Sunday, May 31, 2009
today morning , wake up , saw baby's msg , replied him , &went to use com alr . use awhile , nothing do , went to orhorh awhile . mama reach home , wake me up , went to mammam as she bought it for me eh . <3 we mammam&watch tv together . after that went to pompom , come out , saw baby's msg , he say he want go see bag , ask me pei him go see , okay loh . he veh clever , ask me go meet him at th KFC thr . took bus go down , he say he inside th KFC , so i went in . before that , whn i was at th door , i saw this guy sitting thr , i was thinking , "eh ? is this guy baby ?" whn i see properly , "omg ? is really baby ? since whn he become so shuai bodohzxc . o.o" LOL . thn we went to city plaza see , i told him thr wont have this kind of bag de loh , he don believe . zz . ask him go bugis , he heard police , LOL , he donwan go . thn hor , baby SHOOOOOOOOOOT eh . omgomgomgomgomg . LOL . thn blahblahblah . walk to gl , saw philip . o.o at th bus stop . went in , go to th near bbt thr de lan play , audi<3 thn something makes me veh dulan . we were in a room , he go put , "BLAHBLAH HORNY" . all those horny guys pm me . zz . thn i angry him , didnt talk to him . but thn i bth loh , he keep make me laugh . play-ed 1hour10min , end session , he pei me walk to ahmah house , somemore still raining eh . he seems to get more wet thn me . o.o thanks huhs baby <3 reach alr , pei him waited for th 155 bus . that time was like , 7+ . CRAPPING again . LOL . thn whn his bus came , he , er , kiss-ed me huhs , sweeeeeeeeet eh <3 :X thn i went ahmah home , nothing do , look into th fridge , take out this&that , went to cook something for myself eh<3 thn sophia call-ed me , ask me go down pei her&jueyun . & , i did something . o.o i took 4p . weirdweird de eh . awhile ltr i went back ahmah home , 9+ , papamama hvent reach home . they 12 thn reach , zz . zao zi dao don so early go back ahmah home , ask baby pei me D: nehmind . he 11+ msg me , i was charging my phone , &i went to orhorh awhile . didnt heard phone ring . 12+ reply him , he neh reply , think he sleep alr nah . 1+ reach home , 2+ posting , which is like , now ? LOL . okayokay , jiu post dao here , takecares huhs . iloveyou baby <3 `babyboy ; Saturday, May 30, 2009 just tio gan finish by my papa . so what if my result drop ? i really did go mac study with friends rights . got wrong ? sua lah , i go ITE sua okay . no matter how good is my result , you also will gan me de . i cried , no one cares . cried whole night . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . Friday, May 29, 2009 today , morning wake up , 7+ , saw th time still early , went to lie down again , thought lie awhile only , thn i doz off . zz . 8.30 mama wake me , & , i take result 8.30 eh . ._. nehmind , late jiu late , they are first come first serve de . so waited&waited&waited . finally me huhs , saw my result , 3fail . zz . sci , history , geo . LOL . history i really cmi . teacher say this time de result really drop alr , must work hard , this result only can go up to sec4 . but i really donknw why , idonhave th mood to study nowadays . tired&stress you knw . ;\ after that , went bedok , mama donknw go huan semo dan . thn after she's done , we take mrt go lavender , took taxi go down th haircut shop , whr we always go thr cut hair de . went thr do what ? highlight . <3 behind three , in front one . LOL . it's just $15 you knw . <3 mama keep at thr , "aiyo ! so red ! you should ask her don highlight until so obvious mah !" LOL . whocares , just don let my papa knw can alr . mama also dye okay . LOL <3 thn , went home , use com . msn chat with baby awhile , went audi . play awhile , baby say want go orhorh . zz . okay loh , he go orhorh , me ? EMO <3 ;\ waited mama to reach home , go ahmah home . papa 10 alr hvent reach ahmah home , so i went back myself . here i am posting . ;\ ltr he come back , sure tio gan until veh jialat . & of cus , confirm tio cane . my leg , sure alot of "lines" . ifcukcare , canedieme better eh <3 `boy ; ily , imy , iwy , iny . <3 kuku lah hor . pon only got wrong izzit . your own daughter dizzy , headach , go sch also lie down thr , also cannot study , like that i go sch gamlan ? you scold scold jiu okay alr , no need to cane de rights . nahbeh . wan cane izzit , cane lah , canedieme , best ever . i will thankyou like fcukzxc . go out , i gt everyday go out anot ? you got see i everyday go out ? no rights ? thn mai jiaowei lah , say i everyday go out , got evidence anot . don have rights . thn mai kpkb lah hor . `i hate my life . wish to END it in any time . Thursday, May 28, 2009 today , morning wake up , saw lina&sophia msg me . 9+ eh , me still wnt orhorh more loh , sophia wake me up . she ask me go mac find her , okay loh , i pompom alr , chiong down to mac , saw jueyun also . LOL . she went to straighten her hair . awhile , baby msg me say he pon sch , & his phone can work le . thn msg halfway , he say don disturb me . okay loh , me waitwaitwait , wait until dulan , went home alr . actually wanna do something de , but idonwan wait alr . next time bah . reach home , suddenly recieve baby's msg , he send , "Lol,ps i cant wake up,i promis you i tmr go den u can see me le=]" me STUN tio . huhs ? why he sent this to me , thn he say he sent wrong . zz . pekchek . thn he ask me go gl meet him , so again , i chiong down meet him , cus he always come find me , now i go find him , fair lah . meet alr , actually wanna go lan play de , but , idonwan . sianns eh . so we went to walkwalk . here&there . went shop&save , he buy th breezer for me . thanks eh baby <3 me drink half , bit gongong alr , long time neh drink le . thn i meet-ed mama , he go home . go buy things thn went home , audi with baby , msn chat , now blogging . LOL . tmr result . sure tio gan by papa until veh jialat de . tihnk will tio cane bah . ;\ whatever . `boy ; iloveyou <3 yesterday , went school . PE , fun eh . play captain ball , three balls , three team play together . th ball keep anyhow fly here&there . play-ed 2times . both times also our group win . ;X after that went back class , saw baby's reply . thn jiu msg here&there . he say th acer come alr , donknw what singnet , blahblahblah . in th end he tell me th person ask him go IMM fix . he ask me whether i wan pei him go there fix mah . it's like , far ? JURONG eh . HELLLLLLLLLL . i thought he today want go . LOL , he say maybe sunday loh . me see how first loh . uh ! he ask me to go his school de carnival on sat . he say , he ask th teacher , "can my gf come&pei me ?" i STUN okay , but , liar de lah . talktalktalk , he say don go alr , he after his carnival come find me . okay loh , i anything de . o.o thn after school , mee-ed baby at mrt mrt . with sophia . LOL . thn we went library , me doing geo homework , sophia playing DS , baby pei me do halfway , EMOEMO alr . D: suddenly hor , jueyun&kyrene came . thn gladys join in . LOL . after i do finish , sitsit awhile , thn me&baby went blahblahblah . ;X home lah , don think so much lah dey . i pei him at bus stop wait-ed for his bus . 155 again . LOL . CRAPPING again . donknw why he hor , carpark , can say until tarpark . laughdieme . thn same thing , bus came , he kiss-ed me , me kiss-ed him back eh . ;X CHEEEEEKS only lah , don think so far . after that went to find mama . walk pass 108 there , saw kyrene , sophia , jueyun , teckhwee , mingjie , juntat , KENNY . LOL , didnt expect to see him there you knw . OMG . but , whocares huhs . me alr got baby eh . <3 thn talk with sophia awhile , thn really went to meet mama . bought things alr , buy bbt for sophia . when i go back , left sophia , jueyun&juntat only . what th HELLLLLLL . th rest go home alr . D: aiya , me f care . thn went ahmah home , see tv . sleeeeeep awhile loh . baby whole night neh msg me , or should i say , reply me . D: misshim okay . D: he say his phone spoil alr , cannot msg . SADDDDDDDDDDDD lah . here i am to post eh . <3 he orhorh alr loh . nehneh lah him . nehmind . papamama sat&sun neh go yi ni alr lah . sianns jipua . ;\ was thinking to ton with baby at gl de leh . tsk , rawr ! nehmind , wait papa's passport go do alr , cus expire , need 1 week thn can take back , now too late alr , next time , valid alr , he go thn ton with baby . MUAHAHAHHAH . no lah , must see how first . ;\ anyw , tired alr , me go see show , MISS SWAN . ;X takecares okay , iloveyou all&baby<3 `boy ; YOU TOOK IT ALR ! Tuesday, May 26, 2009 here to post again eh :D sunday , got st . went thr , sianns loh . nothing do , baby slept th whole morning&afternooooon . D: missdiehim . thn me , hweeling , xiaopang&xianyong kor play dai di together . play money somemore . me only win twice ? LOL . after that went home on com , talk with baby , on msn . <3 mon , went school . is like , super sianns eh . my math got 59 . heng got pass . baby say he neh go do his math paper eh . ;o my home econ , hais , fail lah bodohzxc . D: th rest hvent see , i think . after school , went home , on com , talk with baby . kuku , he say he want MIA for a few days , say want fix his com . what th HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL . me will like , fcuking miss him lah . somemore is phone going no money le . D: he say th acer ah , forgot alr , is a BANGGALAA eh . o.o okay , don say that le . ;\ today , morning didnt went schoooool . sickzxc . D: baby also neh went schoooool eh . thn jiu blahblahblah . meet-ed him afternoooooon . talktalktalk , walkwalkwalk , thn i pei him wait for his bus to come . 155 . at ahmah house downstairs only . ;o you knw what we did ? we............... CRAPPING lah . don xiang waiwai huhs . ;X he kiss-ed me before he went up to bus eh . omgomgomgomgomgomg , sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeets huhs . <3 after that went ahmah home , doz awhile . wake up , watch tv . 8pm show . LAUGHDIEME okay . "chao nai" , "teh sotong" , che zi(car) can say until "chair-zi" . LOLLOLOLOLOLO . okay , nothing say alr lah . tired eh . anyw , baby , iloveyou okay . <3 last but not least , all my ganns are lov-ed too .<3 `boy ; ' 74264 ' Sunday, May 24, 2009 LALALLAALLALALA , ytd morning actually wanna go baby's house de , in th end ? cus he this PIGGGGG , sleeeeeeepsleeeepsleeeeeeeep , yc call-ed me , ask me to go gl , so i da yin him alr . suddenly baby ask me to go his house now , i was like , huhs ? now ? but .. thn he say nehmind . sounds like veh angry loh . D: but , in th end okies alr lah . ;D i ask him come down gl find me , he say he flu , donwan . i forgot what happen , thn he come down . LOL . thn we walk , audi , blahblahblah ~ suddenly yc phone's missing . find here&there , cannot find . thn jiu sua alr . me&yc walk home together , baby went home alr , he say he tired , wanna orhorh le . me&yc walkwalkwalk , thn say what ltr jc kpkb , etc . thn i pei him walk halfway , thn i go ahmah home alr . thn daiji come , geoffrey suddenly msg me , donknw what he say , donknw knw what thing . thn awhile , baby msg me say , what he tio daiji with ting AGAIN . zz . after awhile , geoffrey jiu call me donknw say what lanjwei , say er , "goldfish your bf rights? you knw who ting is ? uh , do you knw that he two time you?" thn i was like , huhs ? what two time ? -'- thn he say , uh , nehmind nehmind . what th fcukzxc . thn forgot what happen alr . ;X at night on com , thought baby sleep alr , cus he neh on , msg him neh reply . so i went to orhorh , 12.30 orhorh , he 12.44 reply me . still spam my phone somemore , 5messages i saw this morning . LOL . Friday, May 22, 2009 looooooooooong time no post alr eh . nothing much happen anyways . me&her de thing , settle le bah ? thnthn , today , me&him stead alr eh <3 MUHAHAHAHAH . 22o5o9<3 today went suntec with him . walk here&there , blurrdieme . thn talk until veh funny bodohzxczxczxc . LOL . thn went to ahgu de house with mama , at their house use com loh . 3hours+ , heng got baby pei me chat eh . thanks huhs <3 but thn cannot only chat with him lah , also nothing do , no audi eh , they still downloading th maple , what th fcukzxc . zz . thn i went youtube watch th FULL MOON again . zz , watch until sianns alr . this two days neh go sch , LOL . ;X ponponpon . hais . donknw how's my result , sure it's really bad . confirm tio cane by papa de . die alr . zz . okies lah , nothing say le , iloveyouzxc jingqiangbaby <3 ;D '/boy ; 22o5o9 Monday, May 18, 2009 LOL lah . WEITING ; buey ge yan wan spam izzit ? write your name out lah . dare to spam , don dare to write your name huh ? hum ji . please lah hor at first is i couple him first , in th end you went to cpl him ? what kind of friend are you ? backstabber . -'- donknow how to settle yourself , ask your friends all come spam . donknw how thn don spam lah . so what if i will regret ? this is my decision to be with him i won't be regret . you want him back izzit ? i give you loh . nah , take lah . his heart is not mine or yours or anyone else okies . it's his . he has th rights to like th person he like . you can't stop him , neither do i . so ? just fcuk off lah bitch . -'- Saturday, May 16, 2009 ytd , went school , lit first . it's so "easy" lah . ._. 10marks , write so short ans . heng my CA got 95 , if not fail liao . after that jiu art . total blank lah , i mean my mind , idonknw what to draw . anyhow draw , anyhow colour . after school actually sophia ask me go bugis with her , donknw meet who , someone she donknw , but , it's a girl , so no worrys , just ltr th girl is les jiu . DENG DENG DENG DENG ~~~ LOL . i didnt go with her , sianns , so i went home , audi loh , talk to him at msn/audi . hear him sing , quite nice eh . ;X thn went ahmah home , on air-con , orhorh alr . fever&tired . thn papa so late go back ahmah home , so mama call-ed him&went home ourselves . reach-ed home , on com , audi . thn me , geoffrey(-ORHPAPA) , qiang(-Stupid-) , iva(-ForeverIva) , -DIAMDIAM , & donknw still got who , i forgot liao , we all conf . th diamdiam veh funny loh , when he talk to iva . LOL . thn he siao alr , ask me cpl him . but i wanted to couple -Stupid- . ;\ say until him . ytd me&him talk until 4+ . quarel on phone awhile , thn okies alr , 4+ kup phone , he msg me , after that start quarel again . zz . he told me iva wanted to couple him , thn today morning i audi , iva say is he want to cpl iva . blurrdieme lah . who should i believe . & , diamdiam ask me to cpl him again after he went to see my fs . zz . i give excuse say i afk awhile . -UNDERWEAR- , iva they all keep ask me cpl him . idonwan , i want to cpl him . ): iloveyou , i'm sorry , i just wanted to stop all this arguements . it's tiring . just be how we are last time okies ? no quarel , no arguements , no nothing . just laughters . i trust you . & , you also must trust me , i really don like th guy , i only like you . '/ i'm scare to love you ; i'm afraid to lose you . Thursday, May 14, 2009 ytd , wed , geo hard eh , confirm fail . ;\ after that is math paper 2 , i was like , huhs ? me neh bring my calculator , how am i going to do my math ? i got 25 , but thn that money is to buy card for him de . i went&ask mine form teacher , lend me his calculator . ;X heng . <3 after that went gl with pengsiong , raymond , jiuncherng&yanchuan . i was laughing machiam siao . play halfway , ask him come down pei me awhile , actually he say he flu&fever , donwan , but thn still come . ps , ray they all saw him alr . yanchuan say he wan to gay with him , LOL . thn i pei him until 10+ , meet my mama&went ahhmah home . we went to th carpark , shhhhhhh , cannot tell what we doing , secret eh . ;X DONXIANGWAIWAI , not horny stuffs , bleh . today , he 9am msg me , say he didnt go school , neh take exam . i was like , huhs ? -.- thn i tell him i pei him go see doc , he no money see , so i help him pay loh , $6 only . before we go in , need register first . his temperature is 36.9 , mine 37.8 . zz , they take both ears , total of 3times , still th same . siao eh , also not i sick , is he "sick" loh . he only wanted th MC . LOL . both eaten 1 headach tablet . i force him de . ;X after that went back carpark , same thing , DONXIANGWAIWAI , NOT HORNY STUFFS . ;X went ahhmah home awhile , jiu come back home with mama first . papa donknw go whr . sianns eh , today history i slept 45mins , 1hour do paper . didnt do finish , cus , idonknw how to do . mine mind BLANK . ;\ nothing to say le , orhorh alr , tmr lit&art , which i didnt study . LOL . anyways , takecares eh . <3 '/ALLIWANTISYOUBYMYSIDE . Tuesday, May 12, 2009 sunday something happen , real bad . zz . mon , morning early wake up . meet-ed yc , jc at mac . raymond still orhorh-in . LOL . waited him for like , 1hour . zz . after that take cab go gl , zhunzhun $4 eh . each pay $1 . we from 10+ play till 6 . thn meet-ed him . they saw , keep saying me . walao eh , we also neh do anything loh . just talktalk only , say until like we fcuking . zz . today , neh go school . ;X sick , morning wake up went to see doc . after that went home , eat medicine , orhorh awhile , yc&raymond msg me . say today 1.15 dismiss . i quickly chiong go bath , & rush down meet them , go gl again . LOL . thn meet-ed him again . this time , ps&raymond saw . same thing , didnt do anything , still at there kpkb say he pia me . feeeel like smacking them . zz . tmr exam alr , geo&math . sianns eh . anyways , takecares all yea . <3 :D whatever you all say alr . i'm sick&tired . everything is my fault , happy ? i wont stop you , cus it's your mouth , i cant control . sorry about everything . i'm sorry . if you donwan me to be with him , & you wan to be with him again , tell me , i will just fcukzxc off . '/ALLIWANTISYOUBYMYSIDE Saturday, May 9, 2009 today went out with papa&mama . papa donknw wan go whr , keep take bus here&there . zz , dulan , zao zi dao go meet qiang . ;\ after that went cut hair . idonwanna cut . ugly . ;\ mon maybe going highlght mine hair . but idonknw wan highlight mah& idonknw whr should i highlight . atfer that went ahhmah home . actually going gl de , but thn yc cannot come out . sianns jipua . ;\ at ahhmah home slack slack slack , after that jiu go home liao . reach home audi , & , zao zi dao mai audi . zz . don ask me why , irritating . ._. what on th earth happen to me ? those feeling , jealousy , i'm really jealous of everything . when you at ___ talk to me , tell me those words , idonknw how am i going to respond . & , idonknw why , i cried , really cried out . no one knows , no one cares , especially you . i really cannot take it anymore . what should i do ? why am i crying ? why do i have to suffer all this ? why isn't i'm th one who is th happier one ? why is it always me ? it's just not fair . i'm , i'm sorry . i just love you , that's all . i'm tired alr , really tired ... '/-SPEECHLESS- Friday, May 8, 2009 mon , jasmine morning call-ed me . cus , nuer not goin school , she sick . that whole morning he didnt even msg me . zz , dulan of him alrdy . after school went ahhmah home slept for th whole afternoon , tired loh . tues , he morning neh msg at all . zz. i toldeverything to lisha , she also told me about him . i saw glenn lots times that day loh . omg omg , he's fcuking cutes bodohzxczxc . he really loook like qiang lah . ._. 6+ mama reach ahhmah home , thn ask her bring me go buy something . ;X i bought th 'twilight' , my kor actually wanna buy de . next time i wanna buy th 'breaking down' , 'new moon' , 'eclipse' . after that jiu go ahhmah home , heng ar , papa neh scold . ;X wed , he finally msg me . ;\ i lanlan alr . after school went slack with michelle&lisha , me laugh machiam siao . LOL . after that i pei lisha go home , thn i go home . lisha told me that glenn's kor name is glynn . LOL ? girl name loh . thurs , went school , sianns , don feel like goin th next day .after school went gl with pengsiong , jiuncherng , raymond . yanchuan around 4+ thn come find us . keep ask th qiang come down gl find me , pei me chat , he keep say donwan . zz , in th end whn we was bout to switch off , he came online and come and find me in audi . zz , he say meeet at th KFC . he veh , er , cannot scold . dulan him , he say walk pass me , thn he say , he shy , donwan le lah . after that we just bo bian , go arcade play awhile , after went aljunied . thr got th carpark , we went thr slack until 9+ thn go home . LOL . ;\ today , didnt went school . idonknw why ? maybe sick ? idonknw . actually going meet qiang , he keeeep giving excuse , ask me go his house , awhile say joking , thn awhile say his house again , ahwile say joking again . zz , pekchek liao , donwan go le . ;\ don you knw that i'm been waiting ? i like you all along you just don even care what did i do ? what happen to me ? we are just impossible why do i still like you ? is it that i think too much ? did i confused you&him ? i really donknw . it cut me like a knife , when you walk out of my life . now i'm in this condition , no matter what you will never see me cry . i didn't to you on purpose , got to figure out how you stole my heart . after all i tried to do , stay away from loving you , i'm broken hearted . '/ILIKEYOU ; WHY Sunday, May 3, 2009 yoh , i'm back yea . :D looks like i hardly post liao . lazy <3 ;X that time say unitl me&nuer went buy th tube . yea . mon&tues nothing much lah . wed , morning went sch exam . zz . english , quite easy lah . but idonknw whetehr if i can do well . most important is pass . after that jiu went home with sophia . reach home mammam , pompom , watch tv awhile , uncle jiu come le . went thr , only me , at thr pai everything . ;\ i was like , veh busy bodohzxc . run here&there . after awhile , hweeling jiu come le . thn at thr keep zi lian . LOL . bo liao lah . thn blahblahblah . thurs , go sch exam again . chinese , quite hard loh . th compo nothing write de . after jiu send michelle go bus-stop , jiu go nuer's house pompom . we goin out gaigai . :B we wear th tube we bought . nuer loooks chio bodohzxc . <3 we went whitesands take newprint&walk here&there . bought somethings , like th notebooook . it's mine dairy already . so , will hardly post heres . ;X i mean , some things i wont post here . fri , went out with papa&mama . we went to mammam bak gu tea . looong time neh mammam le , last time we every sunday go de , now no have le , cus papa sunday still got work . ;\thn went bugis walkwalk awhile , meet-ed hweeling at th wallet shop thr . cus , she wan buy th bag i m taking now . th transparent de , but she wan black . so okies loh , pei her go buy le , thn went to walk . i bought a necklance . heehee , FYNN&JIAYUN . nice yea . <3 i also bought 4f/s band for us . :D after that went st thr find mama they all . after that went ahhmah home , awhile , me&xianyong kor went bugis , zz , he wanna buy th iphone pounch , but thn th shop close liao . LOL . thn we went arcade play play play , went home , 11+ . sat , morning wake up , prepare le jiu went st with xianyong kor . nothing do loh . constance keeep ask me quickly go , she rot-in le .thn afternoon rest , i went home myself . do things , thn go down again . LOL . we had lots of fun loh , wish eveytime we can be like this . ;\ after that went home , use com . something happen . LOLLOL . i really can't believe it loh . thn i around 2+ thn orhorh . morning wake up , on com liao . play maple , watch reborn , audi . sianns , rot like hell . & he msg me halfway jiu neh msg le . zz . dulan him alr . anyways , jiu write dao heres loh . nothing write le . takecares <3 missdieyou . '/YOUDONEVENUNDERSTANDSME |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |