, almost break. -.- Afternoon Hsienyung kor come back, ask me pei him go Orchard fix his phone. Since I nothing do, so okay loh.

He throw th sony ericsson charger on my bed, 5mins ltr he ask me if i got sony charger. ._. My phone on mybed, he neh saw, I say I change phone he like so shock, he say HUH? Change phone? Who buy de. LOL.

Okay, went all th way to Tampines, to meet his friend to take back his phone as when he was off to malaysia, he ask his friend to help him go fix, but his friend keep say not free. LOL. After that we go tampines mall walkwalk.

Awhile ltr, took mrt all th way down to Somerset. Ji far yi xia can, -.-. Reached thr, took num, only two ppl currently waiting. Know why? Cause his phone is iphone, so no need wait long. LOL. His num called, &this counter is a guy.

This guy, I don't know why, keep look at me. ._. Scary can, he look, quite hao kan lah, x: Baby, don't jealous, cause you know i.. Hehehehehehehs, ;hoho. x: After that went to mammam with Hisenyung kor.

Reached home, rest awhile, went to mrt to find mama as she work until 7pm. Go ahmah house, watch show, walk here&thr, waiting papa to come home. He 12.05am thn reached ahmah house can, -.-, damn late lah.

Reached home, lie on bed, turn here turn there, couldn't sleep. Msg-ed baby, I thought he sleep alr neh, suddenly he replied me, chua tio. o.o Now, everything seems normal alr bah, (: I 4.15am thn sleep, 7+ wake up. ._."

Went to watch show, thn go audi, awhile ltr baby onlined, heeeeeeeeeeeeehehs. Play with him until 1+, he gtg. ): &horhorhorhor, he make crycrycry, cry until I flu, keep sneeeeeeeze, xinku neh, si baby, ):

Okay lah, promised him to mammam, going off to mammam&watch show, &rest awhile&napnap alr, bth, tiredsi. ): tataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas <3

, 33days w/you.

iloveyou nahnahnahnahnahnah, <3
Sorry for causing you all those troubles,
Thanks for being so understanding,
Thanks for always being so good to me,
Thanks for everything,
You're always my boy, <3

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Heeeeeeeeehs, today neh went sch again. x: Morning wake up, prepare, then out of house, 6.30 neh, with mama. x: We went to take bus to Chai Chee to meet laomama, they went to buy TOTO, I so ke lian, wait outside. ): We then went to mammam.

Mammam alr jiu go take bus, go ahmah house, I mean, my mama side de. Went thr, saw ahmah. Wa, it's been like, 1yr? ever since I see her. Everyone see me, keep ask me why I neh go school, tsk. At thr, nehneh nah, laugh like mad. ._. Ahgu keep make us laugh.

Sitsit awhile, took cab home. Reached home, cooooook jelly. Hehs, use too much water alr, th jelly keep biongbiongbiong, like, you know. xxxxxxx: After that jiu audi-ed with pigu awhile, she fb, I at thr, nothing do, so went to make a room&emo. Ko lian. Tsk. ):

Just slept awhile&woke up. Blurrblurr now. x.x Tmr no schooooool, moderation day! Lalalal, x: I wed, thurs, fri, sat, sun "off". LOL. Next week go school for 5days, jiu end school alr, I think. As I heard ppl say 30oct jiu end sch alr. 2months&9days, my birthday coming. <3

Lalalalaaaa, ltr going ahmah house alr. Z, she sure kpkb me. Rawr. x.x I wanna die alr, veh xinku, like someone cut my heart&hard to breathe. -.- Feverfeverfever, shooshooooo. I don't know what to do, whole day at home also rotting, make me think more stupid things only. -.- Anyw, tata.

, 31days w/you.

Are you ever serious?
Did you really went to find out what had went wrong?
Did you ever really cared about me?
Did you ever spare a thought for me?
Am I th one who changed, or you?
Is your game more important or me?
Is you don't know how to show your care or you don't want to?
Is I don't wanna tell you everything or you?
Where were you, whenever I need you?
Are you trying to avoid me?
What am I to you?
Let's compare th day, 5august&now.
Isn't it look a lot different?
I've been wanting to reached out for you,
But you just push me away, further,
Makes me can't touch&understands you.
Even though I'm sick,
All I think&worrying is all you&you.
Yet you?
Happily playing your games with your friends.
Now then I know,
Your friends, even game, is more important then me.
I can't stop my tears from dropping bit by bit,
Every now&then.
My heart was true to you.
But you always throw&leave me alone in th dark.
I can do anything,
Just to make you really show me that you care.
Been trying to escape from those lies&misery.
I want th IanTanWei I know since 5August.
Don't go away,
I can't live without you by my side,
You're everything to me now, &forever.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ytd morning went sch, saw my marks, pathetic can. -.- English lesson, got this relief teacher came in. Suddenly Lisha laugh until her face redred, I, Lynn&Michelle look at her, o.o, don't know why she laugh until like that. Then I ask her, she say, cause th teacher neh zip his, there, you know. x:

LOL. After that jiu go hall, don't know semo program lai de. Then go ahmah house, sleepsleep. Night papa&mama went set up, so I 8.30 went to find Lynn, we went to buy McFlurry, then go playground sitsit, talktalk. Then she sent me back to ahmah house, miracle huh. LOL.

Then ahmah kpkb me. I go out 1hour only neh, she say me go for so long. -'- Then write something, jiu sleep. Tiredsi. They came back, thn jiu go home, continue sleeping again. LOL. Morning wake up, went to wake mama, as she say today she don't want go work, her back painpain.

So I also say I don't wanna go sch. x: LOL. I pei her go see doc, then mammam, then go bedok. She don't know do semo. After that we take mrt to Bugis. Bought wallet, hehs. Then go Bugis street walkwalk, then buy food, thn go home alr. See show, prepare&off to tk.

Today tk no ppl neh. Angry. Nothing much about tk uh. Now reached home, quickly called Hweeling, ask her help me do th e-portal thingy. Now posting, don't know what happen to blogger. So lag, -.-. Okay, nothing to say alr, tmr I don't want go sch. ): Hais, offoff alr, tatas. <3

- Happy Belated Birthday To HsienYung Korkor! <3

- Happy 1 Month Hubhub! <3

, 30days w/you.

(A lot to say, no time, next time then post up. x:)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Today morning woke up, use com, keep stone, walk here&there. Worrying about hubhub. ): After that jiu help hweeling to on her don't know what Cafe World at fb. Damn lag can. Then went bath, then went to lie&doz off. LOL.

Then suddenly woke up, take things&off to ahmah house. Reached alr, helped do things, then actually wanna go napnap awhile, as i'm really damn tired, then hweeling came in&ask me don't emo. LOL.

Then she took my phone, change song, then hubhub msg me! Rawr! Damn damn damn damn happy laaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. <3 She say she's my lucky star. LOL. Okay lah, thanks alot lah hweeling, lovesiyou alr. Shy. :X

Then went to mammam with hweeling, suddenly talked about yonghwee. o.o Talk alr, she asked me help her change blogskin again. x.x Change alr, watch show. Anyw, current using her laptop posting at ahmah house uh. Hehs. Okay, tmr see how i die, exams strip. Tata. <3

, 28days w/you.
I miss si you alr laaaaaaaah.
Suddenly mia,
Scare me luh.
Don't ever do that alr okay,
Worry&afraid you know, tsk.
iloveyouuuuuuuuu lotlotlotlotlotlotlotlots!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fri night, couldn't sleeeep. Rawr, z. Then Sat, morning wake up, see show, then prepare, went to baibai ahgong, then went to mammam. Mammam alr, went back to ahmah house, help her do things, then went to tampines.

Ass, reached there, went in singtel shop, thought papa would buy me that phone, which I wanted it long ago, he don't wanna buy. Cause he say he wanna change phone mah. Tsk. ;\

Went home, bath alr, went back to ahmah house, mammam. Text-ed hubhub, awhile ltr he neh reply. I don't know why. After that went home, use com watch show, watch halfway went to sleep alr, bth.

Today morning woke up, use com. Okay, I know, everyday use com, no life. LOL. Text&called him, but his phone like, cut off again. Today went out again. Kept worrying about him, now, still no shadow of him. ;\

Went to Bugis. Walkwalkwalk, walk until singtel, &I saw th phone I wanted, only 98 if sign contract. o.o! Other places 198 neh. Then ask th person, th person say cause their shop just fixed, so they have promotion.

Waaaaa, so goooood. Until 23oct only. LOL. So, in th end, I got th phone I wanted. :X Happyhappy. I want grey colour de, stupid, they only left black. ._. After that, went walkwalk.

Thought of buying a present for Hsienyung kor, which he 22oct thn come back. Mama say she cook&buy one cake&celebrate can alr. I no comment, so okay loh. But don't know if she really meant it anot uh. LOL.

Then reached home, bath, use com, go ahmah house. Watch show, Ah Long PTE. LOL. Funnnny. Now, reached home, nothing do. Hais. I miss hubhub. ): Whole day, he neh contact me. Anyw, going off, tata.

, 27days w/you.
Where you. ):
I'mma worried you know.
I'm not xi guan when you neh contact me.
Are you avoiding me?
A lot of stupid question keep pop in my mind.
I'm going crazy.
I miss you..

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ytd went to buy th thing with mama. Buy 2 more, still not enough. -.- Went ahmah house, do do do, do finish, called baby, he kind of busy thn jiu kup. He say 10.30 call him, in th end? I need go home.

Reach home, he still busy. I'm so tired, so I slept. He 11.44 thn msg me. -.- Then morning went school. He 8.32 thn reply. Went school, see results. Math paper 1, 39/50. ._.

I need 13 marks in paper 2 in order to pass overall math. Jialat alr luh, paper 2, I think I cmi. ._." After that History. What kind of pathtic marks I got, 18/100. -.- LOL. Pathtic rights, tsk.

Recess went to mammam, then jiu english. I got 17/30 for compo, same marks with Lisha. LOL. Situational writing, I failed. LOL. 12/30. -.- Then lit, 65/100. LOL. Same marks with Lisha again.

Chinese, letter writing 16/20. LOL. Compo, 27/40. Paper 2, 46.5/70. Hais. After that went ahmah house, sleeeep, tiredsi. Wake up, cookcook, then watch tv, emo. LOL. Then went home, which I am now.

Postpost awhile, going off to audi alr. If no one online then, maybe going to sleep alr. Hehs, anyw, Grats me&Lynn daaaaaaaarling, 4month alr! <3 LOL. :X I almost forgot today 16th. Okay, kind of stupid. Tataaaaaaaaaaas.

, 25days w/you.
5more days to 1month.

I don't what to do.
I'm so confused, so complicated.
It's going to fall soon,
But I'm still holding it on.
It kept on falling,
Does it mean, I shouldn't hold on?
Wish you don't be hot&cold.
Wish a simple care from you.
Wish you could understand me, knowing my thoughts.
Wish you could love me th way you do in th past&th way iloveyou.
Wish things could change better.
Every tear dropped for you, meant how much I care&loveyou.
But, you just doesn't seems to care about me, not even a little.
I don't wanna let it off, fall, go, leave.
I don't know what had happen.
I don't know what you want.
I don't know what you're thinking.
I don't know what you planning to do.
I don't know why are you so cold to me.
I don't know if you're ever serious.
I don't know if you're just playing.
You didn't tell me all your things,
Hiding it from me all th way.
We said&promise not to hide isn't it?
Your sorrys, your promises, your words,
Is it just lies¬hing?
Or do you really meant it?
I think, your feelings, fade bah?
But then, I still loveyou, like how I used to love you as always.
I still rmb our rules&promises.
Everyday must say at least 10times ________.
Everyday must at least mammam 2meals.
No hiding anyt from anyone, must be honest.
On phone, must call _______.
Cannot go out with boys alone.
Cannot go out with girls alone.
Everyday must sleep before 2am.
Never leave anyone alone, never leave, must trust&believe each other no matter what.
No crying without permission.
Think you probably won't rmb any one of this bah.
You promised, won't leave me alone.
Yet now?
What's th point for saying all this silly stuffs.
I had my limit too.
I don't how long I can hold.
So much words to tell you,
Yet so little time.
What to do..
Been crying&crying,
But no use.
I'm so tired..
Hubhub, boy, baby, I need you alot, alot..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tue, off to ahmah house, sleep, tiredsi. Baby after off audi then neh text me alr. Cried&slept. Woke up, saw his msg. 3msges, so I replied him. Then he say 23times sorry to me, I blurrblurr.

He say cause he saw my blog luh. Then ahmah ask me help her buy things, went to buy&went back to study. Eff singtel can. -.- Keep sent bu dao, z. Wed, went sch, math paper 2 first. Wa, niama, hard luh. Jialat alr. -.-

Then went library with Dionis, Joycelyn&Li Na. Last paper, D&T. 1hr 15mins is not enough can. I do th paper, halfway I went to draw th diagram. I got 1 section everything blank. LOL.

After that, went back ahmah house, mammam, see tv, sleep. LOL. I almost going lalaland alr, suddenly Lynn msg me, just to ask me, Ian's bday coming huh, cause Junbin's also. Thought of asking her to pei me go buy things, but her mama don't allow.

Then I msg Hweeling. She 4+ dimiss, so I meet her 5 at mrt. We went down to tampines. On mrt, talk to her alot. She say how I&him, actually I don't wanna say de, then I told her that, we whole day didn't msg luh. & told her that, he's sorrys are just nothing.

Then blahblahblah, we went to mini toons, popular, buy things alr, then we went to mammam longjohn. My phone rang at 6.14, baby msg me. I was like, damn happy canzxc. Hweeling went to buy friendship band, then take mrt back.

Th thing, Hweeling step one li hai one loh, say she know how to do, still need see paper&th example. LOL. :X But, thanks alot fo pei-ing me go down buy&teach me how to do it uh. ;duh <3

Reach ahmah house, start to do it alr. I from 7+ do until 11, it's like, I haven't even done 1/4 of it neh. Headache nah. Reach home, bath, continue to do. Do until 4+ thn sleep, not even half. -.-

9+ wake up, on com, use&continue to do th thing. 9+ do until 5+, not full yet laaaaaaaah. Rawr, driving me crazy only. Hand&head painpain lah. ._. Ah, hweeling, th things not enough loh, z.

12+, baby say he school end at 3+, he 12+ tell me he go lan. Then he say want lp, but no cash. I left 10, actually wanna buy things de loh, but since he wanna lp thn, okay loh, went to 7-11 buy acash.

Jasmine&Li Na called me. o.o Then went back home, he go top, then we lp. 1st try cannot pass. That xg loh, keep spamspamspam, make me lag. Tsk. ;eeks. 2nd try, Don't know who lag, thn cannot start.

Stupid baby, he go out th room, th game start, then don't know is all dc or only I dc. ._." We tried second try, pass alr. LOL. Hehs. <3 Must chiong ring alr, 1100 hearts, now only 300. Rawr.

Went to watch show, blahblahblah. Mama came home, finally I can mammam alr. Morning till 5 didn't mammam okay, rawr. Now, baby didn't reply leh. ): Or is it singtel problem again. ;\

Ltr going to buy that thing, then go ahmah house, tmr need go back school again. Rawr, don't feel like going leh. ;\ Hais, be guai abit bah, last few days of sec2 alr. Anyw, going pompom alr, tataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas <3

, 24days w/o you.
I miss you lah. ):
6 more days. ;shy
Time flys uh.
I don't know if I'm still thinking too much or what,
I felt that,
Nothing changes,
You're just still th same.
Ytd you didn't msg me, I thought,
You don't want me alr, thought that you wanna leave me.
How silly, almost cry out when you msg me ytd.
iloveyou, more than words.
Just wanna last with you, loves. <3

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ytd Geo&Sci, Geo no need say, confirm fail. Sci, I don't know. I think will fail bah. Aiya, whocares. After that went home with Li Na&Joycelyn. Went to mammam, then sent Joycelyn home.

After that I&Li Na walked home. Walkwalkwalk, then tell her things, then saw alot of birds, stupid can, I keep laughlaughlaugh, then say th birds looking at her, she ask how come I know, cause I can see what they thinking. LOL.

Okay, then reach home, on audi, play with baby, Lynn&Junbin, tag hearts. Until 5+ then I walked back to ahmah house. Reach alr, was about to sleep, then hweeling came in&disturb me. Tsk.

Then I went to living room, I ask her to lend me use her laptop blog awhile, in th end she ask me help her do her blog. -.- Okay loh, find blogskin, help her make here&there. She took my phone&text with baby. -.-

I blog finish, she return me, I went to see th msg she sent, sibeh rou ma can. LOL. After that went to study lit. Study finish called baby, he ask me ltr call, in th end he say he wanna sleep alr. I was like, whatthfcuk? Sua, nehmind.

Today went sch, lit&art. I draw th flyer, fugly can. -.- Whole morning didn't text with him. After that went home with Li Na again. Li Dan, me& her went to mrt, top our ez card, &went to take bus home.

Li Na sent to me th lift like ytd, &then she went home, I went home bath. After that went audi, pm-ed him. After awhile he say he gtg. Okay, nehmind. I really don't know what to do. Anyw, off-ing to my ahmah house alr. Ta.

- 22days w/you. I had enough of everything. You wanna be so cold towards me, so be it. Been holding on to you, crying for you, in th end, nothing changes. Or it change, changed even worse. Fcuking stress alr, still worrying&afraid that you might leave, stupid me. If you are sick&tired of me, let me know okay, I know what to do. It's fcuking hurting me. I have feelings, I'm also a human too okay, z.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ytd night, after off com, went to bed room. Stupid korkor, keep take th camera, wanna snap me. ;eeks. I keep hide outside, open door a little bit, then saw him lying down, so I quietly go in, heng didn't snap dao. :X

Then switch off light, on music, listen song, talktalk awhile. Back to two of us again, hsienyung kor go oversea, 22oct thn come back. He 20oct bday, OMG, say until bday, baby's bday coming neh, omg, howhowhow. ;eeks.

Still planning what to do&buy. Hmms, ah, finish my exams first then think, x.x. Tmr geo&sci, jialat alr loh, geo sure fail, sci can't fail neh, z. Listen to music halfway, baby text me. o.o

Text awhile thn he fall asleep alr. LOL. Didn't manage to sleep ytd, kept on thinking of alot of things. Thinkthinkthink, until 6, sleep, 8+ wake up alr, thn turn here&there, 9+ wake up on com alr.

Went to see show, see alr, go in audi. Then play with pigu&her stead, Eugene, ee, I know him, that time I almost cpl him. :X Pigu, goodluck manzxc. After that I off, then don't know got this person talk to me in msn.

He say, "Woah, you with Ian.", I'm like, huh? then? Then he say he's -MELLL. We both blurrblurr neh, don't know why we appear in each other's msn. LOL. Weird, scary. ;eeks. Then blahblahblah.

Went audi, helped ahting find cpl awhile, then baby pm me, he neh online. Then he say I cannot reply rights, stupid loh. ;eeks. Then we tag hearts awhile. While waiting, he ask me if I mammam medicine alr.

I said haven't. He ask me go find&mammam, I keep say ltr. He say, ltr ltr ltr, ltr thn forgot alr. I was, wow, he know me so well uh. :X LOL. ;lala. After that, no room, then we went to play normal.

I put pw, nai, LOL. I tell him th pw, he come in&-.-! LOLLL, Nai, actually is Ian, opposite mah. I keep laughlaughlaugh, so funny. Then he remake room, br, pw is nuyaij, he thought I don't know, still say me hacker. ;eeks.

He ji cute, sot&high yi xia loh, br, random, 188/190. He thought I cannot perss dao any move, but I buey pai can, can get 50k hor. So proud of myself, ;duh. He play halfway then gtg alr. Leave me alone thr, ;sob.

He ask me text him, in th end he text me first. Wow. ;woot. LOL. Now I nothing do, came to post for fun. Going to take napnap now, if not tonight study wanna sleep, ;eeks. I miss baby, ): Don't know when can meet him, ;cry. Anyw, hophop, tataaaaaaaas. <3

- 20days w/you. Hi baby:D Long time no see, thought you mati. :X Choychoychoy. I'm missing you alot lah. ): Miss talking to you, which I can't, if not th pubor kp me again. Rawr! ):< Anyw, iloveyou:D <3

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thurs, morning went sch, d&t, Mr.Sen talktalktalk, about his life story, LOL, funny can. Don't know what his wife veh chio, but he.. :X LOL. After that recess, then chinese, do math paper.

Lazy do, listen music. :X After that sci, omg, sci, monday exam alr. Sucks. Then math, Mr.Wong didn't teach neh, 2periods just do th math paper. I do halfway, wanna sleep alr. x.x LOL.

After that went ahmah house, sleepsleep, mammam, study. Stupid luh, math paper1 neh, I'm like, don't know how to do luh. Keep see through all th papers, until my head going to burst. Tsk.

Fri went sch, ask Joycelyn how to do those questions. Blahblahblah, History, no need say de luh, sure fail. ;duh. Math paper1, miracle wor, I did all question, except one that I really don't know how to do. x.x

After that went back home, pompom, actually don't wanna go out de, si pigu askme pei her, so okay loh. Took bus down ps, meet her at j-cube, then went in, sitsit, saw ahwei. o.o th saw sh&his stead, omgggggggggg can. LOL.

Then skyheaven came, he help us on com, i&pigu play half hour thn off alr. Then saw red, xshawn, dote, blahblahblah. Then waiting pathetic&her friend to come down. They reach, thn they go buy things, saw kenton. o.o

Then he show me who jack is, LOL. He keep ask me he okay anot, he okay anot, i huan lo. LOL. Then they went to tampines, I'm gonna follow them, so went to Lynn's house, talk to her alot of things, then went mammam.

After that buy a-cash, thn she sent me to ahmah house wor, first time, thanks lah. <3 :X She's okay with that cause talking to Junbin mah, aiyer. ;eeks. Reach ahmah house, heng ahmah didn't kp me.

Then on phone with baby&pigu. After that went home, niama, that whoever ask me call him, i don't want, bleh. Then, he kpkb, eff can. I also not like, everyday go out, also not from morning go out until midnight thn come back.

Say me bo ga xi, I really feel like saying him, I bo ga xi, also is you teach out de. -.- Don't know what is th truth then anyhow kp me. One day, I will shoot you back. Say so much to me, turn one round in th end shoot yourself. -.-

Didn't care much, just walk into room, sleep. Wake up, text baby, audi awhile with pigu&aiai, then bath, prepare, thn go tk. Talk alot with hweeling. Hais. Then evening went back home with mama, audi awhile.

Stupid, actually can attend Lynn's wedding, but no time, tsk. But grats on wedding anyw(: Went back tk, blahblahblah. Text with baby, halfway don't wanna reply me alr, z. Angrrrrrrrrrry can. ._.

Today ti ta walk last, long time neh walk last alr, not xi guan sia. x.x Cause really no mood to walk first nah, sorry&thanks to damian uh, <3. Then I saw this guy, kiu mor de, wear spec de, he is actually! Omg, :X

Hweeling ask me cannot say wor, I so guai can. :X hehs. After that went home, which i am now, audi awhile, now post, going watch show&off&crycry alr, tataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas. <3 ;duh.

- 19days w/you. Everything changes, even you. Everyone says I'm thinking too much, but to me, I don't think so, cause your action shows me everything. We aren't close like last time, I wish we could be like how close we are 65days ago. I miss those days. What had gone wrong between us? I really can't figure out. You're just leaving me further&further, which makes me missyou, hurts&pain more&more. How silly I am, to love you th way I used to love Junwei. Maybe things, may replay again. Those pain&tears, I don't wanna give you up you know. I didn't change, is you're th one who change, not th ian I used to know, entertaining, sweet, caring, I feel safe with you. I'm not saying you don't care me now, just saying, not as much as last time. Why does things end up this way.. I'm going crazy over it soon. Stress about my studys, parents keep quarreling in th middle of night, making me until I can't sleep, still worring about you, really, I'm so tired. If I'm dead, does it helps to end everything? Maybe? But I don't wanna leave you, do you know? I may be silly&stupid, but I'm serious, just like how serious I am when I stead with Junwei. What's the point for saying all this, nothing changes, you don't care at all, isn't it, hahs, silly me. Just wanna say, iloveyou, alot..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mon, went sch, nothing do. Whole morning sms-ing with him, then after sch, went back ahmah house, mammam, watch tv, then went back sch, oral. English first, z, damn hard canzxc. Don't know what to say about th pic, ;eeks.

After that chinese, while waiting, talk to Michelle&Lisha about him? Or should I say, them? Cause I saw Alvin, then don't know why start to say about all that stuffs. Michelle also say about her's, say halfway, then her turn to oral alr. Tsk.

Chinese, still okay lah, cause no pic, easier to say. ;duh. English oral, she ask me where is th place I went that I'm most happy, I say sentosa, then I say at night go see "The music of th sea", ass, actually is "The song of th sea", no wonder I say liao, like weirdweird de. I tell Michelle&Lisha, they keep laugh. ;eeks.

After oral, slack with Michelle awhile at canteen as she doesn't wanna go home so early, Lisha&Lidan wanna go home, so I hao xin abit, pei her loh. Then talktalk, send song, see video, blahblahblah.

Night study, stupid, papa scold me, -.- All about bgr. Lalala, whocares. Tue went sch, halfway went back ahmah house, cannot tahan my headache. -.- After that went see doc, doc talk alot, what I do is, nod head, go out room, everything is gone. ;duh.

Okay, then went home, bath, audi with pigu awhile, then I off, went back to ahmah house. Ate my medicine, boom!, on bed&in lalaland alr. Wake up, ask mama cook porridge for me, mammam alr, go study.

Finish, lied on bed, see tv awhile, told mama i'm not going home. Then i slept overnight at ahmah house. Today, ah, alot things happen? Don't know how to start saying. Just, complicated until i also don't know alr. x.x Hais, anyw, off alr, tataaaaaaaaas.

- Byes..

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Today morning woke up, pei mama go buy things, come back, watch show. Halfway, go bath, prepare to go out. Then called baby, talktalktalk, then go out alr. Brought hsienyung kor to see doc. Don't know what happen to his leg.

Then went to mammam, as usual. Finish alr, then head to amk. Hehs, went there buy alot of things, clothes, etc. Actually daddy wanna buy new phone, stupid, his contact haven't finish. Asssssssss. ):

Then walk awhile, went back home. Audi with baby awhile, then change clothes, head down to st. Only i&hweeling go, sianns de okay. ;\ Went thr, mammmam, I keep at thr choose song. Then keep play tiamo. LOL. :3

Hweeling sotsot, keep at thr laughlaughlaugh. I don't know what she laughing, I just see her laugh, then i keep laugh at her. LOL. Stupid. After that went back st, then go home, which I am now home posting. Hehs.

Okay lah, just post for nothing actually. LOL. Going off to talk to baby alr. Teeeeeeeeeeeeehehs. LOL. Tataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas <3

- 13days w/you. Baby, all I wanna say alr say alr. LOL. I've nothing to say. iloveyyou. :D <3

Ytd night, couldn't slept. Keep think a lot of things. Hais. Until today morning, wake up, on com, audi, then pigu online, playplayplay. Then talk to her a lot of things, then suddenly baby sms me! Then I see, then he online audi alr. LOL.

He still ask me why I neh reply him wor, step cute luh him. LOL. Then audi, halfway he off, then I also off, then pigu also off, then baby ask me call him. So I called&cry. LOL. Baby know why, silly rights. :X

Then he ask me go rest, so I slept, then wake up sms baby. I suddenly call him laogong, shenjingbing alr. :X Then went tk thr, mammmam, sit thr do nothing. Play ds, listen song, blahblahblah.

10.30, everyone going home. Then papa&mama took things go back home mammam, I so boliao, feed bong-bong. He keep stare at th food, I say sit, he really sit. LOL. Funfun. :X Then I took some pic, shhhhh, they don't know anyt. :X

Then baby sms me say I neh reply him. Singtel sotsot alr. Tsk, angry luh, then ask me call him, but I can't. ): Then I 12+ then reach home, he 11.30 say he sleep first, 11.45 say he wait for me. LOL. Reach home, called him.

Niama, called him, talk awhile, kor just shout out, kup phone alr okay. ^$$^&*%*@)$*(@$PUBOR&*%@*(%*$#^*@$*)(&@. Tsk, tmr going th whrwhr mammam, think no one would go loh. Hweeling maybe got go? I don't know.

Okay lah, promise say before 2am must sleep. Off to.. cry? LOL. No lah, I&baby seems okay alr. Hehs, taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas <3

- 13days w/you. Laogoooooooooong. :X Hihi. Hehs. Eh, I don't know what to say. Just wanna say i miss, loveyou. ): ! <3 One day didn't talk on phone, really not xi guan uh. ): ahhhhhhhh, headacheee alr, sleepsleep, thanks baby for pei-ing me(: Loves.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wed, nothing much happen I think. Can't really rmb anyt. Thurs, english exam. Omg, it's like, don't it's easy or difficult. Whatever. After school just straight went back to ahmah house, toh bed alr. x.x

Today, morning go school, then exam, chinese. I think I may get veh low marks, cause th passage nothing to copy de, somemore th marks 3 or 4. x.x Ah, nehmind. Then after school, went back home.

Audi, seesee looklook, went bath, then play few rounds with lynn, then dry hair, &off to take bus. Meet 2.30, I 3 then reach. :X Meet alr, they went to buy ticket, we went to watch th Cloudy semosemo, meat ball de.

Before that we went to mammam Suki Sushi. hehs, I mammam until I wanna vomit alr. x.x Then talktalk, talk until we keep laughlaughlaugh. Ah, today only I, con, pengkor, yiwen, binbin&his girlf go out.

Anyw, Happy Birthday to Yiwen uh(: Your ice monster&doraemon, I try to get it as soon as possible okay. Cause I still need buy something for someone. :X Th show, wa, super lame can. I, yiwen&con keep laugh, it's like, cinema only we laughing. LOL.

After that, binbin&his girlf went to shop, they wanna buy a skirt for yiwen, which yiwen don't wear skirts de. LOL. I took a pic of her wor, but she ask me cannot post, hais, too bad. :X Shop here&there, then go This Fashion buy.

Buy alr, binbin&his girlf go home, left 4 of us, we go mammam roti prata. While waiting for seats, a guy suddenly came over&ask for con's num. LOL. Heng not me. Then sat down, talktalktalk, talk about opening a chalet.

Then they 3 take mrt, I took bus home myself. So ke lian rights. ): Reach home, no one at home, so quiet. Whole night didn't sms with him.. Hais. Junwei&Bob also went amk, they at arcade, heeeng, I'm inside cinema alr. :X

Okay lah, jiu post dao here. I really bth alr. I wanna vomit, headache.. think too much things alr.. x.x, going to be sick sooon, YEEEEEEEEEAH! Happyhappy. LOL, stupid. I'm going to cry alr, don't miss me. LOL. Tataaaaaaaaaas<3

- 11days w/you. Boy, I really don't know what are you thinking. We promise not to hide anyt, isn't it? But I felt that you are hiding a lot of things from me. We seems to be so near, yet we are that far apart. I'm sensing, sense that you are leaving me soon, I've been thinking of you when I go out today, I didn't really listen to what my friends are saying. I'm worried, I don't know what to do.. Hais.. I miss you, alot. Ytd we didn't quarrel, I'm so happy. Yet now?.. Hais. I want to go back like how we used to be. imissyou..

Hey peeps.
This is my blog.
I write whatever I want.
You've no right to judge me.
Continue to stay if you are happy.
Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D
Tyvm. :D


Vera / Jiayun. ♥
First cry on 02Jan'95.
I'm single.
Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^
I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB.
Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou.
Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it.
I just wanna put everything down and let go.

" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until the bad guy come,
and tore everything apart.."


Name: Kim Jonghyun.
Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun.
DOB: April 8th, 1990.
Position: Lead Vocal.


DOB: June 6, 1991.
Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D.
Name: Son Dong Woon.
Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese.


DOB: November 18, 1991.
Name: Jung Jinyoung.
Position: Leader, Vocalist.


Name: Shin Dong Geun.
Stage Name: Peniel.
Birthday: March 10, 1993.
Position: Vocalist, Dancer.

You end everything with "I'm sorry".
Not only ending this relationship
you ended a me
my heartbeat
my world.
I'm holding back the tears..
I don't want myself to look so dumb, so lamentable.
& now, there's nothing I could do to bring you back to me.

Tagboard here.

the sites.
Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping.

Vera Luvz

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