Saturday, June 27, 2009
today morning wake up , audi audi audi . LOL . whole afternooon audi . until i lvl . lvl 22 alr . heh(: thn francis ask me whether want attend his wedding tonight , 12am . LOL . thn i went to bath , rdy to go out to con 's birthday with hsienyung kor . meeted hweeling & xiaopang at aljunied mrt . thn we take mrt down to yishun . damn far canzxc . -.- on th way , talk with hweeling . o.o she say she kai kou say break . whatth-'- . thn blahblahblah , listen song , msg with mint . reach alr , stone . o.o talk with weifa , xiaopang , damian , yiwen , huichuang . talk until 10+ , go home . cannot late go , ltr no train , jialat . LOL . weifa go bowling , so i & xiaopang take mrt together . reach aljunied , take bus home , go 7eleven , buy a-cash , ltr mega . LOL . now posting . nothing do . mon sch reopen . sianns jipua . -.- tmr must go make my highlight alr . LOL . <3 : 3 ` &get your ass off -'- today , 26o6o9 , late post again . LOL . i slept for donknw how long siah . o.o i 1+pm thn wake up . teheh . thn saw hweeling 's msg . replied her , went to on com . audi . LOL . : X actually meeted her at 3pm at bugis mrt , but thn , i keep audi , cus mintmint only lah . ): nehmind , meeted her 3.30 . i still late somemore . LOL . i take bus to aljunied mrt halfway she called me . o.o she just go take mrt only , so she went aljunied wait me first . reached , meeted , go bugis . LOL . went to th new open de shopping centre thr de couple lab , go thr take hweeling 's ring . LOL . nice uh . o.o we also go take con 's present . take alr , we went to mammam long john . budget lah we . LOL . : X thn we fly down to orchard . : 3 she want go to th mango shop but th shirt . orchard alot of mango shop . o.o LOL . thn we anyhow walkwalkwalkwalkwalk . walk&talk about our love 's life ? lame huhs . hais , nothing talk mah . thn tired alr , take mrt back home . i reach paya lebar , she eunos . took bus home . reach alr , on com , msg mintmint , ask him come online . -'- siahs , he say he outside , cant on . zz . okay loh , i bu awhile thn off alr . walk to ahmah house thn . went to buy bbt . : 3 mine favourite grape ice blend , hiakhiak . : 3 thn go ahmah home , watch tv . thn went home with mama , audi with mintmint . o.o he pig lah him . keep ask me whether if he can go sleep . so early . LOL . thn he bth , he say gtg , thn he off alr . thn he msg me say , sorry , he bth alr . i neh reply him , cus i posting . thn he sent , "i knw you angry now , i only can say ps . if you want break thn jiu break bah ." -'- lah . -.- but i act blurr , i just sent back a huhs ? LOL . : X okay lah , i'm tired also , nights <3 : D ` BLAHBLAH is MINT 's : D ; / Thursday, June 25, 2009 hi peepos : D long time neh post alr . knw why ? cus , nothing post . everyday is th same , rot at home . LOL . today , had phone with WJ from 12+am talk until 8am . LOL . zai sia , we didnt sleep . : 3 thn went to bath & go meet him at teck whye . zz , i still need go down cck , still need take smlj LRT , thn reach teck whye . reach alr , meeted him , thn he say go his friend house . & , all i do is , blurrblurr , donknw what to do . just sit & stone . o.o okay , don say him alr . after that i went down to outram park , i meeted my pigu [ L E ~ N O I R] & aiai [-XiaoOne-] ! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS . LOL . thn we take mrt down to bedok , thn take 40 to era : D saw alot ppl , but , quite alot idonknw them . LOL . i saw , -ForeverLove , kid , red , FENG & many more lah , kind of forgot alr . BUT ! this i sure wont forget . SH ! - . - fcuk siahs , he also at era . -'- his my pigu 's ex also . LOL . thn 5 alr , i & aiai go take bus home . pigu still upstairs with her sister i think . & , heard that th zirong ( ahgua B ) cried . o.o i didnt care much uh . so i went home . : X i took bus 155 , straight reach my house . LOL . aiai took 10 , she went tampines int & thn take 72 straight to her house , which is like , at hougang . LOL . damn far . i took th bus , no one de , i nap awhile . : X heng didnt sit over stops . : X reach home , take papa 's clothes , go down ahmah house alr . reach ahmah house , you knw what happen to me ? T O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O H ah ! LOL . really bth alr . now came back home alr , do what ? post first . : 3 thn i going audi . seesee if anyone online . i think he sleeping like pig nowwwww . LOL . okay lah , write until heres : D <3 ` WJ 's Saturday, June 20, 2009 can you spot us ? : 3 today , 19o6o9 , bit late post uh . : X morning wake up late , meiyin say 11.10 at mrt meet , i around 10.40 thn wake up . LOL . reach kind of late 10mins . thn we went to mammam mac(: we seated thr for around half an hour , thn we go buy , cus , 12-2pm is lunchtime mah , cheaper . : X ass-nuer's mama want see desmond , so she ask him to go outside mac wait them . thn i&meiyin saw him . LOL . he was sitting beside th whoever , ass-nuer should knw uh . : X after that we went to suntec . went to th asiasoft thr , do whatever desmond need to do , thn we go ps watch movieeeeeeeee . we walk halfway , i saw hweeling&xianyong kor eh ! LOL . so qiao loh . : 3 he join-ed us whn we are at suntec . thn we went to ps watch movie . meiyin went to bedok , dye her hair i think . o.o we went to watch th 'drag me to HELL' . it's fcuking scary lah . i keep SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM . LOL . : 3 after that went back aljunied , meet-ed mama , thn ass-nuer&desmond donknw go whr slackkkkkkkk . until 9+ still hvent go home , her mama call-ed me , i blurrblurr , donknw what to say . LOL . thn i nap for awhile , wake up , saw th xiaored's msg . he say th SH say he want break , but donknw how tell me . LOL . but i neh reply him uh . i msg th SH . i say , th thing is betweeen us , stop pushing it to others . thn he say , he cant feel any love between us , thn say sorry . LOL . thn idonknw , i send a SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR loooooooong msg to him . th burden i have in those days , i had enough , i finally spoke out all th things . & , we finally broke . LOL . wow , i'm so fcuking happpy . happy until i crieddddddd uh . meiyin , thanks for your advice uh , i should have told all this to you earlier(: thanks for your listening ear too(: & , SINGLE is still th best(: no stresss , nothing , just freedom(: wooooooooots , i'm so HIGH now lah . : 3 making my smile so fake today uh . LOL . anyw , write until heres , wait for th next post uh(: ` tiring ; Thursday, June 18, 2009 today morning , ass-nuer call-ed me . i still sleeping . LOL . forgot what we say alr . hmmms , thn wake up , on com , talk to ass-nuer at msn , funny uh(: i&baby was msg-ing . thn we start to quarrel again . this time veh jialat , we was about to break you knw . & , i cried like mad . LOL . but in th end okay alr . thn nuer came my house , i was earning den with th -ForeverXue&-Unintended- . thn we walk to th 101 thr de mama shop , buy something . :B thn we went to mrt . we go bugis . & , something happen . th thing make us veh off mood . but th thing okay alr lah , thanks to baby uh(: thn meet-ed -TIAMMIE . er , his name desmond uh . LOL . heng th -DIAMDIAM neh come . he last time ask me cpl him , idonwan . : X thn we went to ps , go thr mammam ice monster again , this time is we three share(: th desmond like baby like that , keep want ass-nuer to feed him thn he will mammmam . hais , so old alr , still donknw how to mammam himself , kor lian uh . : X go walkwalk , waited baby at mrt , for 1hour+ ? thn he say he reach alr . i , ass-nuer&desmond was sitting down , playing mah , thn he donknw say what , see us play until so happy , say nehmind , we go play , don care him . i was like , whatth-'- . we waited you for so long , now tell us donwan meet alr . but , we still meeted , i saw him . : B thn we go back aljunied , thn we go carpark . go thr , er , something . : 3 but thn , we quarrel again . whatth-'- . nuer ask me go an wei him or something , i say , why is it that i'm th one always an wei-ing him , why cant he an wei me instead ? thn i one person sit down thr CRYSSSSSSSSS . LOL . in th end , okay alr . : X stupid rights . LOL . thn we playing all along at carpark , laugh machiam MADDDDD . after that , we all walk back top mrt together , cus , i , ass-nuer , her mama&my mama going th night market walk . thn becus i neh give him a goodbye kiss , he show my attitude again . zz . okay , idonwan say alr . walk halfway , i&mama go ahmah home , slackslack , watch tv , thn we go home alr . now , home&posting(: th -UNDERWEAR- er , donwan say , ass-nuer should knw huhs . : 3 jiu wrote until heres(: <3 `it's tiring OUR BREAD SHOP : X DORAEMON COLLECTION : X MY CAREBEAR COLLECTION : 3 : X ICE MONSTER :B today , i mean 17o6o9 , went out with ass-nuer(: . we went to era , seesee , make acc , do "something" , thn go ps(: baby was at ps , he meeting my gan mama , but thn he 6pm need reach home , i reach ps around 5.20 , he live at cck , so , no choice , cant meet): thn we went to mammam ice monster :B thn we went to walkwalk , went into action city , toooooooook quite alot of pics uh(: thn go up cinema there seesee . actually wanna watch "drag me to hell" , but , we no money . ;\ bo bian , we go back action city , take again . LOL . walk halfway , xianyong kor call-ed me . o.o he tell me , hweeling ask if i want go see something . in th end , she ask me fri go . i fri not free eh . seee my events okay(: i'm sorry uh hweeling , next week i go out with you thn we go see everything okay(: <3 thn we go mammam KFC :B , thn go home . during th trip back to aljunied , we in train , machiam siao you knw . laughdieme . her "qi guai" , can become "tui guai" . LOL . thn on th way to her home , she call her mama . after she kup , she , %$%#*$^*(@U*@&(*$&@*(^$*(@^$(@$^&*(@^$&*@$^&*#^&*%^(%^&*(%#^&*(% . LOL . cannot say out what she say huhs . : X thn go ahmah home , went to night market with mama(: come back , watch show . thn mama on this show , some kind like curse show . & , this stupid part , make me SHOCK&JUMP . machiam my heart dropping out lah): i was about to cry you knw): LOL . now come back , postpost(: baby this few days keep moody huhs . ;\ his "lai ang" veh jialat eh . LOL . i'm sorry baby , i cant physically by your side 24hours uh . rmb , i'm always with you in your heart(: `SH&LYNNIE 's Monday, June 15, 2009 today morning , sleep until halfway , constance call-ed me , ask me wake up alr . 8+ in th morning eh , early loh . no choice , so i wake up , on com use awhile thn go bath , thn fly down to amk hub . saw her&her friends . o.o thn blahblahblah . her firends donknw go whr , thn i&her go but tickets , we went to watch movie . 'MONSTER vs ALIEN 3D' . 11.10 got one , we 11.16 reach . LOL . bo bian , so we watch 1.15 de . baby msg me , say want meet me , idonwan cus of some reasons . thn he give me attitude , say he mood swing , i thought he lai ang eh . :X but in th end okay alr lah . after i&con watch finish , we went NEBO sitsit , drink th 'POISON IVY' . nice eh . :B baby went thr to find me , he ask me pei him go see his ahmah . ;O i actually say okay de , but thn , walk halfway , idonfeel like going alr . LOL . he forceeee me go . ipromisehim alr , so , okay loh , i go . sitsit here&thr , awhile thn go alr . i feel like , "so fast go seeeee his family alr" . LOLLOLLOLLOL . :3 thn he send me home . thn we quarrel again , idonknw what happen actually . looooooooooong story , idonwanna say alr . now , seeems okay alr bah ? ;\ his attitude nowadays&his attitude on th day i meet him at era is kind of diff huhs . ;O but it's okay bah(: `SH 's today , 5 thn went to sleep , cus pei-ing baby audi . sleep until 12 , wake up , bath , get ready to go out with parents , cus today is father's day . HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL FATHER IN THIS WORLD :D went to mammmam , thn went vivo walkwalk . & , i saw this thing , idonknw why i took a photo of it uh , just think it's kinda weird ? LOL . reach-ed home , baby ask me help him do his blog , so okay loh . i 6 start to do , 7+ need off , cus going ahpei house . so i rushrushrush , manage to finish on time huhs . :D thn i see my phone , 3msg from baby . LOL . i knw i do de not sooo nice but , yea . ;\ go ahpei house sitsit , also nothing do , watch tv , until i wanna doz off alr . :X after that went ahmah house , first thing i do is on th fan , BOOOOOM onto bed&went to my lalaland . beheh . :X reach home , still edit-ing my&his blog . LOL . but now seems okay alr . tmr not going out w/con alr , she band until 6 , so we change date to wed :B tue going out with baby , he say got surprise for me . o.o he keep make me xingyangyang . LOL . ifcukmisshim lah dey . ): anyw , offoff alr:D <3 `SH's Sunday, June 14, 2009 10o6o9 ; baby ask me go bunk meeeeet him . thn rachel msg me , ask me kup money . o.o okay loh , after that , me , sophia , jueyun&rachel went to bunk , they say they want seeeee baby . LOL . okay loh , thn , er , blahblahblah , kind of forgot alr . bleh . :X 11o6o9 ; rotting at home whole day . LOL . nothing write . ;o 12o6o9 ; baby say 10am at bunk meet . 11+ i still sleeping . LOL . he call-ed me thn i wake up . he say don need go down bunk alr , he come my house downstairs find me . i scare dao eh , from bunk to my house , damn far ? ;o thn 2+ , we go down bunk , meet th -Unintened- or -Unitended- , forgot . LOL . he look quite shuai , but i only like his hair . ;3 ;X but thn , ilovebaby more . bleh <3 thn outside until 9+ thn go home myselffffffff . they go evo play&ton . thn i at nightttttt weddddddding . teheh ;3 today , 13o6o9 , i too late post alr . LOL . got st , sooooo goood loh , no need do so much today . ;XXX quite funnnnnny lah , ahbeng , ahwee they all , laughdieme . weifa hor , keeeeeep force me buy present for him rather buy for con . LOL . i pok alr lah , no money alr . mon still need go out with con , watch MONSTER vs ALIEN , she want watch 3D , at amk meet her . zz , far lah . ;\ imisssyouu all okay <3 `boy(: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 ytd night , daddy suddenly ask me go audi . thn he say he gonna cpl me . o.o he sot alr loh . in th end , we still cpl . LOL . :X thn weeeee rl stead . MUHAHAHAHHA . today , he actually got work de , but he say he sore throat , he ask his boss for leave alr . so , he ask me to go bunk , cus he meeting his friend . o.o i anything , went down to bunk , meet-ed him . slack here&there . he sooo bad , thrash ppl in bunk . LOL . thn th donknw who , er , huimin is it ? & th other girl i forgot alr , they came , thn they went up to smoke , i didnt , i'm guai okay . :X after awhile , baby's friend came , thn they went to mammam . thn we went to th 'SPEEDY' lan play . was thinking to play left4dead de loh , in th end cannot play . zz . nehmind , next time go bunk play . era also can . o.o after that , theywent to mammam again . LOL . whn walking , they at there CRAPPPPING alot . LOL . thn , idonknw what happen , baby was helping me taking my 'twilight' book , thn suddenly , he use th book , sei my chin .-'- pain eh , but , it's accidently de lah , i don mind . (: thn baby send me home eh <3 heehee . i pei him until 9.30 , since daddy not reach ahmah house yet . :XXX crapping alot . LOL . i think , his th best stead i ever had alr . he's fcuking goood lah dey . LOL . `iloveyou ; boy Monday, June 8, 2009 today morning , wake up alr , went to era , find daddy . o.o saw quite alot of ppl , xiaored , ectasty , zirong , milkteh , etc . slack here&thr with daddy&edmund . i ____ with daddy 6times today eh . omgomgomgomg , say hao one time only loh . LOL . thn qiang came , they went&settle th daiji , they even whack him . zz . i didnt saw what happen , i at era inside , hide<3 :X they came up find me , thn jiu blahblahblah , donknw what they saying . LOL . thn after that , daddy send me hime . o.o , sweeeeeeeet of daddy huhs , anyw , thanks daddy . lovedieyou lah . <3 vinvin msg me today eh . heehee , thn at ahmah home , watch show , sms-ing with vinvin&daddy . talk alot things with daddy . & , he knw my secret alr . LOL . :X okay lah , jiu write dao heres . takecares eh <3 `impossible for us . Saturday, June 6, 2009 today morning wake up , on com . use awhile , mama call-ed . she ask me take th donknw what go bedok give her , so okay loh , before i went to pompom , i msn talk to him , cb , whn i come out , no respond . zz . reach-ed bedok , pei mama walk here&thr , si yi also came . o.o with her granddaugther . she's cuuuuuuuuuute lah . <3 thn went to mammam KFC . thn we go tampines 1 , i went thr to buy th clothes that time i&lisha saw de . thn we went to paya lebar , went to th budget shop , mama cant find what she like , thn went city plaza , seesee , i bought a bottom . o.o LOL . mama find whole day also cannot find . thn sua loh , go help papa take th fruits , thn go home . kan tired . zz .papamama go wedding , i stay at home rot . zz . watch HSM3 with xianyong korkor . at msn talk to him , he just reply a ? , thn neh reply alr . what th fcuk lah hor . what th HELLL do you want me to do ? can you just stop ignoring me ? kan hurts lah dey . zz . if it's i'm th one ignoring you , what will you feel ? nahbeh , i really will go crazy if you keep on like that okay , just becus of that , you angry until now ? zz . `boy ; iloveyou today morning wake up , went to on com , see show . thn baby ask me go gl meet him . o.o we go play 1hour , thn go , er , slack ? LOL , thn go mammmam , after that he pei me go aljunied . walk pass 108 , saw ys , kyrene , jy , sophia they all . ys keeep hold me , donwan let go , still teh my nehneh . o.o LOL . thn i went to find baby , thn we quarrel . zz . until now , idonknw what to do . i msg him , i told him all is my fault for angry-ing him , but thn , idonknw what he thinks now ? i'm sorry , i knw i'm not a good girlfriend eh . even if i'm not that good , i still donwanna break with you or something . thousands of apologise . don angry le okay . Thursday, June 4, 2009 ytd , morning wake up , cus of baby msg me&call-ed me . 11 wake up , went to pompom , wait for mama to come home , take money from her . ;B before that , i msg iva say , i bathing just now , so neh ans her phone . thn she call-ed me . thn 12.15 meet-ed baby at paya lebar mrt . thn we take train down to bunk . reach alr , meet-ed iva&inez . they loooooooook chio bodohzxc . :D thn dexter , xiang also came . we went down to settle th daiji with ahting&xiaocute . talktalktalk , thn settle alr . me&baby went era , he play , i lie on th table . th FENG beside me only . o.o saw zirong . LOL . after that walk to east coast . baby donknw how to walk , keep anyhow walk loh . blurrdieme . thn we went to th sand thr , drawdrawdraw , went to th water thr , hugs&kiss . MUHAHHAHAHHA . sweeeeeeeeeeeeet eh . :X thn walk again , took bus 135 . at night , went ahmah home , cook for me&mama mammam . went to buy my favourite bbt <3 heehee . thn reach home , on audi , baby pm me , say donknw what lan . th daiji not settle or something ? zz . sua , nehmind , don say alr . today , morning on com . went audi , i saw -BLAHBLAH . LOL . play club with him . thn i leave rooom , pm-ed him . ask him add bl , thn suddenly he become my gan 'copycat' . LOL . thn he went SA . i went to msn , chat with baby , thn i go see show . came back , baby say , "don need sms me from now onwards . you knw what you have done ." i was like huhs ? what thing ? i didnt even do anything eh . he say , "you didnt buy th top up card for me ." -.- i chua dao i cry lah bodohzxc . scare me . LOL . Tuesday, June 2, 2009 ytd , morning 8+ wake up , replied baby's msg , went back to sleep . awhile ltr , wake up , replied again , went back to sleep again . thn wake again , replied , &woke up alr . LOL . use com awhile , thn baby ask me fly down to KFC meet him . zz . reach alr , he was daydreaming eh . me slowly walk beside him , & , BLOW INTO HIS EAR . MUHAHAHAHAHAHH , he chua tio eh . :X thn went to city plaza&gl walkwalk loh . reach gl , saw yc , jc&ray . thn me&baby went to 7eleven , thn go gl 2floor thr sit down , i slept on his leg hor , he keep disiao me eh . rawr ! thn after that went to lan play audi , with yc somemore . zz . play-ed 1hour , thn baby pei me walk back aljunied . thanks huh baby<333333333333333 me want wait for mama at th NTUC thr , baby also pei me eh . <3 thn when mama going to reach , i pei baby wait for his bus , 155 . went ahmah home , cooooook again . LOL . watch tv . sianns eh . went home , audi with baby , help him earn fp . tired like HELLLLLL lah . D: after that i went to orhorh eh , i dream-ed alot of thing you knw . audi things , i dream-ed of baby&weiwei eh . o.o is like , no link loh . LOL . `boy ; |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |