Saturday, March 21, 2009
HOHOOHH , blah th smexy is back yoh<3 told u ytd i goin out w/ nuer yea . so , 9am , morning call , i call-ed her . i also wake up , brush teeth , wash face , thn i jiu on com awhile , since still got a little time . thn i went audi . suddenly , my audi gann mei , she online-ed . thn she ask me pei her find cpl . so , okies lorhs . after tat , u knw wht happen ? i forgotten th time . zz .== i was like , wtf , i meet her 11 , i 11 still hvent pompom . so i quickly CHIONG to pompom , dry-ed hair jiu go meet her at her house downstairs . thn we took cab go down ECP . we sat at th sand thr , chit chat , play sand . after awhile , we went to 7-11 buy bei bei mian n mammam . we mammam halfway jiu rain . OMT . thn we was like sian jibuah . raining cannot play water lerhs . D: we sit-ed at one corner , we take photos again . only take this little cox , our HYPERMODE cannot on . thn we saw this XDD , he ke-ai l0rhs ! he looooook like 'cutecute' siahs . ouhs yea , u sure will ask who is 'cutecute' . he's a guy in mine sch , tat time we saw him , lynn n jasmine sot bout him . heng i not sot bout him , cox , he look like geoffry . zz . anyways , back to story , AHHEM . & , i took a pic of him <3 :D heehee . thn we take cab go bugis , walk heres n thr , mama call-ed . ask me wanna go cut hair mai , so okies lorhs . nuer also pei me go <3 THANKS NUER ! mama loveyous lots yea <3 i cut-ed mine hair , OMT ! its sooooooooooo BUANG larhs . zhao zi dao mai cut . zz . but mai cut mine fringe veh long . ._. aiya , cut lerhx jiu cut lerhx , whocares <3 . after tat went home , thn go NTUC . thn jiu song nuer hui jia . zai ci derhs xiexie ni nuer . pei me all along . <3 {: go ahhmah house , nothing do , watch teevee , play PSP with mine kors , jiu go home lerhs . reach-ed home , on audi , play until 2am i think , i bth , somemore papa goin to orhorh lerhs , so i off com n went to mine blahblah land . <3 until now juz woke up , jiu post blog . goin audi soooooooon yea . hao narhs . jiu write dao heres . blah goin off lerhs . miss me alrights <3 :D imys <3 taecares . <3 --BLAHBLAH~ <3 Thursday, March 19, 2009 ello :D blahblah is back . <3 miss me rights , i knw <3 ;x last post say dao until i went out w/ him . yea , mon , tues , wed also meet-ed him . say seriously , quite fade-in lerhs . cus , he keep repeating th same thing over n over again . if its u sure veh pekchek n dulan rights . zz . somemore , he keep sayin i break first , bout kenny n th jonny josrive(idk how to spell . ;x), he like tat keep saying , i dulan , sure is i break first rights . zz . & , he keep saying no link n not funny derhs things . i was ._. . i not saying i wanna break butthn , aiya , nehmind . i told him this few days don meet . reopen sch thn say . actually today goin ecp w/ nuer . butbut , sick , so not goin . D: tmr ~ tmr i goin ecp w/ her . 9am morning call , 11am go thr , till 5pm . ;x we go thr play water n EMO ~ no need waste paper/pen or marker , take a stick n at th sand thr draw circle jiu canzxc lerhs . ;x juz now nuer msg wo say we go mammam mac together . so , okies lorhs . butbut , i told her , if she wan me pei her go mac , she muz come mine ahhmah home study , if not i sure tio gann . D; so she okies lorhs . actually , we at th room neh study . whad r we doin ? mai think wai wai hurhs . ;x we takin PICS . WAKAKAKKAKAK . ;B NAHH , i post-ed it . some not nice , donwan post . heehee . {: we had lots of fun bodoh . :D tmr go ecp c if we can take nice nice derhs pic merhs . thn i post again . :B HOLIDAY sianns siahs .D; hao narhs . nothing writes lerhs . imys , takecares <3 --BLAHBLAH~ <3 Monday, March 16, 2009 HHOHOHOOHOHO ! i bought new phone ! LG phone . idk why i will buy tat kind of phone . but th phone is ahh qing take derhs . first time use , use dao pekchek , but slowly xi guan jiu hao . uncle help me pay first . i slowly return him . rmb th guy i told u last fri ? he sat ask wo for stead . ;o in phone somemore . me scare scare siahs . cox , first time ppl ask me in phone . zz . so i accept-ed ? we r attached on 140309.1905 {: jasmine is th first one to knw . L0L . ytd went out with him . he stay opp my house only , at blk 65 , mine 42 . thn he come mine house downstairs wait wo . thn we walk to aljunied mrt , thn go pasir ris . on th way talk rubbish lorhs . thn we go pasir ris park thr th sand . thn sit down thr chit-chat lorhs . he say he used to go thr with his ex . i m quite jealous but , also happy , cox he told me everything . {: talk till halfway , RAINING . zz . we went inside a shelter sit down , still get veh wet . he veh stubborn lorhs . i donwan to sit on his legs , he downknw do wat thn i jiu sit on his leg lerhs . told him its heavy lerhs , cox i can feel tat his leg r shivering . he keep saying nvmind . he get more wet instead of me . zz . whn its mao mao yu , thn we start walking back & take bus go back interchange . thn we take mrt back to aljunied . same thing , walk home . before tat , we went to carpark . don tell u wat we had done . MUAHAHHAHAH ! :B butbut , don think wrong hurhs . not horny things . after tat we jiu go back home . sit at staircase slack awhile . chit chat here n thr . thn jiu go home lerhs . waaaaaaaa . i m really fcuk-in tired this few days . qi ji siahs . i neh on com at night for 3days siahs ! i really bth . mine eyes veh pain . D: today whole day slack at home lerhs . NOTHING DO ! D: nahh , nehmind . g0t com jiu hao . heehee . hao narhs . jiu write dao heres . takecares . imys . <33 {: 14o3o9.19o5 <3 Saturday, March 14, 2009 ![]() ![]() yoh guys {: i m back again . last time say until go do CIP . me n michelle go report with yingshi they all . th librarian say too many ppl . zz . thn me n michelle jiu slack at library , look-in for books for fun . after tat she actually wan go bugis donknw buy wat thing . in th end she say nvmind lerhs . so okies lorhs . thn i go back home , orhorh . L0L . tat was on fri , i think . mon , michelle told mr.wong bout it . i thurs nv go sch , somemore got retest th math test , i go back sch , keep askin mr.wong to gv retest , he ask wo to take mine previous math paper . which i failed . & , i hv to stay back for remedial everyday ! zz . heng got jasmine pei me . if not i sianns dao cannot sianns lerhs . D; thn ytd n today got camp , sec 2 . waaaaaaaaaaaaa . is , half sianns n half fun lorhs . th fun is not c0x of th activity , is pengsiong , raymond they all keep tickle me n jasmine . lawls . first day we go NEWater , n make rocket . today we go zoo n marina barrage . not so fun , quite sianns . i like a guy in mine sch, sec4 NT derhs . idk since whn i like him , thn me n jasmine say hao , she take num from him for me , i take th num from th guy she like for her . thn today , lisha , michelle , lynn , leah , jasmine n me were chit-chating after we had our lunch merhs . thn he n his fren walk th direction whr we r . jasmine thn call-ed him , she juz ask him , "my fren wan ur num" . th guy juz gave it to jasmine siahs . after tat we go marina barrage , i wanna msg him , but i don dare . after we reach sch , we saw him again , thn jasmine juz gave him mine num . thn he msg wo , thn , aiya . long story . & , u knw wat he told me ? he say he from last yr jiu like me lerhs . i chua tio siahs ! last yr lehs . i cant believe . x.x" after th camp i was fcuk-in tired alrights . now thn post . & , mine phone SPOIL siahs ! OMT . idk how to survive without mine phone . now zan shi use uncle's phone . maybe tmr thn go fix it . i will miss mine phone vry much derhs ! D: hao narhs . jiu write dao heres , imys . takecares . {: --XIA0XUE~ <3 Thursday, March 5, 2009 ![]() nihao . {: sianns siahs . nothing to do or say . haihs . this is whad i cook-ed f0r mine HE exam . L0L . i didnt prepare anything lorhs , only th mifen . th jelly n orange is lisha g0t extra , give me derhs . th drink , actually is half cup derhs , i g0 add tap water . ;x th teacher take a spoon & try . she say not sweet . lawls . me n lisha laugh dao siaos . after tat i throw aways th drink , th mifen n jelly kept it , tats mine lunch lerhs . i no need waste money go bubble tea shop mammam . tats mondays . tue , i think we g0t back our math test paper 2 . i fail-ed . OMT . 8/20 siahs . i bu shi donknw how to do , is donknw use whad method . i was blurr-ed . everyday need stay back f0r 20mins for extra remedial . zz . ytd , g0t compre test , quite easy narhs , i do halfway , wanna dozz off lerhs . thn i quickly do , thn i juz lay on th table & orhorh . i cant believe i really orhorh qu . L0L . after sch , g0t CIP at th library . no need do until exactly 3hours lorhs . u do finish whad they ask u do jiu can go home lerhs . me n lynn gong gong , still sit thr slack . zz . after tat i rush home take papa's clothes go ahhma home . thn , i meet-ed lynn at mac study f0r today's math test . i didnt g0 sch todays . cus , i overslpt ? lmao . somemore i feel dizzy . cant even walk properly siahs . so i call mama & tell her . ltr i goin to c doc myself . zz . sianns . tmr thn g0 th CIP . heng g0t michelle pei me . if not i hui sianns dao . x.x" hao narhs . jiu write dao heres . i also nothing to write lerhs . anyways , takecares . imys . <33 --XIA0XUE~ {: Sunday, March 1, 2009 HEEHEE ! DA JIA HAO ~ LOOOOOOOOOOONG TIME NO C YEA ~ :B i stop mine post on 31jan . L0L . now free , post yi xia . (: hmmms , febuary , actually , nothing really happen lorhs . also nothing to write . SIANNS . g0t l0ts test lorhs . SCI , MATH , ENGLISH , CHINESE , LIT . zz . english , got oral practical . not one by one lorhs , is one person stand in front of everyone and speak . OMT . we were all so scare n nervous . keep dou heres n thr . HENG ! i g0t 38/50 . :B same as michelle . this few days keep wake up at 3+ - 4 . do wat ? AUDI . :B L0L . u sure say me keesot . yea , i m . and i donknw why , if i m tired , i always vry hyper derhs . lmao . mon home econ exam lerhs . idk wat to cook siahs . x.x" zz . i really hv nothing to write . btw , i change mine blogskin . i knw u will say , "i g0t eyes , cann tell ." but , juz to remind u , thought u blurr blurr , donknw merhs . :B lawls . hao narhs . c if i g0t anything else to write thn i post . i g0t nothing to say lerhs . somemore i bth , really need go lalaland . i go thr g0 c HELLOKITTY ~ POWERPUFF GIRLS ~ PUCCA ~ n MORE ~ heehee . i will pm u if i knw u r online . :B waaaaaaaan aaaan , nnonono , i mean zao annn everyone . candy nightmare dreams ! :B takecares . imys . bbyee <333333333333333333333 |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |