Friday, October 31, 2008
![]() ![]() BOOOOOHOOOOOO~~~ i m BACK~~ ;DD tue went ahhma h0me.. thn hweeling, weekiat n xia0gu als0 g0t g0 ahhma h0me..c0x ahhma wan bai 0u buey g0ng..c0x th next day is mammam zai.. thn suddenly.. NUER msg me.. she ask me i can g0 0ut in last min derhx marhx.. actually..i cann0t derhx.. c0x c th time.. 12 lerhx.. but thn i still went 0ut with her.. we went t0 east c0ast.. t0 meet her stead n his frenz.. everything g0ne vry LUAN.. haiyarhx.. d0nknw h0w t0 explain.. LOOOOOOOOONG st0ry.. anyways.. thn we at th HAI BIAN thr play sand, water n we even wr0te things on th sand.. thn at thr sit d0wn.. talk b0ut 0ur gan qing shi.. L0L.. after tat we went h0me.. wed, thur n fri.. WARHX~!!!! is s0 s0 s0 s0 s0 s0 sianx narhx.. ._. at ahhma h0me nth t0 d0.. keep 0rh0rh-in n thinkin 0f tat PERSON~!!! uhh..s0me 0f u sh0uld knw hurhx.. n0 need say until s0 ming sian.. ytd he c0r me.. n its like.. 2am lerhx lurhx..~!!!! thn talk talk talk.. he tmr g0t w0rk..s0 i ask him g0 0rh0rh first.. thn i als0 g0 0rh0rh lerhx.. idk y whn he c0r me talk.. i felt s0 happy.. keep laughin.. L0L.. haiix.. mai say lerhx.. h0pe i can get my PSP soon~!!!! ;DDD takecares~ missyous~ WHYIKEEPTHINKINOFYOU ! Friday, October 24, 2008 YOOOOHOOOO~~~ BACKY~~~ ;DD my mammi maybe buyin PSP f0r me!!! WWEEEEE~~ s0 happy lurhx.. HOLIHOLIS~!!! heehex.. but daddi tmr sure sc0ld w0.. c0x..tmr g0in take my result lerhx.. n i fail 3 sub lurhx.. HISTORY, HOME ECON n SCI.. haiix.. my studys vry BADD lurhx.. wed had a talk with hweeling.. she say..i maybe c0nfuse like n loves together lerhx.. maybe i really did lurhx.. c0x..after i left my ph0ne al0ne f0r 2 days..i d0n really hv tat feeling keep wantin t0 talk 0r msg him.. bef0re we meet g0t l0ts things say..n0w..nth t0 say at all lurhx.. hweeling als0 miss him lurhx.. i mean.. th one he like narhx..n0t mine.. >< ROAR~!!! d0n think s0 much lerhx.. juz happy derhx gu0 my HOLIS~!!!! g0in 0versea with hweeling, lala, qing, damian, peng k0rx..they all~~ on.. 17NOV~~ heehex.. think will be QUITE fun barhx.. thn..DEC..g0t chalet with em.. idk wanna g0 MRSTAN birth marhx.. hweeling als0 ask me g0 0ut..on .. 8NOV.. haiix.. idk lurhx.. vry BLURR~!!! anyways~ takecares uhh~ MISSYOUALLLOTS~!! ;D IWANNACRYBUTDONKNOWHOWTOCRYOUT ! Friday, October 17, 2008 BOOOHOOO~~!!!! lo0ng time nv bl0g lerhx.. HERES t0 p0st.. heehex.. i st0p at.. uhh.. uhh~!!! my last exam.. thn after tat..fri n0 ahh,a h0me wh0le day..i think.. L0L.. thn sat went t0 meet NUER.. she g0t a pr0b..vry sadd lurhx.. haiix.. NUER..gv up 0n him man~!!! 0ops~!! i mean w0man.. thn sun..g0 0ut with family.. m0n n tue..went sch..g0 learn G0LF lurhx.. quite fun.. SK s0t 0f th g0lf audi keep sayin g0lf thingy.. L0L.. thn play with karkar als0.. i play until i vry angry lurhx.. idk y~~!!!! i h0p tat r00m i g0 find sk play.. ytd ben lai ya0 gen NUER g0 0ut derhx..but is la0 mm died derhx 49th day.. s0 need g0 baibai her.. 12+pm reach h0me..actually can g0 0ut derhx..but vry tired.. s0 went 0rh0rhx lurhx.. thn t0day..she cann0t g0 0ut..s0 i went t0 find my mammii.. she bring me g0 da er dong.. MUAHAHAHHAHAH~~ shi t0ng da0~~!!!! need wear th ear ring f0r 1 m0nth thn can take 0ut lurhx.. which is..we g0 china tat time.. haiix..really vry BLURR~! idk..whether wo xi huan ta marhx.. ROAR~!!! don think lerhx.. LALALALAALALAL~~~~ MISSYOUALL ~~!!!! takecares~~ ;DD FOREVERLOVESWANTEDx33 Thursday, October 9, 2008 EXAMMSS 0VERR~~!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH~~!!!!! finally can relax lerhx.. t0day 20mins jiu finsh exam lerhx~!!!!! heehex.. CLC lurhx.. veh fast.. thn si mr wong say i hvent d0 th CIP.. i was like.. WTF??? i th0ught i did it lerhx.. thn g0 library..she nv 0pen..wait wait wait..thn she came..say she vry mang..write d0wn ur name thn she check.. WARHXKA0~!!! waste 0ur time..thn jasmine.., NUER (LYNN) n me g0 MAC mammam.. me n NUER saw s0me0ne tat we d0n like.. talk l0ts STUPID stuff.. thn i g0 h0me.. help k0rk0rx take his d0n knw wat b0ard.. 6.20 still need bring it t0 MRT f0r him~!!!! haix.. reach audi awhile with NUER, SK, PL, YC n PS.. thn after tat jiu 0ff lerhx..g0 ahhma h0me.. SSSTTTUUUPPPIIDDD narhx.. -Ice-- neh 0nline.. f0r VRY lo0o0o0o0ng~!!!! thn g0t a guy ask me wanna cpl with him marhx.. ACTIVE derhx lurhx.. scare i regret lurhx.. haiix... BREAK JIU BREAK LARHX~~!!! ROAR~~!!! i mean audi.. >< anyways.. think we silent break lerhx??? haiix.. donknw?? suan lerhx larhx..i sh0u g0u lerhx.. anyways~~ MISSYOUALL~~!!!! ;DDD x33333 FOREVERLOVES WANTED~!! x33 Sunday, October 5, 2008 hall0ws~ back fr0m 0utings lurhx.. yiwen birth ytd.. s0 we went 0ut lurhx.. yiwen, hweeling, qing, y0nghwee, binbin k0rx, kaikai, damian, binbin k0rx stead, huizhuang jie, xiany0ng k0rx n their aunt went t0gether.. PLUS me of c0x.. L0L.. we g0 walk walk awhile..they buy li wu gv yiwen.. hweeling, peng k0rx, xia0pang n me share m0ney buy d0ram0n gv yiwen..c0x she cha0 ai doram0n.. haiix..i share money c0x i d0n hv m0ney lerhx.. haiix.. YIWEN~!! pr0mise u next yr sure buy s0mething fr0m myself f0r u..~!!! ;D thn we g0 shaw tower mammam steamb0at.. they all veh s0t derhx lurhx.. call n call n call f0r f00d again n again n again.. n0t after 5min call again.. L0L.. we say they vry pikchek..keep takin f0od c0me.. L0L.. warhx.. we talk l0ts vry vry vry funny things.. really laugh until s0ts0t lerhx.. after tat we g0 sing K.. saty thr over nitex lurhx.. with kaikai, huizhuang jie, yonghwee, damian, hweeling n xiany0ng k0rx lurhx.. xiany0ng k0rx at thr 0f us at thr sing.. hweeling n damian nv sing derhx lurhx.. haiix.. thn we take th earliest mrt g0 h0me.. reach h0me 0rh0rhx awhile thn wake up lerhx..g0in 0ut with k0rx lurhx.. whole aftern0on playin arcade n lan.. haiix.. thn we g0 walk walk.. he b0ught ELMO f0r me lurhx.. thn we take bus h0me t0 aljunied mrt..thn he pei me walk h0me lurhx.. we g0 slack slack awhile..until 5.20 thn he need g0 meet his frenz..s0 he pei me until wo jia l0u xia..thn he g0 lerhx.. reach h0me audi 2r0unds thn i g0 ahhma h0me lerhx.. reach ahhma h0me.. K-0 lerhx.. juz lie 0n bed thn went t0 my LALARHX land lerhx.. 0rh0rhx until 11.30.. gugu ask me wake up..g0in h0me lerhx.. thn g0 h0me lurhx..reach h0me 0n c0m..p0st bl0g lerhx.. L0L.. haiix.. tats all lurhx.. takecares uhh..~!!! ;D FOREVERLOVESWANTED~!!! Friday, October 3, 2008 hall0ws~!!! ;DD nth t0 talk lurhx.. haiix... wed went t0 0rh0rhx early.. thurs wanted t0 wake up early t0 d0 my art sketches.. i put alarm 4am.. i an dia0 n went t0 my LALARHX land again.. heng g0t my k0rx wake me up..he need g0 w0rk marhx..sun bian wake me up..5.30 thn i wake up d0 my sketches..i was s0 gan ji0ng lurhx.. scare late f0r sch..s0 anyh0w d0..i hvent even finish lurhx.. lisha came my home print her pic..i ask her help me sketch.. thn whn bout 10mins bef0re we g0in t0 sch..she t0ld me is n0t find cookin key pad/lock.. WARHXX~~!!! i was like.. ==..WTF~~!!?? thn g0 sch..heng michelle g0t print a extra f0r lisha..thn i cut s0me pic n paste on my pic.. lisha teach me derhx.. L0L.. thn i anyh0w enlarge it 0n my exam drawin block lurhx.. n0t th same as i sketch on my paper.. haiix.. nvmind.. h0pe can pass jiu ha0.. thn g0 ST.. after ti ta still need pa0 qi.. i nv run much..d0n feel like running.. reach t0 him..until 1am..n0 w0nder i t0day wanna 0rh0rhx during exam.. L0L.. today s0t lerhx.. LIT lehx..~!!! secti0n B n C buais lerhx lurhx.. write vry few.. secti0n A hai 0kayx.. whn i d0 halfway.. my circuit g0in shut d0wn lerhx.. idk wat happen..i juz suddenly w0ke up.. L0L.. think is emily keep smiling at me.. haiix.. quest 1 vry funny lurhx.. 10marks.. i only write 3-4 lines.. jasmine gen li hai.. 2 lines only.. s0t derhx.. nth t0 write lurhx.. gv 10marks.. haiix.. ltr g0in 0ut with yiwen they all.. her birth lurhx.. actually don wanna g0 derhx.. but i need t0 buy s0mething.. f0r m0u ren.. xD hsienyung k0rx birth c0ming lerhx.. muz rmb buy things f0r him.. ;DD tonitex thn p0st wat happen whn i g0 0ut.. L0L.. takecares~!!!! ;DD FOREVERLOVESWANTED~!! >< |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at |