Tuesday, September 30, 2008
ytd st lurhx..i sing sing sing..ca yi dian jiu ku lerhx..!! haiix.. vry ps lurhx.. i walk first one lehx..thn walk derhx all zi ji ren.. L0L.. really miss ytd.. thn t0day neh g0 sch.. t0day last day lerhx.. we sent her zui h0u yi cheng lurhx.. it rains vry big..hweeling t0ld me is la0 mm cryin..she als0 don bear t0 leave us.. yarhx..me t0o..really miss her l0ts.. thn we g0 mandai ..whn c her push in.. warhx.. bui da han.. really cry.. haiix.. thn g0 put her gu hui.. thn g0 back eat lunch.. haiix.. REALLLYYY VRY SSSSAAADDDD N MMMIISSSS HHHHEEERRR SSSOOOO MMMMUUUCCCHHH~~~!!!! my heart hurts..but juz s0metime don knw h0w t0 cry 0ut..really wish thrs a pers0n wh0 can lend me his/her shoulder n listening ear.. but juz don knw wh0 can lend it t0 me.. haiixx..its 0kayx.. if u knw wat happen t0 me..don tell any0ne.. thurs g0 back muz really be happy..jiu suan cant smile als0 muz smile.. haiix.. don say lerhx.. say m0re i m0re ge sim.. takecares~~!!!! FOREVERLOVESWANTED~!! Sunday, September 28, 2008 t0day at h0me play audi wh0le m0rning n aftern00n lurhx.. >< haiix.. DEARIES (audi cpl) neh 0nline lurhx.. ROAR~!! h0pe he can online narhx.. haiixx... after tat daddi c0me back h0me fetch us g0 la0 mm thr.. hweeling als0 g0t c0me my h0use.. n 0ne i cant believe is true derhx is..i at audi..a guy wanna add me in msn.. s0 i gv him my add..thn hweeling saw it..she say she think is her frenx..she g0 in hers n check.. WWWOOOOTTTSS~!!!! really vry vry vry qia0 l0rhx.. it IS really her FRENX.. thn we take daddi car g0 d0wn.. after tat.. bout 11+..kent0n k0rx call me talk talk lurhx.. we talk until 2am..thn i say my eyes popin out lerhx..wanna g0 0rh0rhx.. he talk l0ts b0 lia0x derhx tings lurhx.. like wat.. uhh.. he is th hottest guy.. i was like 0.0.. L0L.. l0ts things really happen t0 me at th same time lurhx.. LOVES..my exams.. n0w.. haiix.. really vry SSSSAAADDDD, SSSTTRRREEESSSS~~ n BLURYBLUR n0w.. i really don knw wat t0 d0.. kent0n k0rx really veh veh g0od t0 me lerhx..but d0n 0verd0 it lurhx.. he keep askin me t0 sat happy..don sadd.. yarhx.. i knw..but its really hard f0r me t0 me happy n0w..all i can say is.. i TRY.. anyways.. thx k0rx f0r cheerin me up n be my listening ear.. ;D FOREVERLOVESWANTED~!! Saturday, September 27, 2008 ytd..i went sch f0r exam..ge0grahy n math lurhx.. ge0 haiha0..math.. warhx sia0x lurhx.. first questi0ns d0 wr0ng..last min cann0t d0 lerhx..thn i found 0ut i did wr0ng.. laus.. after tat g0 bubble tea sh0p thr derhx c0ffee sh0p mammam.. finish thn me, jasmine send lynn (my nuer) h0me.. th0ught wanna g0 slack ar0und derhx..but jasmine wanna g0 find jessica at kallang.. s0 i g0 ahh ma h0me lurhx.. i reach ahh ma h0me..i went n p0m p0m first.. whn c0me 0ut saw th auntie c0me d0wn n cut hair f0r ahh ma..as her leg n0t fang bian t0 walk..thn i 0n th tv..awhile b0ut 1min ltr..heard ahh ma house phone ring..went n ans it.. its xia0gu lurhx..wanna find ahh ma..but ahh ma cutting hair..thn she ask me ask ahh ma ltr call her..thn she tell me a vry vry vry BADNEWS~!!! she t0ld me la0 mm pass away lerhx..la0 mm is my ahh gong derhx k0rx derhx la0p0.. warhx.. i was like .. WTF?? thn i quickly call my mammi n tell her lurhx..i msg me 2 k0rx als0.. kent0n k0rx als0 knw..he g0t comfort me lurhx..he pei me talk until i 0rh0rhx..(SMS) haiix.. THX KORX~~!!! haiix.. really don knw h0w..tue n0t g0in sch..wanna send la0 mm.. heng tue n0 exams.. ROAR~!!!!! don think lerhx.. yue think yue fan.. FOREVERLOVESWANTED~~!!! Wednesday, September 24, 2008 haiix..t0day at h0me ec0n lesson i cry.. L0L.. i always thought i had let him g0.. but t0day i disc0ver tat he like DL.. i think she like him t0o.. i g0t tat guaiguai derhx feeling like i g0nna like him again..but i will stop this feeling..c0x.. heehex.. LL~~!!! L0L.. i cann0t think much b0ut him lerhx.. muz c0ntr0l..but any0ne can teach me h0w t0 let g0?? h0pe next year w0nt same class as him.. >< FOREVERLOVESWANTED~~!!! Saturday, September 20, 2008 HALL0WS~~ lo0oong time n0 c uhh.. >< this few days nv think s0 muz lerhx.. he nv msg me i als0 nv msg him.. haiixx... don knw narhx.. anyways.. ytd EOY chinese exam lurhx.. veh hard.. don knw wat t0 write.. heng i still hv time t0 rewrite my c0mp0.. if n0t my paper vry luan lurhx.. L0L.. h0pe i can pass.. as well as every0ne~~~ ;D this week nv happen anything interesting lurhx.. s0 i nv p0st my bl0g.. haiixx.. + exams c0ming lerhx.. i mean.. starting lerhx.. next thurs g0t english exam.. GEOGRAPHY~~~!!! hate it lurhx.. tat one i confirm fail.. al0t 0f things t0 rmb.. hist0ry also .. sci als0.. WWWAAARRRHHHXXX...~~~!!! fan narhx.. haiix... juz d0 my BEST~~!!! JIIAYOUUSS EVERYONE~~!!!! ;DDD tag me lurhx.. tagb0ard dead lerhx.. L0L.. takecares~~!!!! ILAMKL~IAATLH~LHHAA~ >< Saturday, September 13, 2008 ![]() haiix..i m vry fan n blurblur n0w.. IDKWBUWHM..i m vry sure tat i still like him..but..whnever i msg him.. he always nv reply derhx..he s0metime will reply..but 0nly reply 4-5times thn nv reply lerhx..n is n0t until 0r ltr reply me l0rhx..is t0tally nv reply lerhx.. i felt vry sadd..but wat can i d0..?? we hv stead f0r 256days lerhx..which is 8months 11days..i m vry surprised tat we can last f0r s0 l0o0ng.. L0L..s0 wat.. we stead f0r s0 l0ng..0nly went 0ut t0gether juz 0nce? juz 0nly 0nce?? d0 u believe??? L0L.. we can 1m0nth(+) nv msg each 0ther ..whn we msg ..still th same..reply few times thn nv reply lerhx.. always i msg him derhx.. yarhx..he did msg me..but..its 0nly like 2-3times 0nly lurhx.. L0L..if its u..u sure will break with him derhx rite.. al0ts ppl t0ld me t0 break with him..but thr nth i can d0..c0x ILHL.. i cant bear t0 l0se him.. --thrs s0mething..0nce u l0se it..it will nv ever c0me back-- i m really scare t0 l0se him..n0r i wanna l0se him..but th m0re i m scare ..thn m0re it will happen..isn't it..??? if i nv g0 0ut with him thn i w0nt think s0o many things lerhx.. haiix..but..things tat r d0ne cann0t be und0ne.. s0.. yarhx.. i cant c the future..s0 juz let th time g0 n c wat will happen lurhx.. >< ILNMYL~! IASTLY~~!! LYHAA~!!! >< ![]() MII, EQ n S derhx H0NEY~~ >< L0L..our swts H0NEY~~ heehex.. xD we at class t0u t0u pai derhx w0rhx.. >< SWTS SWTS F0REVER~~~ xD Saturday, September 6, 2008 hall0ws~~!!!! heehex.. t0day i was s0 s0 HAPPY~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went 0ut with lingx~~!!!!!! MUHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH~~!!!!! he meet me at algunied MRT.. i vry l0o0ong nv see him lerhx..f0rg0t h0w he l0ok like.. warhx~!!!! whn i first saw him .. i was like..s0 surprised n sh0ck narhx.. he l0ok quite shuai narhx..BUT~~!!!! he lo0k vry CCCCCCCUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEESSSSSSSS~~~~!!!!!! 0mg0sh... heehex.. thn we talk MRT t0 dh0by gauht..we g0 plaza sing see m0vie.. he b0ught the tickets first lurhx..went thr thn tell me.. haiixx... nvmind.. AAHHH~~!!!! f0rg0t t0 return him m0ney.. 0ops~ ltr msg him tell him.. thn still g0t half an h0ur..we at thr slack here slack thr..thn talk bit..n0t much lurhx..idk wat t0 say.. xD thn we went in n sit..thn talk bit..thn the m0vie starts.. at first lie 0n his sh0ulder..thn.. he t0ok up the the the..uhh..u can put ur hand thr derhx tat one..he t0ok up n put his arm over me n i lie 0n his chest.. i can hear his heart pumps vry fast lurhx.. thn watch finish we g0 mammam..he mammam 0nly..i d0n wan.. L0L.. thn sit thr think whr t0 g0..in the end g0 h0me.. L0L..he pei me g0 h0me lurhx.. he pei me walk back t0 circuit road narhx..~~!!! i mean..n0t frm plaza sing t0 circuit road narhx..i mean we take MRT to algunied..thn he pei me walk h0me.. walk wlk walk..thn he t0ld me vry far..thn i feel tat he like next time don wanna send me home lerhx.. haiiyarhx.. d0n knw lurhx.. reach h0me thn saw k0rx n his frenz at our house.. warhx~~!!!! shi cha0 du0 derhx lurhx.. lingx als0 saw..the sh0es.. L0L.. thn i g0 play audi few r0unds thn g0 bath thn n0w g0in t0 my ahh ma h0me lerhx..t0nitex cant 0nline..tmr g0t w0rk..think 8 muz reach lerhx.. haiix.. s0 early.. i can 0nline lurhx.. only whn my daddi g0 0rh0rhx lerhx.. think is bout 1+-2+??? L0L.. haiix... i miss lingx L0TS~~!!!!!!!! L0ves him L0TS t0o~~!!!!! xD tats all narhx.. rmb t0 TAG me bef0re u g0 uhh.. takecares..~~!!!! ;D Tuesday, September 2, 2008 ![]() heehex..~ mii n qing handph0ne p0uch..!!! L0ves l0ves~! we n0t les uhh.. we r juz best frenz~~!!!! ;D cutes ritex.. xD uhh~~!!!! t0day at tk...!!!! cha0 ha0 xia0 larhx~~!!!! whn i was at ti ta.. thn cui di ta 0ne h0rhx..whn he nv cui h0rhx..u knw wat he did...? *giggle* he pa his armpit serhx.. 0MT..!!!! me n yiwen saw..we laugh until s0ts0t lerhx.. hweeling knw she als0 laugh.. L0Lx.. SSSHHHHHSSSHHHH~~ d0n tell any0ne w0rhx.. xD my piglet dr0p lerhx..~~~~!!!! Lala buy f0r mii derhx..hweeling gv mii derhx clip is thr t0o~~!!! awwhs... h0pe it dr0p at uncle's car..thn he saw..next time can gv it t0 mii.. i miss my PIGLET~~!!!!!!!!!! *sniff* tats all nurhx.. ILY n IMY ~~!!! mwackys~!! *hughugs* takecares uhh~~!!! ;D |
This is my blog. I write whatever I want. You've no right to judge me. Continue to stay if you are happy. Not happy? S-C-R-A-M. :D Tyvm. :D ![]() Vera / Jiayun. ♥ First cry on 02Jan'95. I'm single. Respect and treat me like how you want me to treat you. ^^ I'm a fan of SHINee, B2st, B1A4, BTOB. Overall, I'm friendly and a little insane, feel free to add me in facebook/twitter @veramissyou. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go. " She’s a little girl, living in her perfect world Until the bad guy come, and tore everything apart.." ![]() Name: Kim Jonghyun. Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun. DOB: April 8th, 1990. Position: Lead Vocal. ![]() DOB: June 6, 1991. Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D. Name: Son Dong Woon. Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese. ![]() DOB: November 18, 1991. Name: Jung Jinyoung. Position: Leader, Vocalist. ![]() Name: Shin Dong Geun. Stage Name: Peniel. Birthday: March 10, 1993. Position: Vocalist, Dancer. the sites. Angie. Damian. Dionis. Emily. Geoffrey. Huixin. Hweeling. Recca. Joycelyn. Jieyun. Joslyn. Julia. Jesslyn. Kevin. Kyrene. Lynnie. Liru. Lisha. Michelle. Shiwen. Sean. Sean. Sophia. Tyco. Weiting. Yiwen. Yiping. Vera Luvz ![]() Create Your Badge • Add if you want. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 October 2012 November 2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() Create a playlist at MixPod.com |